
时间:2021-07-19 13:29:40

I am learning C++ and I've just started learning about some of Qt's capabilities to code GUI programs. I asked myself the following question:


How does C++, which previously had no syntax capable of asking the OS for a window or a way to communicate through networks (with APIs which I don't completely understand either, I admit) suddenly get such capabilities through libraries written in C++ themselves? It all seems terribly circular to me. What C++ instructions could you possibly come up with in those libraries?


I realize this question might seem trivial to an experienced software developer but I've been researching for hours without finding any direct response. It's gotten to the point where I can't follow the tutorial about Qt because the existence of libraries is incomprehensible to me.


15 个解决方案



A computer is like an onion, it has many many layers, from the inner core of pure hardware to the outermost application layer. Each layer exposes parts of itself to the next outer layer, so that the outer layer may use some of the inner layers functionality.


In the case of e.g. Windows the operating system exposes the so-called WIN32 API for applications running on Windows. The Qt library uses that API to provide applications using Qt to its own API. You use Qt, Qt uses WIN32, WIN32 uses lower levels of the Windows operating system, and so on until it's electrical signals in the hardware.

例如,Windows操作系统为运行在Windows上的应用程序公开了所谓的WIN32 API。Qt库使用该API为自己的API提供使用Qt的应用程序。你使用Qt, Qt使用WIN32, WIN32使用Windows操作系统的较低级别,等等,直到它成为硬件中的电子信号。



You're right that in general, libraries cannot make anything possible that isn't already possible.


But the libraries don't have to be written in C++ in order to be usable by a C++ program. Even if they are written in C++, they may internally use other libraries not written in C++. So the fact that C++ didn't provide any way to do it doesn't prevent it from being added, so long as there is some way to do it outside of C++.


At a quite low level, some functions called by C++ (or by C) will be written in assembly, and the assembly contains the required instructions to do whatever isn't possible (or isn't easy) in C++, for example to call a system function. At that point, that system call can do anything your computer is capable of, simply because there's nothing stopping it.




C and C++ have 2 properties that allow all this extensibility that the OP is talking about.


  1. C and C++ can access memory
  2. C和c++可以访问内存
  3. C and C++ can call assembly code for instructions not in the C or C++ language.
  4. C和c++可以调用汇编代码来获取不使用C或c++语言的指令。

In the kernel or in a basic non-protected mode platform, peripherals like the serial port or disk drive are mapped into memory map in the same way as RAM is. Memory is a series of switches and flipping the switches of the peripheral gets you serial port or disk drive to do useful things.


In a protected mode operating system, when one wants to access the kernel from userspace (say when writing to the file system or to draw a pixel on the screen) one needs to make a system call. C has not instruction to make a system call but C can call assembler code that can trigger the correct system call which allows one's C code to talk to the kernel.


In order to make programming a particular platform easier, system calls are wrapped in more complex functions what may perform some useful function within one's own program. One is free to call the system calls directly (using assembler) but it is probably easier to just make use of one of the wrapper functions that the platform supplies.


There is another level of API that are a lot more useful than a system call. Take for example malloc. Not only will this call the system to obtain large blocks of memory but will manage this memory by doing all the book keeping on what is take place.


Win32 APIs wrap some graphic functionality with a common platform widget set. Qt takes this a bit further by wrapping the Win32 (or X Windows) API in a cross platform way.

Win32 API使用通用平台小部件集包装一些图形功能。

Fundamentally though a C compiler turns C code into machine code and since the computer is designed to use machine code, you should expect C to be able to accomplish the lions share or what a computer can do. All that the wrapper libraries do is do the heavy lifting for you so that you don't have to.

虽然C编译器将C代码转换为机器码,而且由于计算机是用来使用机器码的,因此您应该期望C能够完成lions share或计算机可以做什么。包装库所做的就是为您完成繁重的工作,这样您就不必这样做了。



Languages (like C++11) are specifications, on paper, usually written in English. Look inside the latest C++11 draft (or buy the costly final spec from your ISO vendor).

语言(如c++ 11)是书面的规范,通常用英语编写。查看最新的c++ 11草案(或从您的ISO供应商购买昂贵的最终规范)。

You generally use a computer with some language implementation (You could in principle run a C++ program without any computer, e.g. using a bunch of human slaves interpreting it; that would be unethical and inefficient)


Your C++ implementation general works above some operating system and communicate with it (using some implementation specific code, often in some system library). Generally that communication is done thru system calls. Look for instance into syscalls(2) for a list of system calls available on the Linux kernel.


From the application point of view, a syscall is an elementary machine instruction like SYSENTER on x86-64 with some conventions (ABI)


On my Linux desktop, the Qt libraries are above X11 client libraries communicating with the X11 server Xorg thru X Windows protocols.

