
时间:2022-09-13 00:37:45

Consider following program:


#include <iostream>
int main = ( std::cout << "C++ is excellent!\n", 195 ); 

Using g++ 4.8.1 (mingw64) on Windows 7 OS, the program compiles and runs fine, printing:

在Windows 7操作系统上使用g++ 4.8.1 (mingw64),程序可以很好地编译和运行,打印如下:

C++ is excellent!


to the console. main appears to be a global variable rather than a function; how can this program execute without the function main()? Does this code conform to the C++ standard? Is the behavior of the program is well defined? I have also used the -pedantic-errors option but the program still compiles and runs.

到控制台。main似乎是全局变量,而不是函数;如果没有函数main(),这个程序怎么执行?这段代码是否符合c++标准?程序的行为是否定义良好?我还使用了- pedan- error选项,但程序仍在编译和运行。

7 个解决方案



Before going into the meat of the question about what is going on, it is important to point out that program is ill-formed as per defect report 1886: Language linkage for main():


[...] A program that declares a variable main at global scope or that declares the name main with C language linkage (in any namespace) is ill-formed. [...]


The most recent versions of clang and gcc makes this an error and the program will not compile (see gcc live example):

最新版本的clang和gcc使这成为一个错误,程序将不会编译(参见gcc live示例):

error: cannot declare '::main' to be a global variable
int main = ( std::cout << "C++ is excellent!\n", 195 ); 

So why was there no diagnostic in older versions of gcc and clang? This defect report did not even have a proposed resolution until late 2014 and so this case was only very recently explicitly ill-formed, which requires a diagnostic.


Prior to this, it seems like this would be undefined behavior since we are violating a shall requirement of the draft C++ standard from section 3.6.1 [basic.start.main]:


A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the designated start of the program. [...]


Undefined behavior is unpredictable and does not require a diagnostic. The inconsistency we see with reproducing the behavior is typical undefined behavior.


So what is the code actually doing and why in some cases does it produce results? Let's see what we have:


|        initializer----------------------------------
|        |                                           |
v        v                                           v
int main = ( std::cout << "C++ is excellent!\n", 195 ); 
    ^      ^                                   ^
    |      |                                   |
    |      |                                   comma operator
    |      primary expression
global variable of type int

We have main which is an int declared in the global namespace and is being initialized, the variable has static storage duration. It is implementation defined whether the initialization will take place before an attempt to call main is made but it appears gcc does do this before calling main.


The code uses the comma operator, the left operand is a discarded value expression and is used here solely for the side effect of calling std::cout. The result of the comma operator is the right operand which in this case is the prvalue 195 which is assigned to the variable main.

代码使用逗号操作符,左操作数是一个丢弃的值表达式,在这里仅用于调用std:::cout的副作用。逗号运算符的结果是正确的操作数,在本例中是prvalue 195,它被分配给变量main。

We can see sergej points out the generated assembly shows that cout is called during static initialization. Although the more interesting point for discussion see live godbolt session would be this:


.zero   4

and the subsequent:


movl    $195, main(%rip)

The likely scenario is that the program jumps to the symbol main expecting valid code to be there and in some cases will seg-fault. So if that is the case we would expect storing valid machine code in the variable main could lead to workable program, assuming we are located in a segment that allows code execution. We can see this 1984 IOCCC entry does just that.

可能的情况是,程序跳转到符号main,期望有效代码在那里,在某些情况下会出现segue -fault。因此,如果是这样的话,我们将期望在变量main中存储有效的机器代码,这将导致可操作的程序,假设我们位于允许代码执行的段中。我们可以看到,这个1984年的IOCCC词条就是这么做的。

It appears we can get gcc to do this in C using (see it live):


const int main = 195 ;

It seg-faults if the variable main is not const presumably because it is not located in an executable location, Hat Tip to this comment here which gave me this idea.


Also see FUZxxl answer here to a C specific version of this question.




From 3.6.1/1:


A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the designated start of the program. It is implementation defined whether a program in a freestanding environment is required to define a main function.


From this it looks like g++ happens to allow a program (presumably as the "freestanding" clause) without a main function.


Then from 3.6.1/3:


The function main shall not be used (3.2) within a program. The linkage (3.5) of main is implementation defined. A program that declares main to be inline or static is illformed. The name main is not otherwise reserved.


So here we learn that it's perfectly fine to have an integer variable named main.


