
时间:2020-12-05 04:27:49

This is a .h file to store formulas but it gives me the ERROR you see at the tittle on line #16(below the string). I'm a beginner and the error says is not constant so I though of putting "const" before the "float" but it doesn't work either way.



float a;
float Pi=3.1415926536;
float r;
float b;
float c;
float h;

char formula_volume_cube[100] = "Formula for the Volume of a Cube: V=a*a*a";
const float volume_cube=(a*a*a);


Any help will be appreciated. THANK you for YOUR time.


2 个解决方案



Global variables in C can only be initialized with compile-time constant expressions, and that is a very narrow class of expressions. It essentially only comprises literals or expressions involving literals:


float a1 = 1.5;                   // OK
const float a2 = 2.5 * 10 / 300;  // Also OK

An expression that identifies another global variable is not a compile-time constant expression:


// float a3 = a2;                 // Error!

C is just not expressive enough for this. This is all for the sake of simplicity. For example, C does not distinguish between const float b1 = 2.5; and extern const float b2;. The variable b1 is no "more const" than b2, but only b1's value is known to the compiler, whereas b2's value is not known — it may be set only by a different translation unit, and without any ordering. So there's no way to make one constant "more constant" than the other. The simple solution in C is that no id-expression can be used as a compile-time constant.

C只是不够表达。这都是为了简单起见。例如,C不区分const float b1 = 2.5;和外部的const float b2;。变量b1并不比b2更“const”,但是编译器只知道b1的值,而b2的值是未知的——它只能由一个不同的翻译单元来设置,并且没有任何排序。所以没有办法让一个常数比另一个常数“更稳定”。在C中简单的解是没有任何的id表达式可以作为编译时常量。

(C++, by contrast, allows global variables to have dynamic initializers. This introduces a whole set of ordering concerns if one global variable's initializer depends on another global variable. C has none of those problems.)




The message


Error: Initializer Element is not constant


pretty much says it all


float a;

is not declared as a constant (it can change as the program runs), so


const float volume_cube=(a*a*a);

cannot be a constant, as it is based on the non-constant a.




Global variables in C can only be initialized with compile-time constant expressions, and that is a very narrow class of expressions. It essentially only comprises literals or expressions involving literals:


float a1 = 1.5;                   // OK
const float a2 = 2.5 * 10 / 300;  // Also OK

An expression that identifies another global variable is not a compile-time constant expression:


// float a3 = a2;                 // Error!

C is just not expressive enough for this. This is all for the sake of simplicity. For example, C does not distinguish between const float b1 = 2.5; and extern const float b2;. The variable b1 is no "more const" than b2, but only b1's value is known to the compiler, whereas b2's value is not known — it may be set only by a different translation unit, and without any ordering. So there's no way to make one constant "more constant" than the other. The simple solution in C is that no id-expression can be used as a compile-time constant.

C只是不够表达。这都是为了简单起见。例如,C不区分const float b1 = 2.5;和外部的const float b2;。变量b1并不比b2更“const”,但是编译器只知道b1的值,而b2的值是未知的——它只能由一个不同的翻译单元来设置,并且没有任何排序。所以没有办法让一个常数比另一个常数“更稳定”。在C中简单的解是没有任何的id表达式可以作为编译时常量。

(C++, by contrast, allows global variables to have dynamic initializers. This introduces a whole set of ordering concerns if one global variable's initializer depends on another global variable. C has none of those problems.)




The message


Error: Initializer Element is not constant


pretty much says it all


float a;

is not declared as a constant (it can change as the program runs), so


const float volume_cube=(a*a*a);

cannot be a constant, as it is based on the non-constant a.