在我的Linux桌面,Qt库位于与X11服务器Xorg通过X Windows协议通信的X11客户端库之上。

On Linux, use ldd on your executable to see the (long) list of dependencies on libraries. Use pmap on your running process to see which ones are "loaded" at runtime. BTW, on Linux, your application is probably using only free software, you could study its source code (from Qt, to Xlib, libc, ... the kernel) to understand more what is happening

在Linux上,在可执行文件上使用ldd查看库上的(长)依赖项列表。在运行过程中使用pmap来查看哪些在运行时被“加载”。在Linux上,您的应用程序可能只使用*软件,您可以研究它的源代码(从Qt,到Xlib, libc,…)了解更多正在发生的事情。



I think the concept you are missing is system calls. Each operating system provides an enormous amount of resources and functionality that you can tap into to do low-level operating system related things. Even when you call a regular library function, it is probably making a system call behind the scenes.


System calls are a low-level way of making use of the power of the operating system, but can be complex and cumbersome to use, so are often "wrapped" in APIs so that you don't have to deal with them directly. But underneath, just about anything you do that involves O/S related resources will use system calls, including printing, networking and sockets, etc.


In the case of windows, Microsoft Windows has its GUI actually written into the kernel, so there are system calls for making windows, painting graphics, etc. In other operating systems, the GUI may not be a part of the kernel, in which case as far as I know there wouldn't be any system calls for GUI related things, and you could only work at an even lower level with whatever low-level graphics and input related calls are available.




Good question. Every new C or C++ developer has this in mind. I am assuming a standard x86 machine for the rest of this post. If you are using Microsoft C++ compiler, open your notepad and type this (name the file Test.c)

好问题。每个新的C或c++开发人员都考虑到了这一点。我假设这篇文章的其余部分是标准的x86机器。如果您正在使用Microsoft c++编译器,请打开记事本,输入以下内容(命名为Test.c文件)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   return 0

And now compile this file (using developer command prompt) cl Test.c /FaTest.asm

现在编译这个文件(使用developer command prompt) cl测试。c / FaTest.asm

Now open Test.asm in your notepad. What you see is the translated code - C/C++ is translated to assembler. Do you get the hint ?

现在开启测试。在你的记事本asm。您看到的是被翻译的代码——C/ c++被翻译成汇编程序。明白了吗?

_main   PROC
    push    ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    xor eax, eax
    pop ebp
    ret 0
_main   ENDP

C/C++ programs are designed to run on the metal. Which means they have access to lower level hardware which makes it easier to exploit the capabilities of the hardware. Say, I am going to write a C library getch() on a x86 machine.

C/ c++程序是为在金属上运行而设计的。这意味着它们可以访问较低级别的硬件,从而更容易地利用硬件的功能。例如,我将在x86机器上编写一个C库getch()。

Depending on the assembler I would type something this way :


_getch proc 
   xor AH, AH
   int 16h
   ;AL contains the keycode (AX is already there - so just return)

I run it over with an assembler and generate a .OBJ - Name it getch.obj.

我用汇编程序运行它并生成一个。obj -命名为getch.obj。

I then write a C program (I dont #include anything)


extern char getch();

void main(int, char **)

Now name this file - GetChTest.c. Compile this file by passing getch.obj along. (Or compile individually to .obj and LINK GetChTest.Obj and getch.Obj together to produce GetChTest.exe).

现在将这个文件命名为GetChTest.c。通过通过getch来编译这个文件。obj。(或单独编译为.obj和LINK GetChTest。Obj getch。Obj一起生成GetChTest.exe)。

Run GetChTest.exe and you would find that it waits for the keyboard input.


C/C++ programming is not just about language. To be a good C/C++ programmer you need to have a good understanding on the type of machine that it runs. You will need to know how the memory management is handled, how the registers are structured, etc., You may not need all these information for regular programming - but they would help you immensely. Apart from the basic hardware knowledge, it certainly helps if you understand how the compiler works (ie., how it translates) - which could enable you to tweak your code as necessary. It is an interesting package!

C/ c++编程不仅仅是语言。要成为一个优秀的C/ c++程序员,你需要对它运行的机器类型有一个很好的理解。您将需要了解内存管理是如何处理的,寄存器是如何结构的,等等,您可能不需要所有这些信息来进行常规编程——但是它们将极大地帮助您。除了基本的硬件知识之外,如果您理解编译器的工作原理(即),那么肯定会有所帮助。——它能使你在必要时调整你的代码。这是一个有趣的包裹!

Both languages support __asm keyword which means you could mix your assembly language code too. Learning C and C++ will make you a better rounded programmer overall.