Finally if you're wondering why the output is printed, the initialization of the int main uses the comma operator to execute cout at static init and then provide an actual integral value to do the initialization.

最后,如果您想知道为什么要打印输出,那么int main的初始化使用逗号操作符在静态init中执行cout,然后提供一个实际的整数值来进行初始化。



gcc 4.8.1 generates the following x86 assembly:

gcc 4.8.1生成以下x86程序集:

    .string "C++ is excellent!\n"
    subq    $8, %rsp    #,
    movl    std::__ioinit, %edi #,
    call    std::ios_base::Init::Init() #
    movl    $__dso_handle, %edx #,
    movl    std::__ioinit, %esi #,
    movl    std::ios_base::Init::~Init(), %edi  #,
    call    __cxa_atexit    #
    movl    $.LC0, %esi #,
    movl    std::cout, %edi #,
    call    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)   #
    movl    $195, main(%rip)    #, main
    addq    $8, %rsp    #,
    .zero   4

Note that cout is called during initialization, not in the main function!


.zero 4 declares 4 (0-initialized) bytes starting at location main, where main is the name of the variable[!].

.zero 4声明4 (0-initialized)字节从main位置开始,main位置是变量的名字[!]。

The main symbol is interpreted as the start of the program. The behavior depends on the platform.




That is an ill-formed program. It crashes on my test environment, cygwin64/g++ 4.9.3.

这是一个不良的计划。它在我的测试环境cygwin64/g+ 4.9.3中崩溃。

From the standard:


3.6.1 Main function [basic.start.main]


1 A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the designated start of the program.




The reason I believe this works is that the compiler does not know it is compiling the main() function so it compiles a global integer with assignment side-effects.


The object format that this translation-unit is compiled into is not capable of differentiating between a function symbol and a variable symbol.


So the linker happily links to the (variable) main symbol and treats it like a function call. But not until the runtime system has run the global variable initialization code.


When I ran the sample it printed out but then it caused a seg-fault. I assume that's when the runtime system tried to execute an int variable as if it were a function.




I've tried this on a Win7 64bit OS using VS2013 and it compiles correctly but when I try to build the application I get this message from the output window.


1>------ Build started: Project: tempTest, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========



You are doing tricky work here. As main( somehow) could declared to be integer. You used list operator to print message & then assign 195 to it. As said by someone below, that it doesn't comfort with C++, is true. But as compiler didn't find any user defined name, main, it didn't complaint. Remember main is not system defined function, its user defined function & thing from which program starts executing is Main Module, not main(), specifically. Again main() is called by startup function which is executed by loader intentionally. Then all of your variables are initialized, & while initializing it output like that. That's it. Program without main() is ok, but not standard.




Before going into the meat of the question about what is going on, it is important to point out that program is ill-formed as per defect report 1886: Language linkage for main():


[...] A program that declares a variable main at global scope or that declares the name main with C language linkage (in any namespace) is ill-formed. [...]


The most recent versions of clang and gcc makes this an error and the program will not compile (see gcc live example):

最新版本的clang和gcc使这成为一个错误,程序将不会编译(参见gcc live示例):

error: cannot declare '::main' to be a global variable
int main = ( std::cout << "C++ is excellent!\n", 195 ); 

So why was there no diagnostic in older versions of gcc and clang? This defect report did not even have a proposed resolution until late 2014 and so this case was only very recently explicitly ill-formed, which requires a diagnostic.


Prior to this, it seems like this would be undefined behavior since we are violating a shall requirement of the draft C++ standard from section 3.6.1 [basic.start.main]:


A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the designated start of the program. [...]


Undefined behavior is unpredictable and does not require a diagnostic. The inconsistency we see with reproducing the behavior is typical undefined behavior.


So what is the code actually doing and why in some cases does it produce results? Let's see what we have:


|        initializer----------------------------------
|        |                                           |
v        v                                           v
int main = ( std::cout << "C++ is excellent!\n", 195 ); 
    ^      ^                                   ^
    |      |                                   |
    |      |                                   comma operator
    |      primary expression
global variable of type int

We have main which is an int declared in the global namespace and is being initialized, the variable has static storage duration. It is implementation defined whether the initialization will take place before an attempt to call main is made but it appears gcc does do this before calling main.


The code uses the comma operator, the left operand is a discarded value expression and is used here solely for the side effect of calling std::cout. The result of the comma operator is the right operand which in this case is the prvalue 195 which is assigned to the variable main.

