
时间:2021-11-15 03:58:31







<pre name="code" class="cpp">GLOG_logtostderr=1$TOOLS/convert_imageset \
--resize_height=$RESIZE_HEIGHT \
--resize_width=$RESIZE_WIDTH \
--shuffle \
$TRAIN_DATA_ROOT \ 图像数据集存放的根目录
$DATA/train.txt \ 图像的ID和对应的分类标签数字
$EXAMPLE/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb lmdb文件保存的路径

65ILSVRC2012_val_00000002.JPEG ,65应该是对应的标签,后面的是图像的编号id。






#include <fstream> // NOLINT(readability/streams)
#include <string>
#include "boost/scoped_ptr.hpp"//智能指针头文件
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "caffe/util/db.hpp" //引入包装好的lmdb操作函数
#include "caffe/util/io.hpp" //引入opencv中的图像操作函数
#include "caffe/util/rng.hpp"



using namespace caffe;  // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
using std::pair;
using boost::scoped_ptr;



2 gflags宏定义参数


DEFINE_bool(gray, false,"When thisoption is on, treat images as grayscale ones");//是否为灰度图片
DEFINE_bool(shuffle, false,"Randomlyshuffle the order of images and their labels");//定义洗牌变量,是否随机打乱数据集的顺序
DEFINE_string(backend, "lmdb","The backend {lmdb, leveldb} for storing the result");//默认转换的数据类型
DEFINE_int32(resize_width, 0, "Width images areresized to");//定义resize的尺寸,默认为0,不转换尺寸
DEFINE_int32(resize_height, 0, "Height imagesare resized to");
DEFINE_bool(check_size, false,"When this optionis on, check that all the datum have the samesize");
DEFINE_bool(encoded, false,"When this option ison, the encoded image will be save in datum");//用于转换数据格式的
DEFINE_string(encode_type, "","Optional:What type should we encode the image as ('png','jpg',...).");//要转换的数据格式

3 main()函数


3.1 通过gflags宏定义接收命令行中传入的参数

  const boolis_color = !FLAGS_gray;  //通过gflags把宏定义变量的值,赋值给常值变量
const boolcheck_size = FLAGS_check_size; //检查图像的size
const boolencoded = FLAGS_encoded;//是否编译(转换)图像格式
const stringencode_type = FLAGS_encode_type;//要编译的图像格式


std::ifstream infile(argv[2]);//创建指向train.txt文件的文件读入流

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > lines;//定义向量变量,向量中每个元素为一个pair对,pair对有两个成员变量,一个为string类型,一个为int类型;其中string类型用于存储文件名,int类型,感觉用于存数对应类别的id

如val.txt中前几个字符为“ILSVRC2012_val_00000001.JPEG65ILSVRC2012_val_00000002.JPEG”;感觉这个string= ILSVRC2012_val_00000001.JPEG   int=65


int label;

3.2.2 读取数据


  while (infile>> filename >> label) {
lines.push_back(std::make_pair(filename, label));


  if(FLAGS_shuffle) {
// randomlyshuffle data
LOG(INFO)<< "Shuffling data";
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">//洗牌函数,使用随机生成器g对元素[first,last)容器内部元素进行随机排列</span>

 shuffle(lines.begin(), lines.end());//vector.begin() - 回传一个Iterator迭代器,它指向 vector 第一个元素。}

3.4以智能指针的方式创建db::DB类型的对象 db

db->Open(argv[3], db::NEW);//argv[3]的文件夹下创建并打开lmdb的操作环境

3.5 源数据中提取图像数据

3.5.1 通过ReadImageToDatum函数把图像数据读取到datum中


status= ReadImageToDatum(root_folder + lines[line_id].first,lines[line_id].second, resize_height,resize_width, is_color,enc, &datum); //把图像数据读取到datum中
3.5.2  ReadImageToDatum函数说明





