
时间:2022-12-12 03:13:09

I'm using IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 6.50.4 Functional Safety Version 6.50 and I can't seem to get an assembly inline instruction working.

我正在为ARM 6.50.4功能性安全版本6.50使用IAR嵌入式工作台,而且我似乎无法让一个装配式的内联指令工作。

For the background: I'm trying to implement a context switch on an ARM7TDMI using the PIT Interrupt. When saving the current context I have to get the address of the stack of the interrupted function, which is saved inside a global C variable, which is declared in the same c file:


unsigned int* ptTask_CurrentTask;

__irq void SysIrqHandler( void )
// ... saving registers
__asm volatile( "LDR    R0, %0\n\t"  ::"r"(ptTask_CurrentTask)               );     
//... save the new top of stack
//select new task and restore associated registers

From what I could gather from the EWARM_DevelopmentGuide.ENU.pdf the instruction above should be using the correct syntax. Also I have tried different ways of formating the instruction but all I get is:


Error[og006]: Syntax error in inline assembly: "Error[401]: Operand syntax error".


Now when I export the complete context saving assembly routine into a seperate .s file and call the function from c the following instruction is working just fine. LDR R0, =ptTask_CurrentTask

现在,当我将完整的上下文保存程序集导出到一个独立的.s文件并从c调用函数时,下面的指令可以正常工作。异地恋R0,= ptTask_CurrentTask

Since the assembly instructions on their own work, there has to be a problem with the way I'm doing the inline assembly instruction but I can't see what is wrong.


2 个解决方案



The "r" constraint indicates a general-purpose register, so it ends up emitting LDR R0, Rx which is indeed invalid syntax. If you really want to do the actual pointer dereference in the assembly code, either embed the correct syntax directly:

“r”约束表示一个通用寄存器,因此它最终发出LDR R0, Rx实际上是无效的语法。如果您真的想在程序集代码中执行实际的指针删除引用,可以直接嵌入正确的语法:

__asm volatile( "LDR R0, [%0]\n\t" ::"r"(ptTask_CurrentTask));

Or, better, use the appropriate constraint to indicate that it is a memory operand (pointer) and leave the syntax to the compiler:


__asm volatile( "LDR R0, %0\n\t" ::"m"(ptTask_CurrentTask));

Or waste an extra instruction and let the compiler worry about the load:


__asm volatile( "MOV R0, %0\n\t" ::"r"(*ptTask_CurrentTask));

Whichever way, touching r0 directly without declaring it on the clobber list is probably a bad idea...




The compiler is already loading the value into a register for you due to the r constraint, you don't need to do the LDR yourself. %0 references a register which already contains the value of ptTask_CurrentTask. You can check using -S option or disassembling that indeed the compiler does the load for you:


__asm volatile( ""  ::"r"(ptTask_CurrentTask));



    ldr     r3, .L3        # these two are generated by the compiler
    ldr     r3, [r3, #0]   # for loading the operand
    ... # here comes your asm code
    .word   ptTask_CurrentTask

In this case the compiler picked r3. If you specifically need it in r0, you can use a register variable.




The "r" constraint indicates a general-purpose register, so it ends up emitting LDR R0, Rx which is indeed invalid syntax. If you really want to do the actual pointer dereference in the assembly code, either embed the correct syntax directly:

“r”约束表示一个通用寄存器,因此它最终发出LDR R0, Rx实际上是无效的语法。如果您真的想在程序集代码中执行实际的指针删除引用,可以直接嵌入正确的语法:

__asm volatile( "LDR R0, [%0]\n\t" ::"r"(ptTask_CurrentTask));

Or, better, use the appropriate constraint to indicate that it is a memory operand (pointer) and leave the syntax to the compiler:


__asm volatile( "LDR R0, %0\n\t" ::"m"(ptTask_CurrentTask));

Or waste an extra instruction and let the compiler worry about the load:


__asm volatile( "MOV R0, %0\n\t" ::"r"(*ptTask_CurrentTask));

Whichever way, touching r0 directly without declaring it on the clobber list is probably a bad idea...




The compiler is already loading the value into a register for you due to the r constraint, you don't need to do the LDR yourself. %0 references a register which already contains the value of ptTask_CurrentTask. You can check using -S option or disassembling that indeed the compiler does the load for you:


__asm volatile( ""  ::"r"(ptTask_CurrentTask));



    ldr     r3, .L3        # these two are generated by the compiler
    ldr     r3, [r3, #0]   # for loading the operand
    ... # here comes your asm code
    .word   ptTask_CurrentTask

In this case the compiler picked r3. If you specifically need it in r0, you can use a register variable.