It is not necessary to always link with Assembler. I had mentioned it because I thought that would help you understand better. Mostly, most such library calls make use of system calls / APIs provided by the Operating System (the OS in turn does the hardware interaction stuff).

不需要总是与汇编程序链接。我提到这一点是因为我认为这会帮助你更好地理解。大多数情况下,大多数此类库调用都使用操作系统提供的系统调用/ api(操作系统依次执行硬件交互)。



How does C++ ... suddenly get such capabilities through libraries written in C++ themselves ?


There's nothing magical about using other libraries. Libraries are simple big bags of functions that you can call.


Consider yourself writing a function like this


void addExclamation(std::string &str)

Now if you include that file you can write addExclamation(myVeryOwnString);. Now you might ask, "how did C++ suddenly get the capability to add exclamation points to a string?" The answer is easy: you wrote a function to do that then you called it.


So to answer your question about how C++ can get capabilities to draw windows through libraries written in C++, the answer is the same. Someone else wrote function(s) to do that, and then compiled them and gave them to you in the form of a library.


The other questions answer how the window drawing actually works, but you sounded confused about how libraries work so I wanted to address the most fundamental part of your question.




The key is the possibility of the operating system to expose an API and a detailed description on how this API is to be used.


The operating system offers a set of APIs with calling conventions. The calling convention is defining the way a parameter is given into the API and how results are returned and how to execute the actual call.


Operating systems and the compilers creating code for them play nicely together, so you usually have not to think about it, just use it.




There is no need for a special syntax for creating windows. All that is required is that the OS provides an API to create windows. Such an API consists of simple function calls for which C++ does provide syntax.


Furthermore C and C++ are so called systems programming languages and are able to access arbitrary pointers (which might be mapped to some device by the hardware). Additionally, it is also fairly simple to call functions defined in assembly, which allows the full range of operations the processor provides. Therefore it is possible to write an OS itself using C or C++ and a small amount of assembly.


It should also be mentioned that Qt is a bad example, as it uses a so-called meta compiler to extend C++' syntax. This is however not related to it's ability to call into the APIs provided by the OS to actually draw or create windows.




First, there's a little misunderstading, I think


How does C++, which previously had no syntax capable of asking the OS for a window or a way to communicate through networks


There is no syntax for doing OS operations. It's the question of semantics.


suddenly get such capabilities through libraries written in C++ themselves


Well, the operating system is writen mostly in C. You can use shared libraries (so, dll) to call the external code. Additionally, the operating system code can register system routines on syscalls* or interrupts which you can call using assembly. That shared libraries often just make that system calls for you, so you are spared using inline assembly.


Here's the nice tutorial on that: http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/lk/lk-4.html
It's for Linux, but the principles are the same.


How the operating system is doing operations on graphic cards, network cards etc? It's a very broad thema, but mostly you need to access interrupts, ports or write some data to special memory region. Since that operations are protected, you need to call them through the operating system anyway.




In an attempt to provide a slightly different view to other answers, I shall answer like this.


(Disclaimer: I am simplifying things slightly, the situation I give is purely hypothetical and is written as a means of demonstrating concepts rather than being 100% true to life).


Think of things from the other perspective, imagine you've just written a simple operating system with basic threading, windowing and memory management capabilities. You want to implement a C++ library to let users program in C++ and do things like make windows, draw onto windows etc. The question is, how to do this.


Firstly, since C++ compiles to machine code, you need to define a way to use machine code to interface with C++. This is where functions come in, functions accept arguments and give return values, thus they provide a standard way of transferring data between different sections of code. They do this by establishing something known as a calling convention.


A calling convention states where and how arguments should be placed in memory so that a function can find them when it gets executed. When a function gets called, the calling function places the arguments in memory and then asks the CPU to jump over to the other function, where it does what it does before jumping back to where it was called from. This means that the code being called can be absolutely anything and it will not change how the function is called. In this case however, the code behind the function would be relevant to the operating system and would operate on the operating system's internal state.


So, many months later and you've got all your OS functions sorted out. Your user can call functions to create windows and draw onto them, they can make threads and all sorts of wonderful things. Here's the problem though, your OS's functions are going to be different to Linux's functions or Windows' functions. So you decide you need to give the user a standard interface so they can write portable code. Here is where QT comes in.


As you almost certainly know, QT has loads of useful classes and functions for doing the sorts of things that operating systems do, but in a way that appears independent of the underlying operating system. The way this works is that QT provides classes and functions that are uniform in the way they appear to the user, but the code behind the functions is different for each operating system. For example QT's QApplication::closeAllWindows() would actually be calling each operating system's specialised window closing function depending on the version used. In Windows it would most likely call CloseWindow(hwnd) whereas on an os using the X Window System, it would potentially call XDestroyWindow(display,window).