3.5.3 检查数据尺寸

if (check_size) {//检查图片尺寸
if (!data_size_initialized) {//若data_size_initialized没有初始化
data_size = datum.channels() *datum.height() * datum.width();
data_size_initialized = true;
} else {
const std::string& data;
CHECK_EQ(data.size(), data_size)<< "Incorrect data field size "<< data.size();

3.6   序列化键和值并放入临时数据库

// sequential
intlength = snprintf(key_cstr, kMaxKeyLength, "%08d_%s", line_id,lines[line_id].first.c_str());//若line_id=1234,lines[line_id].first=“abc.jpeg” 则 key_str=00001234_abc.jpeg,length=00001234_abc.jpeg字符串的长度
// Put in db
string out;
txn->Put(string(key_cstr, length), out);//把键值对放入到数据库
3.7 批量提交到lmdb文件

if (++count % 1000 == 0) {
// Commit db
LOG(ERROR) << "Processed" << count << " files.";


4.1 Convert_imageset.cpp文件

// This program converts a set of images to a lmdb/leveldb by storing them
// as Datum proto buffers.
// Usage:
// where ROOTFOLDER is the root folder that holds all the images, and LISTFILE
// should be a list of files as well as their labels, in the format as
// subfolder1/file1.JPEG 7
// ....

#include <algorithm>//输出数组的内容、对数组进行升幂排序、反转数组内容、复制数组内容等操作,
#include <fstream> // NOLINT(readability/streams)
#include <string>
#include <utility>//utility头文件定义了一个pair类型
#include <vector>//会自动扩展容量的数组

#include "boost/scoped_ptr.hpp"
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"

#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"
#include "caffe/util/db.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/io.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/rng.hpp"

using namespace caffe; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
using std::pair;
using boost::scoped_ptr;

DEFINE_bool(gray, false,
"When this option is on, treat images as grayscale ones");
DEFINE_bool(shuffle, false,
"Randomly shuffle the order of images and their labels");//洗牌,随机打乱数据集的顺序
DEFINE_string(backend, "lmdb",
"The backend {lmdb, leveldb} for storing the result");
DEFINE_int32(resize_width, 0, "Width images are resized to");
DEFINE_int32(resize_height, 0, "Height images are resized to");
DEFINE_bool(check_size, false,
"When this option is on, check that all the datum have the same size");
DEFINE_bool(encoded, false,
"When this option is on, the encoded image will be save in datum");//用于转换数据格式的
DEFINE_string(encode_type, "",
"Optional: What type should we encode the image as ('png','jpg',...).");//要转换的数据格式

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

namespace gflags = google;

gflags::SetUsageMessage("Convert a set of images to the leveldb/lmdb\n"
"format used as input for Caffe.\n"
" convert_imageset [FLAGS] ROOTFOLDER/ LISTFILE DB_NAME\n"
"The ImageNet dataset for the training demo is at\n"
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

if (argc < 4) {
gflags::ShowUsageWithFlagsRestrict(argv[0], "tools/convert_imageset");
return 1;
//arg[1] 训练集存放的地址,arg[2] train.txt(估计是训练集中所有图片的文件名称),arg[3] 要保存的文件名称xxlmdb
const bool is_color = !FLAGS_gray; //通过gflags把宏定义变量的值,赋值给常值变量
const bool check_size = FLAGS_check_size; //检查图像的size
const bool encoded = FLAGS_encoded;//是否编译(转换)图像格式
const string encode_type = FLAGS_encode_type;//要编译的图像格式

std::ifstream infile(argv[2]);//定义指向train.txt数据文件的文件读入流
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > lines;//定义向量变量,向量中每个元素为一个pair对,pair对有两个成员变量,一个为string类型,一个为int类型
std::string filename;
int label;
while (infile >> filename >> label) {
lines.push_back(std::make_pair(filename, label));//make_pair是pair模板中定义的给pair对象赋值的函数,push_back()函数是vector对象的一个成员函数,用来在末端添加新元素
if (FLAGS_shuffle) {
// randomly shuffle data
LOG(INFO) << "Shuffling data";
//洗牌函数,使用随机生成器g对元素[first, last)容器内部元素进行随机排列
shuffle(lines.begin(), lines.end());//vector.begin() - 回传一个Iterator迭代器,它指向 vector 第一个元素。
LOG(INFO) << "A total of " << lines.size() << " images.";

if (encode_type.size() && !encoded)
LOG(INFO) << "encode_type specified, assuming encoded=true.";

int resize_height = std::max<int>(0, FLAGS_resize_height);
int resize_width = std::max<int>(0, FLAGS_resize_width);

