LBA Harddisk在引导加载程序中使用int 13h ah = 42h读取

时间:2022-01-21 03:12:33

I am trying to load Root directory of fat 16 partition using Int 13h Function ah = 42h! All parameters are correctly set to the best of my knowledge. Here is the code:`

我试图使用Int 13h函数啊= 42h加载胖16分区的根目录!所有参数都是根据我的知识正确设置的。这是代码:`

    mov byte[],0x10
    mov byte[DAP.res],0
    mov cx,word[TotalRootDirSecs]
    mov word[DAP.count],cx
    mov word[DAP.offset],0x0500
    mov word[DAP.seg],0x0
    mov eax,dword[IstRootDirSec]
    add eax,dword[BPB_HiddSec]
    mov dword[DAP.baseLo],eax
    mov dword[DAP.baseHi],0x0
    mov di,5
    dec di
    cmp di,0
    jz .failed  
    mov si,0x0
    mov ds,si
    mov si,DAP
    mov dl,0x80
    mov ah,0x42
    int 0x13
    jc .loop
    mov si,RootLoaded
    call Print16
    mov al,ah
    add al,48
    mov ah,0eh
    int 0x10

Error code returned into ah is 1 that is Incorrect parameter( LBA out of range) but I dumped the registers and all values are correct. Please anyone can tell where the mistake lies. Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案


The mistake was I was using IstRootDirSec Variable as DWORD but it was a word and i have to convert it to DWORD.


xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[IstRootDirSec]
add eax,dword[BPB_HiddSec]


The mistake was I was using IstRootDirSec Variable as DWORD but it was a word and i have to convert it to DWORD.


xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[IstRootDirSec]
add eax,dword[BPB_HiddSec]