正如您几乎肯定知道的那样,QT有很多有用的类和函数来执行操作系统所做的工作,但其方式似乎与底层操作系统无关。它的工作方式是QT提供的类和函数在用户看来是一致的,但是每个操作系统的函数后面的代码是不同的。例如QT的QApplication::closeAllWindows()实际上会根据所使用的版本调用每个操作系统的专用窗口关闭函数。在Windows中,它最有可能调用关闭窗口(hwnd),而在使用X Window系统的操作系统上,它可能会调用XDestroyWindow(显示,窗口)。

As is evident, an operating system has many layers, all of which have to interact through interfaces of many varieties. There are many aspects I haven't even touched on, but to explain them all would take a very long time. If you are further interested in the inner workings of operating systems, I recommend checking out the OS dev wiki.

显而易见,操作系统有许多层,所有这些层都必须通过多种接口进行交互。有很多方面我都没有涉及到,但要解释它们都需要很长时间。如果您对操作系统的内部工作更感兴趣,我建议您查看OS dev wiki。

Bear in mind though that the reason many operating systems choose to expose interfaces to C/C++ is that they compile to machine code, they allow assembly instructions to be mixed in with their own code and they provide a great degree of freedom to the programmer.

请记住,许多操作系统选择将接口公开给C/ c++的原因是它们编译为机器码,它们允许将汇编指令与自己的代码混合在一起,它们为程序员提供了很大程度的*。

Again, there is a lot going on here. I would like to go on to explain how libraries like .so and .dll files do not have to be written in C/C++ and can be written in assembly or other languages, but I feel that if I add any more I might as well write an entire article, and as much as I'd love to do that I don't have a site to host it on.

这里还有很多。我想继续解释库,所以和. dll文件不需要用C / c++编写的,可以写在组装或其他语言,但是我觉得如果我添加任何更多的我也可以写一整篇文章,和我想一样,我没有网站主办。



When you try to draw something on the screen, your code calls some other piece of code which calls some other code (etc.) until finally there is a "system call", which is a special instruction that the CPU can execute. These instructions can be either written in assembly or can be written in C++ if the compiler supports their "intrinsics" (which are functions that the compiler handles "specially" by converting them into special code that the CPU can understand). Their job is to tell the operating system to do something.


When a system call happens, a function gets called that calls another function (etc.) until finally the display driver is told to draw something on the screen. At that point, the display driver looks at a particular region in physical memory which is actually not memory, but rather an address range that can be written to as if it were memory. Instead, however, writing to that address range causes the graphics hardware to intercept the memory write, and draw something on the screen.
Writing to this region of memory is something that could be coded in C++, since on the software side it's just a regular memory access. It's just that the hardware handles it differently.
So that's a really basic explanation of how it can work.




Your C++ program is using Qt library (also coded in C++). The Qt library will be using Windows CreateWindowEx function (which was coded in C inside kernel32.dll). Or under Linux it may be using Xlib (also coded in C), but it could as well be sending the raw bytes that in X protocol mean "Please create a window for me".

您的c++程序正在使用Qt库(也用c++编写)。Qt库将使用Windows CreateWindowEx函数(在kernel32.dll中用C编写)。或者在Linux下,它可能使用Xlib(也用C编码),但它也可能发送原始字节,在X协议中,这意味着“请为我创建一个窗口”。

Related to your catch-22 question is the historical note that “the first C++ compiler was written in C++”, although actually it was a C compiler with a few C++ notions, enough so it could compile the first version, which could then compile itself.


Similarly, the GCC compiler uses GCC extensions: it is first compiled to a version then used to recompile itself. (GCC build instructions)




How i see the question this is actually a compiler question.


Look at it this way, you write a piece of code in Assembly(you can do it in any language) which translates your newly written language you want to call Z++ into Assembly, for simplicity lets call it a compiler (it is a compiler).


Now you give this compiler some basic functions, so that you can write int, string, arrays etc. actually you give it enough abilities so that you can write the compiler itself in Z++. and now you have a compiler for Z++ written in Z++, pretty neat right.

现在你给这个编译器一些基本的函数,这样你就可以写int, string, array等等,你给它足够的能力,这样你就可以用Z++来写编译器了。现在你有了一个用Z++写的编译器,非常棒。

Whats even cooler is that now you can add abilities to that compiler using the abilities it already has, thus expanding the Z++ language with new features by using the previous features


An example, if you write enough code to draw a pixel in any color, then you can expand it using the Z++ to draw anything you want.




The hardware is what allows this to happen. You can think of the graphics memory as a large array (consisting of every pixel on the screen). To draw to the screen you can write to this memory using C++ or any language that allows direct access to that memory. That memory just happens to be accessible by or located on the graphics card.