// Create new DB
scoped_ptr<db::DB> db(db::GetDB(FLAGS_backend));
db->Open(argv[3], db::NEW);//argv[3]的文件夹下打开创建lmdb的操作环境
scoped_ptr<db::Transaction> txn(db->NewTransaction());//创建lmdb文件的操作句柄

// Storing to db
std::string root_folder(argv[1]);//把源数据文件的地址复制给root_folder
Datum datum;//声明数据“转换”对象
int count = 0;
const int kMaxKeyLength = 256;
char key_cstr[kMaxKeyLength];
int data_size = 0;
bool data_size_initialized = false;

for (int line_id = 0; line_id < lines.size(); ++line_id) {
bool status;
std::string enc = encode_type; //enc为空串,则enc.size()=false;否则为true
if (encoded && !enc.size()) {
// Guess the encoding type from the file name
string fn = lines[line_id].first;//把图像的文件名赋值给fn(filename)
size_t p = fn.rfind('.');//rfind函数的返回值是一个整形的索引值,直线要查找的字符在字符串中的位置;若没有找到,返回string::npos
if ( p == fn.npos )
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to guess the encoding of '" << fn << "'";
enc = fn.substr(p);//找到了,就截取文件名”.“后面的字符串,以获得图像格式字符串
std::transform(enc.begin(), enc.end(), enc.begin(), ::tolower);//将enc字符串转换成小写
status = ReadImageToDatum(root_folder + lines[line_id].first,
lines[line_id].second, resize_height, resize_width, is_color,enc, &datum); //把图像数据读取到datum中
if (status == false) continue;//status=false,说明此张图片读取错误;“跳过”继续下一张
if (check_size) {//检查图片尺寸
if (!data_size_initialized) {//若data_size_initialized没有初始化
data_size = datum.channels() * datum.height() * datum.width();
data_size_initialized = true;
} else {
const std::string& data =;
CHECK_EQ(data.size(), data_size) << "Incorrect data field size "
<< data.size();
// sequential
int length = snprintf(key_cstr, kMaxKeyLength, "%08d_%s", line_id,
lines[line_id].first.c_str());//若line_id=1234,lines[line_id].first=“abc.jpeg” 则 key_str=00001234_abc.jpeg,length=00001234_abc.jpeg字符串的长度

// Put in db
string out;
txn->Put(string(key_cstr, length), out);//把键值对放入到数据库

if (++count % 1000 == 0) {
// Commit db
LOG(ERROR) << "Processed " << count << " files.";
// write the last batch
if (count % 1000 != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Processed " << count << " files.";
return 0;
4.2 io.cpp文件

