
时间:2022-10-19 04:26:14

I have a certain file type that contains a column with floats which I read in using insert



unfortunately, sometimes the values in column happen to be all integers and in the txt file the are saved as ints, not floats, so as 1 instead of 1.0 and it seems kdb is throwing a type error. Is there a way make kdb accept ints saved in that format as floats?

不幸的是,有时列中的值碰巧都是整数,在txt文件中,这些值被保存为int,而不是float,所以从1到1.0,kdb似乎抛出了一个类型错误。kdb是否有办法接受以那种格式保存为浮点数的ints ?

I do have a lot of columns with floats and theoretically, the problem can appear in any of them. Is there some way to tell kdb on insert to treat any int as float if the column type is float?


1 个解决方案



The 'type error is actually happening from your insert. You are trying to insert some parsed data, but the types of each column are not conforming to the types of each column in 'table'. You are basically saying that your raw data can contain floats, therefore you are going to have to read them in as floats. What you do with that column after the parse is up to you though.


1) keep as floats, read in as floats, insert as floats, column should be a float in 'table' pre-read (I presume this is what you want going by your question):

1)保持为float, read in as float, insert as float, column should be a float in in in 'table' pre-read(我猜这就是你要问的):

update "f"$COLUMN from `table
`table insert (1#"F";1#"\t") 0:`myfile.txt   

2) update to an integer and then insert into 'table' - you are going to have update the schema of table first, read in as floats, and then run an update after every read:


update "i"$COLUMN from `table
`table insert update "i"COLUMN from (1#"F";1#"\t") 0:`myfile.txt

Another option you may want to consider, but please test first as it may replace too much, is to replace the trailing ".0" from your floats, and then just read in as integers:


q)\cd /var/tmp
q)`:myfile.txt 0:("x\tx1";"1.0\t2.0";"3.0\t1.0")
q)\sed -i -e 's/.0//g' myfile.txt



The 'type error is actually happening from your insert. You are trying to insert some parsed data, but the types of each column are not conforming to the types of each column in 'table'. You are basically saying that your raw data can contain floats, therefore you are going to have to read them in as floats. What you do with that column after the parse is up to you though.


1) keep as floats, read in as floats, insert as floats, column should be a float in 'table' pre-read (I presume this is what you want going by your question):

1)保持为float, read in as float, insert as float, column should be a float in in in 'table' pre-read(我猜这就是你要问的):

update "f"$COLUMN from `table
`table insert (1#"F";1#"\t") 0:`myfile.txt   

2) update to an integer and then insert into 'table' - you are going to have update the schema of table first, read in as floats, and then run an update after every read:


update "i"$COLUMN from `table
`table insert update "i"COLUMN from (1#"F";1#"\t") 0:`myfile.txt

Another option you may want to consider, but please test first as it may replace too much, is to replace the trailing ".0" from your floats, and then just read in as integers:


q)\cd /var/tmp
q)`:myfile.txt 0:("x\tx1";"1.0\t2.0";"3.0\t1.0")
q)\sed -i -e 's/.0//g' myfile.txt