On modern systems accessing the graphics memory directly would require writing a driver because of various restrictions so you use indirect means. Libraries that create a window (really just an image like any other image) and then write that image to the graphics memory which the GPU then displays on screen. Nothing has to be added to the language except the ability to write to specific memory locations, which is what pointers are for.




A computer is like an onion, it has many many layers, from the inner core of pure hardware to the outermost application layer. Each layer exposes parts of itself to the next outer layer, so that the outer layer may use some of the inner layers functionality.


In the case of e.g. Windows the operating system exposes the so-called WIN32 API for applications running on Windows. The Qt library uses that API to provide applications using Qt to its own API. You use Qt, Qt uses WIN32, WIN32 uses lower levels of the Windows operating system, and so on until it's electrical signals in the hardware.

例如,Windows操作系统为运行在Windows上的应用程序公开了所谓的WIN32 API。Qt库使用该API为自己的API提供使用Qt的应用程序。你使用Qt, Qt使用WIN32, WIN32使用Windows操作系统的较低级别,等等,直到它成为硬件中的电子信号。



You're right that in general, libraries cannot make anything possible that isn't already possible.


But the libraries don't have to be written in C++ in order to be usable by a C++ program. Even if they are written in C++, they may internally use other libraries not written in C++. So the fact that C++ didn't provide any way to do it doesn't prevent it from being added, so long as there is some way to do it outside of C++.


At a quite low level, some functions called by C++ (or by C) will be written in assembly, and the assembly contains the required instructions to do whatever isn't possible (or isn't easy) in C++, for example to call a system function. At that point, that system call can do anything your computer is capable of, simply because there's nothing stopping it.




C and C++ have 2 properties that allow all this extensibility that the OP is talking about.


  1. C and C++ can access memory
  2. C和c++可以访问内存
  3. C and C++ can call assembly code for instructions not in the C or C++ language.
  4. C和c++可以调用汇编代码来获取不使用C或c++语言的指令。

In the kernel or in a basic non-protected mode platform, peripherals like the serial port or disk drive are mapped into memory map in the same way as RAM is. Memory is a series of switches and flipping the switches of the peripheral gets you serial port or disk drive to do useful things.


In a protected mode operating system, when one wants to access the kernel from userspace (say when writing to the file system or to draw a pixel on the screen) one needs to make a system call. C has not instruction to make a system call but C can call assembler code that can trigger the correct system call which allows one's C code to talk to the kernel.


In order to make programming a particular platform easier, system calls are wrapped in more complex functions what may perform some useful function within one's own program. One is free to call the system calls directly (using assembler) but it is probably easier to just make use of one of the wrapper functions that the platform supplies.


There is another level of API that are a lot more useful than a system call. Take for example malloc. Not only will this call the system to obtain large blocks of memory but will manage this memory by doing all the book keeping on what is take place.


Win32 APIs wrap some graphic functionality with a common platform widget set. Qt takes this a bit further by wrapping the Win32 (or X Windows) API in a cross platform way.

Win32 API使用通用平台小部件集包装一些图形功能。

Fundamentally though a C compiler turns C code into machine code and since the computer is designed to use machine code, you should expect C to be able to accomplish the lions share or what a computer can do. All that the wrapper libraries do is do the heavy lifting for you so that you don't have to.

虽然C编译器将C代码转换为机器码,而且由于计算机是用来使用机器码的,因此您应该期望C能够完成lions share或计算机可以做什么。包装库所做的就是为您完成繁重的工作,这样您就不必这样做了。



Languages (like C++11) are specifications, on paper, usually written in English. Look inside the latest C++11 draft (or buy the costly final spec from your ISO vendor).

语言(如c++ 11)是书面的规范,通常用英语编写。查看最新的c++ 11草案(或从您的ISO供应商购买昂贵的最终规范)。

You generally use a computer with some language implementation (You could in principle run a C++ program without any computer, e.g. using a bunch of human slaves interpreting it; that would be unethical and inefficient)


Your C++ implementation general works above some operating system and communicate with it (using some implementation specific code, often in some system library). Generally that communication is done thru system calls. Look for instance into syscalls(2) for a list of system calls available on the Linux kernel.


From the application point of view, a syscall is an elementary machine instruction like SYSENTER on x86-64 with some conventions (ABI)


On my Linux desktop, the Qt libraries are above X11 client libraries communicating with the X11 server Xorg thru X Windows protocols.

