
时间:2021-03-18 03:17:16
  1. compile 'com.orhanobut:dialogplus:1.11@aar'



Advanced dialog solution for android

DialogPlus provides 3 content types:
  • ListHolder : Items will be shown in a listview
  • GridHolder : Items will be shown in a gridview
  • ViewHolder : Your customized view will be shown in the content


  • newDialog(Context context) 创建dialog
  • setContentHolder(Holder holder) 设置holder,必要
    • setContentHolder(new ViewHolder(int layoutId或View)):Use ViewHolder as content holder if you want to use a custom view for your dialog.
    • setContentHolder(new ListHolder()):Use ListView as content holder, note that this is default content type.
    • setContentHolder(new GridHolder(COLUMN_NUMBER)):Use GridHolder if you want to use GridView for the dialog. You must set column number.
  • setContentWidth(int width) 宽,可设置为ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT等。Set width and height for the content
  • setContentHeight(int height) 高。Set width and height for the content
  • setHeader(int resourceId) 头的布局或View。Set the header view using the id of the layout resource
  • setFooter(int resourceId)     尾的布局或View。Set the footer view using the id of the layout resource
  • setGravity(int gravity) 设置dialog的位置。android.view.Gravity中定义的位置常量都可以使用。
  • setExpanded(boolean expanded) 是否可扩展,默认是false,仅适用于ListView和GridView。Enable expand animation same as Android L share dialog。default is false, only works for grid and list
  • setExpanded(true, 300)    是否可扩展以及默认高度(defaultContentHeight)。Set expand animation default height
  • setCancelable(boolean isCancelable) 点击外部区域是否可以取消dialog。Define if the dialog is cancelable and should be closed when back pressed or out of dialog is clicked
  • setAdapter(BaseAdapter adapter) ListView或GridView时使用的adapter,ViewHolder不需要。Set Adapter, this adapter will be used to fill the content for ListHolder and GridHolder. This is required if the content holder is ListHolder or GridHolder. It is not required if the content holder is ViewHolder.
  • setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener listener) ListView或GridView的item的点击事件。Set an item click listener when list or grid holder is chosen. In that way you can have callbacks when one of your items is clicked
  • setOnClickListener(OnClickListener listener) 点击事件。Set a global click listener to you dialog in order to handle all the possible click events. You can then identify the view by using its id and handle the correct behaviour. Only views which has id will trigger this event.
  • setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener listener):Dismiss Listener, triggered when the dialog is dismissed
  • setOnCancelListener(OnCancelListener listener):Cancel Listener, triggered when the dialog is cancelled by back button or clicking outside
  • setOnBackPressListener(OnBackPressListener listener):BackPress Listener, triggered when the back button is pressed
  • getHolderView() 获取视图View。Get the holder view, ListView, GridView or your custom view
  • getHeaderView() 获取头布局。Get the header view
  • getFooterView() 获取尾布局。Get the footer view
  • setMargin(left, top, right, bottom):Add margins to your dialog. They are set to 0 except when gravity is center. In that case basic margins are applied
  • setOutMostMargin(left, top, right, bottom):Add margins to your outmost view which contains everything. As default they are 0 are applied
  • setPadding(left, top, right, bottom):Set padding to the holder
  • setInAnimation(R.anim.abc_fade_in) 进入动画。Set animation resources
  • setOutAnimation(R.anim.abc_fade_out)     移除动画。Set animation resources
  • setContentBackgroundResource(resource) dialog的背景色。Change content container background, as default white
  • setOverlayBackgroundResource(resource) dialog以外的背景色。Change overlay container background, as default it's semi-transparent black


  1. public class MainActivity extends ListActivity {
  2. private boolean expanded = false;
  3. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  4. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  5. String[] array = {"DialogPlus官方demo",
  6. "ViewHolder,BOTTOM",
  7. "ViewHolder,TOP",
  8. "ListHolder,ArrayAdapter,CENTER",
  9. "ListHolder,自定义Adapter,【CENTER_HORIZONTAL】",
  10. "GridHolder,自定义Adapter,CENTER_VERTICAL",};
  11. setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(array))));
  12. }
  13. @Override
  14. protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
  15. expanded = !expanded;
  16. switch (position) {
  17. case 0:
  18. startActivity(new Intent(this, DialogPlusActivity.class));
  19. break;
  20. case 1:
  21. showDialogPlus(new ViewHolder(R.layout.content), null, Gravity.BOTTOM, expanded);
  22. break;
  23. case 2:
  24. showDialogPlus(new ViewHolder(R.layout.content2), null, Gravity.TOP, expanded);
  25. break;
  26. case 3:
  27. String[] array = new String[]{"包青天", "白乾涛", "baiqiantao", "0909082401"};
  28. showDialogPlus(new ListHolder(), new ArrayAdapter<>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, array)
  29. , Gravity.CENTER, expanded);
  30. break;
  31. case 4:
  32. showDialogPlus(new ListHolder(), new SimpleAdapter(this, false), Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, expanded);
  33. break;
  34. case 5:
  35. showDialogPlus(new GridHolder(3), new SimpleAdapter(this, true), Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, expanded);
  36. break;
  37. }
  38. }
  39. private void showDialogPlus(Holder holder, BaseAdapter adapter, int gravity, boolean expanded) {
  40. DialogPlusBuilder builder = DialogPlus.newDialog(this)
  41. .setContentHolder(holder)//必须设置,ViewHolder或ListHolder或GridHolder
  42. .setGravity(gravity)//支持三种:BOTTOM (default), TOP or CENTER
  43. .setExpanded(expanded, 600)//是否可扩展。setExpanded(true)
  44. .setCancelable(true)
  45. .setMargin(0, 100, 0, 0)//Add margins to your dialog. They are set to 0 except when gravity is center.
  46. .setOutMostMargin(0, 0, 0, 0)//Add margins to your outmost view which contains everything. 默认为0
  47. .setContentWidth(700)
  48. .setContentHeight(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)
  49. .setContentBackgroundResource(R.drawable.corner_background)
  50. .setOverlayBackgroundResource(android.R.color.holo_blue_light)
  51. .setInAnimation(com.orhanobut.dialogplus.R.anim.fade_in_center)//slide_in_top、slide_in_bottom、fade_in_center
  52. .setOutAnimation(com.orhanobut.dialogplus.R.anim.fade_out_center)
  53. .setOnClickListener((dialog, view) -> Toast.makeText(this, "onClick", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show())
  54. .setOnItemClickListener((dialog, item, view, position) -> Toast.makeText(this, "onItemClick," + position, 0).show())
  55. .setOnDismissListener(dialog -> Toast.makeText(this, "onDismiss", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show())
  56. .setOnCancelListener(dialog -> Toast.makeText(this, "onCancel", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show())
  57. .setOnBackPressListener(dialogPlus -> Toast.makeText(this, "onBackPressed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());
  58. if (adapter != null) builder.setAdapter(adapter);//ListView或GridView时使用的adapter,ViewHolder不需要
  59. if (new Random().nextBoolean()) builder.setHeader(R.layout.header);
  60. if (new Random().nextBoolean()) builder.setFooter(R.layout.footer);
  61. builder.create().show();
  62. }
  63. }
