procedure matrixvector(n:integer);
var i,j:integer;
for i<-1 to n do begin
B[i] = 0;
C[i] = 0;
for j<-1 to i do
B[i]<- B[i]+ A[i,j];
for j<-n down to i+1 do
C[i]<-C[i] + A[i,j]
3 个解决方案
O(n^2), if I read it right.
O(n ^ 2),如果我读得对。
Why you need two inner loops is beyond me. Why not sum B and C in the same loop?
worst case is O(n²).
there are indeed three loops, but not all inside each other, thus giving O(n²).
also, you can clearly see that the inner loops won't go from 1 to n (like the outer loop does). But because this would only change the time complexity by some constant, we can ignore this and say that it is just O(n^2).
另外,你可以清楚地看到内部循环不会从1变为n(就像外部循环一样)。但是因为这只会将时间复杂度改变一些常数,我们可以忽略它并说它只是O(n ^ 2)。
This shows that time complexity is a measure saying: your algorithm will scale with this order, and it won't ever take any longer. (faster is however always possible)
这表明时间复杂度是一种衡量标准:您的算法将按此顺序进行扩展,并且不会再花费更长时间。 (但总是可以更快)
for more information about "calculating" the worst case complexity of any algorithm, I can point you to a related question I asked earlier
Just explaining in detail for beginners:
Outermost for loop will run n times (0 to n) Then there are two for loops within the out ermost for loop. First for loop will go from 1 to n (1+2+3+4+.....+n) And the second for loop will go from n to 1 (n+n-1+n-2+....+1)
最外面的循环将运行n次(0到n)然后在最外面的for循环中有两个for循环。第一个for循环将从1变为n(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ..... + n)并且第二个for循环将从n变为1(n + n-1 + n-2 + .. .. + 1)
The summation formula for (1+2+3+4+5+....+n ) is n(n+1)/2
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ...... + n)的求和公式为n(n + 1)/ 2
so the total running time can be computed as n + n(n+1)/2 + n(n+1)/2
所以总运行时间可以计算为n + n(n + 1)/ 2 + n(n + 1)/ 2
Observe the highest polynomial in this equation, it is n^2.
观察该等式中的最高多项式,它是n ^ 2。
We can further simplify this equation and drop the constants and ignore the linear part, which will give us a run time of n^2.
我们可以进一步简化这个等式并删除常数并忽略线性部分,这将给出n ^ 2的运行时间。
O(n^2), if I read it right.
O(n ^ 2),如果我读得对。
Why you need two inner loops is beyond me. Why not sum B and C in the same loop?
worst case is O(n²).
there are indeed three loops, but not all inside each other, thus giving O(n²).
also, you can clearly see that the inner loops won't go from 1 to n (like the outer loop does). But because this would only change the time complexity by some constant, we can ignore this and say that it is just O(n^2).
另外,你可以清楚地看到内部循环不会从1变为n(就像外部循环一样)。但是因为这只会将时间复杂度改变一些常数,我们可以忽略它并说它只是O(n ^ 2)。
This shows that time complexity is a measure saying: your algorithm will scale with this order, and it won't ever take any longer. (faster is however always possible)
这表明时间复杂度是一种衡量标准:您的算法将按此顺序进行扩展,并且不会再花费更长时间。 (但总是可以更快)
for more information about "calculating" the worst case complexity of any algorithm, I can point you to a related question I asked earlier
Just explaining in detail for beginners:
Outermost for loop will run n times (0 to n) Then there are two for loops within the out ermost for loop. First for loop will go from 1 to n (1+2+3+4+.....+n) And the second for loop will go from n to 1 (n+n-1+n-2+....+1)
最外面的循环将运行n次(0到n)然后在最外面的for循环中有两个for循环。第一个for循环将从1变为n(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ..... + n)并且第二个for循环将从n变为1(n + n-1 + n-2 + .. .. + 1)
The summation formula for (1+2+3+4+5+....+n ) is n(n+1)/2
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ...... + n)的求和公式为n(n + 1)/ 2
so the total running time can be computed as n + n(n+1)/2 + n(n+1)/2
所以总运行时间可以计算为n + n(n + 1)/ 2 + n(n + 1)/ 2
Observe the highest polynomial in this equation, it is n^2.
观察该等式中的最高多项式,它是n ^ 2。
We can further simplify this equation and drop the constants and ignore the linear part, which will give us a run time of n^2.
我们可以进一步简化这个等式并删除常数并忽略线性部分,这将给出n ^ 2的运行时间。