#include <fcntl.h>#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h>#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>#include <stdint.h>#include <algorithm>#include <fstream>  // NOLINT(readability/streams)#include <string>#include <vector>#include "caffe/common.hpp"#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"#include "caffe/util/io.hpp"const int kProtoReadBytesLimit = INT_MAX;  // Max size of 2 GB minus 1 byte.namespace caffe {using google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream;//文件输入流using google::protobuf::io::FileOutputStream;//文件输出流using google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream;//These interfaces are different from classic I/O streams in that they try to minimize the amount of data copying that needs to be doneusing google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream;using google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream;using google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream;using google::protobuf::Message;bool ReadProtoFromTextFile(const char* filename, Message* proto) {//从文本文件中读入proto文件  int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);  CHECK_NE(fd, -1) << "File not found: " << filename;  FileInputStream* input = new FileInputStream(fd);  bool success = google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(input, proto);  delete input;  close(fd);  return success;}void WriteProtoToTextFile(const Message& proto, const char* filename) {//想文本文件中写入proto文件  int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);  FileOutputStream* output = new FileOutputStream(fd);  CHECK(google::protobuf::TextFormat::Print(proto, output));  delete output;  close(fd);}bool ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(const char* filename, Message* proto) {//从二进制文件读入proto  int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);  CHECK_NE(fd, -1) << "File not found: " << filename;  ZeroCopyInputStream* raw_input = new FileInputStream(fd);  CodedInputStream* coded_input = new CodedInputStream(raw_input);  coded_input->SetTotalBytesLimit(kProtoReadBytesLimit, 536870912);  bool success = proto->ParseFromCodedStream(coded_input);  delete coded_input;  delete raw_input;  close(fd);  return success;}void WriteProtoToBinaryFile(const Message& proto, const char* filename) {//把proto写入二进制文件中  fstream output(filename, ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);  CHECK(proto.SerializeToOstream(&output));}//基本上讲 Mat 是一个类,由两个数据部分组成:矩阵头(包含矩阵尺寸,存储方法,存储地址等信息)和//一个指向存储所有像素值的矩阵的指针(根据所选存储方法的不同矩阵可以是不同的维数)。//矩阵头的尺寸是常数值,但矩阵本身的尺寸会依图像的不同而不同,通常比矩阵头的尺寸大数个数量级。因此,当在程序中传递图像并创建拷贝时,//大的开销是由矩阵造成的,而不是信息头。OpenCV是一个图像处理库,囊括了大量的图像处理函数,为了解决问题通常要使用库中的多个函数,//因此在函数中传递图像是家常便饭。同时不要忘了我们正在讨论的是计算量很大的图像处理算法,因此,除非万不得已,我们不应该拷贝 大 的图像,因为这会降低程序速度。cv::Mat ReadImageToCVMat(const string& filename,    const int height, const int width, const bool is_color) {//读取图片到CVMat中,cv::Mat ,Mat数据结构式opencv2.0以后的特定的数据类型  cv::Mat cv_img;  int cv_read_flag = (is_color ? CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR :    CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);  cv::Mat cv_img_origin = cv::imread(filename, cv_read_flag);//读取图片内容  if (! {    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open or find file " << filename;    return cv_img_origin;  }  if (height > 0 && width > 0) {    cv::resize(cv_img_origin, cv_img, cv::Size(width, height));  } else {    cv_img = cv_img_origin;  }  return cv_img;}cv::Mat ReadImageToCVMat(const string& filename,//读取图片到CVMat中,重载1    const int height, const int width) {  return ReadImageToCVMat(filename, height, width, true);}cv::Mat ReadImageToCVMat(const string& filename,//读取图片到CVMat中,重载2    const bool is_color) {  return ReadImageToCVMat(filename, 0, 0, is_color);}cv::Mat ReadImageToCVMat(const string& filename) {//读取图片到CVMat中,重载3  return ReadImageToCVMat(filename, 0, 0, true);}// Do the file extension and encoding match?static bool matchExt(const std::string & fn, //匹配拓展名称?                     std::string en) {  size_t p = fn.rfind('.');//查找"."字符,若找到则返回“.”