
时间:2022-05-15 03:14:05

I was wondering if It is possible to "register" an iPhone App Name before the app goes on the app store?


Example: A developer comes up with a really clever name for a iphone game. He wants to register the name before he programs the game so that no one else comes up with the same name.


4 个解决方案



Yes, you can, but only for a limited amount of time. When I tried it, the time period was 120 days, but this may have been changed to 90 days. EDIT: It seems that this is now 180 days, based on the comments below.


A developer can choose enter information about the application before uploading it, but Apple will remove the app and it's meta information if the name is not used within the grace period. You cannot use the name ever again after that.


I have, however, some apps that were rejected on the first review and were never re-submitted. It seems that those names are still available to me. Just don't submit a really lame first submission or Apple will know that you are "parking" the name.


Here's a screenshot of my email from Apple:





You can squat a name for something like 90 days per recent Apple iTunesConnect changes. If you do not upload a binary in that time, it will be deleted and you will be unable to use it again.

您可以在最近的Apple iTunesConnect更改中蹲下90天的名称。如果您在该时间内没有上传二进制文件,它将被删除,您将无法再次使用它。

There exists a loophole I have found though I don't know how long it will stay open. It seems that uploading a binary, any binary, then immediately rejecting it will prevent you from deletion. I don't condone squatting, but sometimes, apps take longer than 90 days to develop.




If you have the money, not only submit the name in iTunes Connect, but register a trademark on the name. If you don't, than someone who does, and gets to market first with any other mobile platform game, might try to take the name from you, or involve you in legal wrangling in an attempt to do so.

如果您有钱,不仅要在iTunes Connect中提交名称,还要在名称上注册商标。如果你不这样做,而不是那些做任何其他移动平台游戏并且首先进入市场的人,可能会尝试从你那里取名,或者让你参与合法的争论,试图这样做。

You might also want to quietly snap up all the relevant domain names, if you can.




A developer can upload basic information about an app including the name before the binary is ready to be submitted. The developer needs to be set up in iTunes Connect and have an active Developer Agreement.

开发人员可以在二进制文件准备好提交之前上传有关应用程序的基本信息,包括名称。需要在iTunes Connect中设置开发人员并拥有有效的开发人员协议。



Yes, you can, but only for a limited amount of time. When I tried it, the time period was 120 days, but this may have been changed to 90 days. EDIT: It seems that this is now 180 days, based on the comments below.


A developer can choose enter information about the application before uploading it, but Apple will remove the app and it's meta information if the name is not used within the grace period. You cannot use the name ever again after that.


I have, however, some apps that were rejected on the first review and were never re-submitted. It seems that those names are still available to me. Just don't submit a really lame first submission or Apple will know that you are "parking" the name.


Here's a screenshot of my email from Apple:





You can squat a name for something like 90 days per recent Apple iTunesConnect changes. If you do not upload a binary in that time, it will be deleted and you will be unable to use it again.

您可以在最近的Apple iTunesConnect更改中蹲下90天的名称。如果您在该时间内没有上传二进制文件,它将被删除,您将无法再次使用它。

There exists a loophole I have found though I don't know how long it will stay open. It seems that uploading a binary, any binary, then immediately rejecting it will prevent you from deletion. I don't condone squatting, but sometimes, apps take longer than 90 days to develop.




If you have the money, not only submit the name in iTunes Connect, but register a trademark on the name. If you don't, than someone who does, and gets to market first with any other mobile platform game, might try to take the name from you, or involve you in legal wrangling in an attempt to do so.

如果您有钱,不仅要在iTunes Connect中提交名称,还要在名称上注册商标。如果你不这样做,而不是那些做任何其他移动平台游戏并且首先进入市场的人,可能会尝试从你那里取名,或者让你参与合法的争论,试图这样做。

You might also want to quietly snap up all the relevant domain names, if you can.




A developer can upload basic information about an app including the name before the binary is ready to be submitted. The developer needs to be set up in iTunes Connect and have an active Developer Agreement.

开发人员可以在二进制文件准备好提交之前上传有关应用程序的基本信息,包括名称。需要在iTunes Connect中设置开发人员并拥有有效的开发人员协议。