lecture7,Training Neural Networks, Part 2

时间:2021-05-21 04:26:44

1,Fancier optimization


  • Very slow progress along shallow dimension, jitter along steep direction。if loss changes quickly in one direction and slowly in another.
  • local minima or saddle point


A, sgd+momentum 试图解决sgd中鞍点和极小值点的问题

vx = 0
while true
    dx = compute_gradient(x)
    vx  = rho * vx + dx
    x -= learning_rate * vx
while true
    dx = compute_gradient(x)
    vx  = rho * vx - learning_rate *dx
    x += vx

B, AdaGrad 试图解决sgd中zigzag的问题

grad_squared = 0
while true
    dx = compute_gradient(x)
    grad_squared += dx * dx
    x -= learning_rate * dx / (np.sqrt(grad_squared) + 1e-7)


C, RMSProp,利用decay限制了grad_squared的增加

grad_squared = 0
while true
    dx = compute_gradient(x)
    grad_squared = decay_rate * grad_squared + (1-decay) * dx * dx
    x -= learning_rate * dx / (np.sqrt(grad_squared) + 1e-7)

D, Adam 结合了momentum和RMSProp

first_moment = 0
second_moment = 0
for t in range(num_iterations):
    dx = compute_gradient(x)
    first_moment = beta1 * first_moment + (1-beta)* dx## Momentum
    second_moment = beta2 * second_moment + (1 - beta2) * dx * dx##RMSProp

    ##Bias correction for the fact thatfirst and second moment estimates start at zero
    first_unbias = first_moment / (1 - beta1 ** t)
    second_unbias = second_moment / (1 - beta2 ** t)

    x -= learning_rate * first_unbias / (np.sqrt(second_unbias) + 1e-7)## Momentum

Adam with beta1 = 0.9,beta2 = 0.999, and learning_rate = 1e-3 or 5e-4is a great starting point for many models!


2.1,dropout :

It is forced to learn more robust features that are useful in conjunction with many different random subsets of the other neurons.
The neurons which are“dropped out” in this way do not contribute to the forward pass and do not participate in back-propagation .At test time, we use all the neurons but multiply their outputs by “drop out” rate.(-nips 2012 Alex etc.)

2.2,data augmentation

1,horizontal filps
2,Random crops and scales

  • Training: sample random crops / scales
    1. Pick random L in range [256, 480]
    2. Resize training image, short side = L
    3. Sample random 224 x 224 patch
  • Testing: average a fixed set of crops
    1. Resize image at 5 scales: {224, 256, 384, 480, 640}
    2. For each size, use 10 224 x 224 crops: 4 corners + center, + flips

3,PCA jittering

现有数据矩阵 X ,元素分别为 x1,x2,..,xN ,目的:求一个向量 u 使这些元素经过该向量映射后的方差最大

即求使下式取最大值时 u 的值

S=1NNk=1(xkxmean)(xTkxTmean) , u 为单位向量( uTu=1 ),对 u 求导得到: Suλu=0 ,
所以 u S 的特征向量,维数大小与数据相同。