在我的Linux桌面,Qt库位于与X11服务器Xorg通过X Windows协议通信的X11客户端库之上。

On Linux, use ldd on your executable to see the (long) list of dependencies on libraries. Use pmap on your running process to see which ones are "loaded" at runtime. BTW, on Linux, your application is probably using only free software, you could study its source code (from Qt, to Xlib, libc, ... the kernel) to understand more what is happening

在Linux上,在可执行文件上使用ldd查看库上的(长)依赖项列表。在运行过程中使用pmap来查看哪些在运行时被“加载”。在Linux上,您的应用程序可能只使用*软件,您可以研究它的源代码(从Qt,到Xlib, libc,…)了解更多正在发生的事情。



I think the concept you are missing is system calls. Each operating system provides an enormous amount of resources and functionality that you can tap into to do low-level operating system related things. Even when you call a regular library function, it is probably making a system call behind the scenes.


System calls are a low-level way of making use of the power of the operating system, but can be complex and cumbersome to use, so are often "wrapped" in APIs so that you don't have to deal with them directly. But underneath, just about anything you do that involves O/S related resources will use system calls, including printing, networking and sockets, etc.


In the case of windows, Microsoft Windows has its GUI actually written into the kernel, so there are system calls for making windows, painting graphics, etc. In other operating systems, the GUI may not be a part of the kernel, in which case as far as I know there wouldn't be any system calls for GUI related things, and you could only work at an even lower level with whatever low-level graphics and input related calls are available.




Good question. Every new C or C++ developer has this in mind. I am assuming a standard x86 machine for the rest of this post. If you are using Microsoft C++ compiler, open your notepad and type this (name the file Test.c)

好问题。每个新的C或c++开发人员都考虑到了这一点。我假设这篇文章的其余部分是标准的x86机器。如果您正在使用Microsoft c++编译器,请打开记事本,输入以下内容(命名为Test.c文件)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   return 0

And now compile this file (using developer command prompt) cl Test.c /FaTest.asm

现在编译这个文件(使用developer command prompt) cl测试。c / FaTest.asm

Now open Test.asm in your notepad. What you see is the translated code - C/C++ is translated to assembler. Do you get the hint ?

现在开启测试。在你的记事本asm。您看到的是被翻译的代码——C/ c++被翻译成汇编程序。明白了吗?

_main   PROC
    push    ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    xor eax, eax
    pop ebp
    ret 0
_main   ENDP

C/C++ programs are designed to run on the metal. Which means they have access to lower level hardware which makes it easier to exploit the capabilities of the hardware. Say, I am going to write a C library getch() on a x86 machine.

C/ c++程序是为在金属上运行而设计的。这意味着它们可以访问较低级别的硬件,从而更容易地利用硬件的功能。例如,我将在x86机器上编写一个C库getch()。

Depending on the assembler I would type something this way :


_getch proc 
   xor AH, AH
   int 16h
   ;AL contains the keycode (AX is already there - so just return)

I run it over with an assembler and generate a .OBJ - Name it getch.obj.

我用汇编程序运行它并生成一个。obj -命名为getch.obj。

I then write a C program (I dont #include anything)


extern char getch();

void main(int, char **)

Now name this file - GetChTest.c. Compile this file by passing getch.obj along. (Or compile individually to .obj and LINK GetChTest.Obj and getch.Obj together to produce GetChTest.exe).

现在将这个文件命名为GetChTest.c。通过通过getch来编译这个文件。obj。(或单独编译为.obj和LINK GetChTest。Obj getch。Obj一起生成GetChTest.exe)。

Run GetChTest.exe and you would find that it waits for the keyboard input.


C/C++ programming is not just about language. To be a good C/C++ programmer you need to have a good understanding on the type of machine that it runs. You will need to know how the memory management is handled, how the registers are structured, etc., You may not need all these information for regular programming - but they would help you immensely. Apart from the basic hardware knowledge, it certainly helps if you understand how the compiler works (ie., how it translates) - which could enable you to tweak your code as necessary. It is an interesting package!

C/ c++编程不仅仅是语言。要成为一个优秀的C/ c++程序员,你需要对它运行的机器类型有一个很好的理解。您将需要了解内存管理是如何处理的,寄存器是如何结构的,等等,您可能不需要所有这些信息来进行常规编程——但是它们将极大地帮助您。除了基本的硬件知识之外,如果您理解编译器的工作原理(即),那么肯定会有所帮助。——它能使你在必要时调整你的代码。这是一个有趣的包裹!

Both languages support __asm keyword which means you could mix your assembly language code too. Learning C and C++ will make you a better rounded programmer overall.


It is not necessary to always link with Assembler. I had mentioned it because I thought that would help you understand better. Mostly, most such library calls make use of system calls / APIs provided by the Operating System (the OS in turn does the hardware interaction stuff).

不需要总是与汇编程序链接。我提到这一点是因为我认为这会帮助你更好地理解。大多数情况下,大多数此类库调用都使用操作系统提供的系统调用/ api(操作系统依次执行硬件交互)。



How does C++ ... suddenly get such capabilities through libraries written in C++ themselves ?