代码使用逗号操作符,左操作数是一个丢弃的值表达式,在这里仅用于调用std:::cout的副作用。逗号运算符的结果是正确的操作数,在本例中是prvalue 195,它被分配给变量main。

We can see sergej points out the generated assembly shows that cout is called during static initialization. Although the more interesting point for discussion see live godbolt session would be this:


.zero   4

and the subsequent:


movl    $195, main(%rip)

The likely scenario is that the program jumps to the symbol main expecting valid code to be there and in some cases will seg-fault. So if that is the case we would expect storing valid machine code in the variable main could lead to workable program, assuming we are located in a segment that allows code execution. We can see this 1984 IOCCC entry does just that.

可能的情况是,程序跳转到符号main,期望有效代码在那里,在某些情况下会出现segue -fault。因此,如果是这样的话,我们将期望在变量main中存储有效的机器代码,这将导致可操作的程序,假设我们位于允许代码执行的段中。我们可以看到,这个1984年的IOCCC词条就是这么做的。

It appears we can get gcc to do this in C using (see it live):


const int main = 195 ;

It seg-faults if the variable main is not const presumably because it is not located in an executable location, Hat Tip to this comment here which gave me this idea.


Also see FUZxxl answer here to a C specific version of this question.




From 3.6.1/1:


A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the designated start of the program. It is implementation defined whether a program in a freestanding environment is required to define a main function.


From this it looks like g++ happens to allow a program (presumably as the "freestanding" clause) without a main function.


Then from 3.6.1/3:


The function main shall not be used (3.2) within a program. The linkage (3.5) of main is implementation defined. A program that declares main to be inline or static is illformed. The name main is not otherwise reserved.


So here we learn that it's perfectly fine to have an integer variable named main.


Finally if you're wondering why the output is printed, the initialization of the int main uses the comma operator to execute cout at static init and then provide an actual integral value to do the initialization.

最后,如果您想知道为什么要打印输出,那么int main的初始化使用逗号操作符在静态init中执行cout,然后提供一个实际的整数值来进行初始化。



gcc 4.8.1 generates the following x86 assembly:

gcc 4.8.1生成以下x86程序集:

    .string "C++ is excellent!\n"
    subq    $8, %rsp    #,
    movl    std::__ioinit, %edi #,
    call    std::ios_base::Init::Init() #
    movl    $__dso_handle, %edx #,
    movl    std::__ioinit, %esi #,
    movl    std::ios_base::Init::~Init(), %edi  #,
    call    __cxa_atexit    #
    movl    $.LC0, %esi #,
    movl    std::cout, %edi #,
    call    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)   #
    movl    $195, main(%rip)    #, main
    addq    $8, %rsp    #,
    .zero   4

Note that cout is called during initialization, not in the main function!


.zero 4 declares 4 (0-initialized) bytes starting at location main, where main is the name of the variable[!].

.zero 4声明4 (0-initialized)字节从main位置开始,main位置是变量的名字[!]。

The main symbol is interpreted as the start of the program. The behavior depends on the platform.




That is an ill-formed program. It crashes on my test environment, cygwin64/g++ 4.9.3.

这是一个不良的计划。它在我的测试环境cygwin64/g+ 4.9.3中崩溃。

From the standard:


3.6.1 Main function [basic.start.main]


1 A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the designated start of the program.




The reason I believe this works is that the compiler does not know it is compiling the main() function so it compiles a global integer with assignment side-effects.


The object format that this translation-unit is compiled into is not capable of differentiating between a function symbol and a variable symbol.


So the linker happily links to the (variable) main symbol and treats it like a function call. But not until the runtime system has run the global variable initialization code.


When I ran the sample it printed out but then it caused a seg-fault. I assume that's when the runtime system tried to execute an int variable as if it were a function.




I've tried this on a Win7 64bit OS using VS2013 and it compiles correctly but when I try to build the application I get this message from the output window.


1>------ Build started: Project: tempTest, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========



You are doing tricky work here. As main( somehow) could declared to be integer. You used list operator to print message & then assign 195 to it. As said by someone below, that it doesn't comfort with C++, is true. But as compiler didn't find any user defined name, main, it didn't complaint. Remember main is not system defined function, its user defined function & thing from which program starts executing is Main Module, not main(), specifically. Again main() is called by startup function which is executed by loader intentionally. Then all of your variables are initialized, & while initializing it output like that. That's it. Program without main() is ok, but not standard.
