
时间:2021-07-12 05:19:50

I'm trying to integration the ehcache implementation of jcache to work with spring. So I have a facade defined like this:


@Component(value = "sampleFacade")
 @CacheDefaults(cacheName = "default")
 public class SampleFacadeImpl implements SampleFacade

   @CacheResult(cacheName = "site")
    public SitePojo getSiteForUid(final String uid)
        System.out.println("getting the site for uid: " + uid);

        final SitePojo pojo = new SitePojo();

        return pojo;

and a java based configuration that looks like this:


@EnableCaching(mode = AdviceMode.PROXY)
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.test" })
public class TestConfig implements CachingConfigurer
   public ApplicationContext context;

   @Bean(name = { "defaultKeyGenerator", "keyGenerator" })
   public KeyGenerator keyGenerator() {
       return new SimpleKeyGenerator();

   @Bean(name = { "defaultCacheManager", "cacheManager" })
   public CacheManager cacheManager() {
       final JCacheCacheManager cacheManager = new JCacheCacheManager();
       cacheManager.setCacheManager((javax.cache.CacheManager) context.getBean("cacheManagerFactoryBean"));

       return cacheManager;

   @Bean(name = { "defaultCacheManagerFactoryBean", "cacheManagerFactoryBean" })
   protected JCacheManagerFactoryBean defaultCacheManagerFactoryBean() {
       return new JCacheManagerFactoryBean();

and a test that calls the facade 10 times:


public void testGetSiteForUid() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

but the result is passing through the method 10 times:


getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid
getting the site for uid: uid

You can find a sample project to reproduce it here: https://github.com/paranoiabla/spring-cache-test


1 个解决方案



JCache support is a new feature of Spring 4.1. You are using 4.0.4 which does not have this support yet.

JCache支持是Spring 4.1的一个新特性。您使用的是4.0.4,目前还没有这种支持。

Spring Framework 4.1 has not been released yet. You can try a snapshot by adding the following to your project

Spring Framework 4.1尚未发布。您可以通过在项目中添加以下内容来尝试快照。

    <name>Springframework Snapshot Repository</name>

And flip the spring.version to 4.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT


I have forked your project and updated it here so that it works as it should. Checking what I've changed would help you understand what was missing.


NOTE: your JSR-107 cache manager is wrong. You should create a javax.cache.CacheManager and once you have it you should wrap it to a Spring's CacheManager. Keep in mind you could just as well declare any CacheManager there and it would work (SimpleCacheManager, GuavaCacheManager, etc).




JCache support is a new feature of Spring 4.1. You are using 4.0.4 which does not have this support yet.

JCache支持是Spring 4.1的一个新特性。您使用的是4.0.4,目前还没有这种支持。

Spring Framework 4.1 has not been released yet. You can try a snapshot by adding the following to your project

Spring Framework 4.1尚未发布。您可以通过在项目中添加以下内容来尝试快照。

    <name>Springframework Snapshot Repository</name>

And flip the spring.version to 4.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT


I have forked your project and updated it here so that it works as it should. Checking what I've changed would help you understand what was missing.


NOTE: your JSR-107 cache manager is wrong. You should create a javax.cache.CacheManager and once you have it you should wrap it to a Spring's CacheManager. Keep in mind you could just as well declare any CacheManager there and it would work (SimpleCacheManager, GuavaCacheManager, etc).