There's nothing magical about using other libraries. Libraries are simple big bags of functions that you can call.


Consider yourself writing a function like this


void addExclamation(std::string &str)

Now if you include that file you can write addExclamation(myVeryOwnString);. Now you might ask, "how did C++ suddenly get the capability to add exclamation points to a string?" The answer is easy: you wrote a function to do that then you called it.


So to answer your question about how C++ can get capabilities to draw windows through libraries written in C++, the answer is the same. Someone else wrote function(s) to do that, and then compiled them and gave them to you in the form of a library.


The other questions answer how the window drawing actually works, but you sounded confused about how libraries work so I wanted to address the most fundamental part of your question.




The key is the possibility of the operating system to expose an API and a detailed description on how this API is to be used.


The operating system offers a set of APIs with calling conventions. The calling convention is defining the way a parameter is given into the API and how results are returned and how to execute the actual call.


Operating systems and the compilers creating code for them play nicely together, so you usually have not to think about it, just use it.




There is no need for a special syntax for creating windows. All that is required is that the OS provides an API to create windows. Such an API consists of simple function calls for which C++ does provide syntax.


Furthermore C and C++ are so called systems programming languages and are able to access arbitrary pointers (which might be mapped to some device by the hardware). Additionally, it is also fairly simple to call functions defined in assembly, which allows the full range of operations the processor provides. Therefore it is possible to write an OS itself using C or C++ and a small amount of assembly.


It should also be mentioned that Qt is a bad example, as it uses a so-called meta compiler to extend C++' syntax. This is however not related to it's ability to call into the APIs provided by the OS to actually draw or create windows.




First, there's a little misunderstading, I think


How does C++, which previously had no syntax capable of asking the OS for a window or a way to communicate through networks


There is no syntax for doing OS operations. It's the question of semantics.


suddenly get such capabilities through libraries written in C++ themselves


Well, the operating system is writen mostly in C. You can use shared libraries (so, dll) to call the external code. Additionally, the operating system code can register system routines on syscalls* or interrupts which you can call using assembly. That shared libraries often just make that system calls for you, so you are spared using inline assembly.


Here's the nice tutorial on that: http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/lk/lk-4.html
It's for Linux, but the principles are the same.


How the operating system is doing operations on graphic cards, network cards etc? It's a very broad thema, but mostly you need to access interrupts, ports or write some data to special memory region. Since that operations are protected, you need to call them through the operating system anyway.




In an attempt to provide a slightly different view to other answers, I shall answer like this.


(Disclaimer: I am simplifying things slightly, the situation I give is purely hypothetical and is written as a means of demonstrating concepts rather than being 100% true to life).


Think of things from the other perspective, imagine you've just written a simple operating system with basic threading, windowing and memory management capabilities. You want to implement a C++ library to let users program in C++ and do things like make windows, draw onto windows etc. The question is, how to do this.


Firstly, since C++ compiles to machine code, you need to define a way to use machine code to interface with C++. This is where functions come in, functions accept arguments and give return values, thus they provide a standard way of transferring data between different sections of code. They do this by establishing something known as a calling convention.


A calling convention states where and how arguments should be placed in memory so that a function can find them when it gets executed. When a function gets called, the calling function places the arguments in memory and then asks the CPU to jump over to the other function, where it does what it does before jumping back to where it was called from. This means that the code being called can be absolutely anything and it will not change how the function is called. In this case however, the code behind the function would be relevant to the operating system and would operate on the operating system's internal state.


So, many months later and you've got all your OS functions sorted out. Your user can call functions to create windows and draw onto them, they can make threads and all sorts of wonderful things. Here's the problem though, your OS's functions are going to be different to Linux's functions or Windows' functions. So you decide you need to give the user a standard interface so they can write portable code. Here is where QT comes in.


As you almost certainly know, QT has loads of useful classes and functions for doing the sorts of things that operating systems do, but in a way that appears independent of the underlying operating system. The way this works is that QT provides classes and functions that are uniform in the way they appear to the user, but the code behind the functions is different for each operating system. For example QT's QApplication::closeAllWindows() would actually be calling each operating system's specialised window closing function depending on the version used. In Windows it would most likely call CloseWindow(hwnd) whereas on an os using the X Window System, it would potentially call XDestroyWindow(display,window).

