
时间:2022-01-02 04:04:52

#define NULL 0    
#define OK   1    
#define ERROR 0      
#include <stdio.h>       
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Lnode
 int data;    
 struct Lnode *next;

void InitList_Lk(Lnode *L, int n)
 Lnode *p;   
 int i; 
  printf("input %d data:/n",i);   
  p=(Lnode *)malloc(sizeof(Lnode)); 

void output (Lnode *L)
 Lnode *p; 
 for(p=L->next;p;p=p->next) printf("%5d",p->data); 

int ListInsert_Lk(Lnode *L,int i,int e)
 Lnode *p,*s; 
 int j;
 for(p=L,j=0;p&&j<i-1;p=p->next)   j++;
 if(!p||j>=i) return ERROR;
    s=(Lnode *)malloc(sizeof(Lnode)); 
 return OK;

int ListDelete_L(Lnode *L,int i,int *e)
 Lnode *p,*s; 
 int j;
 for(p=L,j=0;p->next&&j<i-1;p=p->next)   ++j;
 if(!(p->next)||(j>=i)) return ERROR;
 *e=s->data; free(s);
 return OK;

int LocateElem_L(Lnode *L,int e)
 Lnode *p; 
 int j;
 for(p=L,j=0;p&&p->data!=e;p=p->next) j++;
 if (!p) return (ERROR);
 if(p->data==e) return j;
 else return ERROR;

int GetElem_Lk(Lnode *L,int i,int *e)
 Lnode *p;
 int j; 
 if(!p||(j>i)) return ERROR;
 return OK;

void main()
 Lnode Lb; 
 int i,d=1,c,x,y;
  printf("input mode:/n");
  printf("1:creat  2:output  3:insert  4:delete  5:locate  6:get  7:exit/n");
   case 1:
    InitList_Lk(&Lb,3);  break;
   case 2:
    output(&Lb);  break;
   case 3:
    printf("input the inserted num&&data:/n");
    if(y) printf("that's OK!/n");
    else printf("Sorry!/n");
   case 4:
    printf("input the deleted num:/n");
    if(y) printf("the data %d deleted./n",x);
    else printf("the data not found./n");
   case 5:
    printf("input the located data:/n");
    if(y) printf("/nthe data is %dth./n",y);
    else printf("/nthe data not found./n");
   case 6:
    printf("/ninput the num:/n");
    if(y)  printf("/nthe %dth data is %d./n",i,x);
    else printf("/n the data not found./n");
   case 7:       d=0;    break;   