在字符串中的位置,找不到则返回npos  std::string ext = p != fn.npos ? fn.substr(p) : fn;//如果字符串fn中存在".“,则截取字符串p  std::transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), ::tolower);//把ext变成小写  std::transform(en.begin(), en.end(), en.begin(), ::tolower);  if ( ext == en )    return true;  if ( en == "jpg" && ext == "jpeg" )    return true;  return false;}bool ReadImageToDatum(const string& filename, const int label,//把图片读到 Datum中    const int height, const int width, const bool is_color,    const std::string & encoding, Datum* datum) {  cv::Mat cv_img = ReadImageToCVMat(filename, height, width, is_color);//先把数据读到cv::Mat类型矩阵中  if ( {//Mat矩阵中数据指针Mat.data是uchar类型指针,矩阵中的元素应该是uchar类型;该语句是判断cv_img中是否有数据    if (encoding.size()) {//是否需要编码      if ( (cv_img.channels() == 3) == is_color && !height && !width &&          matchExt(filename, encoding) )        return ReadFileToDatum(filename, label, datum);      std::vector<uchar> buf;      cv::imencode("."+encoding, cv_img, buf);//感觉这行代码的作用是把cv_img中的值赋值给buf      datum->set_data(std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buf[0]),                      buf.size()));      datum->set_label(label);      datum->set_encoded(true);//感觉是一种编码函数      return true;    }    CVMatToDatum(cv_img, datum);    datum->set_label(label);    return true;  } else {    return false;  }}bool ReadFileToDatum(const string& filename, const int label,    Datum* datum) {  std::streampos size;  fstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate);  if (file.is_open()) {    size = file.tellg();    std::string buffer(size, ' ');    file.seekg(0, ios::beg);[0], size);    file.close();    datum->set_data(buffer);    datum->set_label(label);    datum->set_encoded(true);    return true;  } else {    return false;  }}cv::Mat DecodeDatumToCVMatNative(const Datum& datum) {  cv::Mat cv_img;  CHECK(datum.encoded()) << "Datum not encoded";  const string& data =;  std::vector<char> vec_data(data.c_str(), data.c_str() + data.size());  cv_img = cv::imdecode(vec_data, -1);  if (! {    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not decode datum ";  }  return cv_img;}cv::Mat DecodeDatumToCVMat(const Datum& datum, bool is_color) {  cv::Mat cv_img;  CHECK(datum.encoded()) << "Datum not encoded";  const string& data =;  std::vector<char> vec_data(data.c_str(), data.c_str() + data.size());  int cv_read_flag = (is_color ? CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR :    CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);  cv_img = cv::imdecode(vec_data, cv_read_flag);  if (! {    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not decode datum ";  }  return cv_img;}// If Datum is encoded will decoded using DecodeDatumToCVMat and CVMatToDatum// If Datum is not encoded will do nothingbool DecodeDatumNative(Datum* datum) {  if (datum->encoded()) {    cv::Mat cv_img = DecodeDatumToCVMatNative((*datum));    CVMatToDatum(cv_img, datum);    return true;  } else {    return false;  }}bool DecodeDatum(Datum* datum, bool is_color) {  if (datum->encoded()) {    cv::Mat cv_img = DecodeDatumToCVMat((*datum), is_color);    CVMatToDatum(cv_img, datum);    return true;  } else {    return false;  }}void CVMatToDatum(const cv::Mat& cv_img, Datum* datum) {  CHECK(cv_img.depth() == CV_8U) << "Image data type must be unsigned byte";  datum->set_channels(cv_img.channels());  datum->set_height(cv_img.rows);  datum->set_width(cv_img.cols);  datum->clear_data();  datum->clear_float_data();  datum->set_encoded(false);  int datum_channels = datum->channels();  int datum_height = datum->height();  int datum_width = datum->width();  int datum_size = datum_channels * datum_height * datum_width;  std::string buffer(datum_size, ' ');  for (int h = 0; h < datum_height; ++h) {    const uchar* ptr = cv_img.ptr<uchar>(h);    int img_index = 0;    for (int w = 0; w < datum_width; ++w) {      for (int c = 0; c < datum_channels; ++c) {        int datum_index = (c * datum_height + h) * datum_width + w;        buffer[datum_index] = static_cast<char>(ptr[img_index++]);      }    }  }  datum->set_data(buffer);}。。。。。
五, 以上代码注释为个人理解,如有遗漏,错误还望大家多多交流,指正,以便共同学习,进步!!