正如您几乎肯定知道的那样,QT有很多有用的类和函数来执行操作系统所做的工作,但其方式似乎与底层操作系统无关。它的工作方式是QT提供的类和函数在用户看来是一致的,但是每个操作系统的函数后面的代码是不同的。例如QT的QApplication::closeAllWindows()实际上会根据所使用的版本调用每个操作系统的专用窗口关闭函数。在Windows中,它最有可能调用关闭窗口(hwnd),而在使用X Window系统的操作系统上,它可能会调用XDestroyWindow(显示,窗口)。

As is evident, an operating system has many layers, all of which have to interact through interfaces of many varieties. There are many aspects I haven't even touched on, but to explain them all would take a very long time. If you are further interested in the inner workings of operating systems, I recommend checking out the OS dev wiki.

显而易见,操作系统有许多层,所有这些层都必须通过多种接口进行交互。有很多方面我都没有涉及到,但要解释它们都需要很长时间。如果您对操作系统的内部工作更感兴趣,我建议您查看OS dev wiki。

Bear in mind though that the reason many operating systems choose to expose interfaces to C/C++ is that they compile to machine code, they allow assembly instructions to be mixed in with their own code and they provide a great degree of freedom to the programmer.

请记住,许多操作系统选择将接口公开给C/ c++的原因是它们编译为机器码,它们允许将汇编指令与自己的代码混合在一起,它们为程序员提供了很大程度的*。

Again, there is a lot going on here. I would like to go on to explain how libraries like .so and .dll files do not have to be written in C/C++ and can be written in assembly or other languages, but I feel that if I add any more I might as well write an entire article, and as much as I'd love to do that I don't have a site to host it on.

这里还有很多。我想继续解释库,所以和. dll文件不需要用C / c++编写的,可以写在组装或其他语言,但是我觉得如果我添加任何更多的我也可以写一整篇文章,和我想一样,我没有网站主办。



When you try to draw something on the screen, your code calls some other piece of code which calls some other code (etc.) until finally there is a "system call", which is a special instruction that the CPU can execute. These instructions can be either written in assembly or can be written in C++ if the compiler supports their "intrinsics" (which are functions that the compiler handles "specially" by converting them into special code that the CPU can understand). Their job is to tell the operating system to do something.


When a system call happens, a function gets called that calls another function (etc.) until finally the display driver is told to draw something on the screen. At that point, the display driver looks at a particular region in physical memory which is actually not memory, but rather an address range that can be written to as if it were memory. Instead, however, writing to that address range causes the graphics hardware to intercept the memory write, and draw something on the screen.
Writing to this region of memory is something that could be coded in C++, since on the software side it's just a regular memory access. It's just that the hardware handles it differently.
So that's a really basic explanation of how it can work.




Your C++ program is using Qt library (also coded in C++). The Qt library will be using Windows CreateWindowEx function (which was coded in C inside kernel32.dll). Or under Linux it may be using Xlib (also coded in C), but it could as well be sending the raw bytes that in X protocol mean "Please create a window for me".

您的c++程序正在使用Qt库(也用c++编写)。Qt库将使用Windows CreateWindowEx函数(在kernel32.dll中用C编写)。或者在Linux下,它可能使用Xlib(也用C编码),但它也可能发送原始字节,在X协议中,这意味着“请为我创建一个窗口”。

Related to your catch-22 question is the historical note that “the first C++ compiler was written in C++”, although actually it was a C compiler with a few C++ notions, enough so it could compile the first version, which could then compile itself.


Similarly, the GCC compiler uses GCC extensions: it is first compiled to a version then used to recompile itself. (GCC build instructions)




How i see the question this is actually a compiler question.


Look at it this way, you write a piece of code in Assembly(you can do it in any language) which translates your newly written language you want to call Z++ into Assembly, for simplicity lets call it a compiler (it is a compiler).


Now you give this compiler some basic functions, so that you can write int, string, arrays etc. actually you give it enough abilities so that you can write the compiler itself in Z++. and now you have a compiler for Z++ written in Z++, pretty neat right.

现在你给这个编译器一些基本的函数,这样你就可以写int, string, array等等,你给它足够的能力,这样你就可以用Z++来写编译器了。现在你有了一个用Z++写的编译器,非常棒。

Whats even cooler is that now you can add abilities to that compiler using the abilities it already has, thus expanding the Z++ language with new features by using the previous features


An example, if you write enough code to draw a pixel in any color, then you can expand it using the Z++ to draw anything you want.




The hardware is what allows this to happen. You can think of the graphics memory as a large array (consisting of every pixel on the screen). To draw to the screen you can write to this memory using C++ or any language that allows direct access to that memory. That memory just happens to be accessible by or located on the graphics card.


On modern systems accessing the graphics memory directly would require writing a driver because of various restrictions so you use indirect means. Libraries that create a window (really just an image like any other image) and then write that image to the graphics memory which the GPU then displays on screen. Nothing has to be added to the language except the ability to write to specific memory locations, which is what pointers are for.
