
时间:2021-02-24 03:14:09

what is the difference between doing an include in .h file and .c file. For example, I have the file a.h and a.c which have the class A. I use class A in class B (b.h, b.c). What is the difference between doing an include:


#include "a.h"

in b.h vs b.c.


6 个解决方案



Usually, the class definition is typically in your .h file, and the implementation is in your .c(pp) file.


One advantage of doing #include "a.h" in your b.c file, rather than in your b.h file, is that whenever a.h changes, not only b.c but also any other file that includes b.h will have be recompiled.

做#的一个好处包括“a”。在你的b h”。c文件,而不是你的b。h文件,当a。h变化,不只是b。也可以是任何包含b的文件。h将被重新编译。

Also, you're kind of unnecessary exposing implementation details of B to anyone using b.h. The idea is that b.h should not contain additional info that is of no interest to someone using class B (not because it's secret, but because people don't care and you don't want to bother them with it).


There's no need to force anyone including b.h, to indirectly include a dozen of other .h files as well (because they're #included in b.h), just because you happen to use that stuff in b.c. Avoid clutter.


So if possible, it's best to #include "a.h" in b.c !

所以如果可能的话,最好将#包含“a”。在b h”。c !

But this is not always possible. If you're just using A inside b.c, and there are no references to A in b.h, then it's OK. Also, if b.h only contains pointers to A (i.e. as members, function arguments or return values) but no 'type dependent' references, you could also put just this in b.h:

但这并不总是可能的。如果你用的是A里面的b。c, b中没有提到A。h,然后没关系。同样,如果b。h只包含指向A的指针(如成员、函数参数或返回值),但没有“类型依赖”引用,您也可以在b.h中放入这个。

class A;

And still keep #include "a.h" in your b.c. But if there are more references or dependencies on a.h, that anyone including b.h really couldn't do without, then #include "a.h" should go in b.h




There is No difference in including a header file in .h or .c file.
The contents of the included file are just copy pasted in to the file in which you include it.




If you put the include directive in your header file, other files that include that header file will also get the included header.




#include "dependency.h"



#include "foo.h"

In this case, bar.h has both foo.h and dependency.h.

在这种情况下,酒吧。h foo。h和dependency.h。



#include "a.h" expands to the contents of a.h.

# include "。h扩展到a.h的内容。

If #include "a.h" is placed in b.h, then a.h will be copied into b.h during compilation.

如果# include "。h在b中。h,然后。h会被复制到b中。在编译过程中h。

If #include "a.h" is placed in b.c, then a.h will be copied into b.c during compilation instead.

如果# include "。h在b中。c,那么。h会被复制到b中。c在编译。



.h files put at top of .c or .h files before compile


but .c files compile separately then link to getter to make executable file




You can include .c files - but by convention you do not.


.h files are for declarations - i.e. the .c file is the definition and the this .h file is going to do this. It is like the .h file is the contents of the cook book, and the .c file is the actual recipes.




Usually, the class definition is typically in your .h file, and the implementation is in your .c(pp) file.


One advantage of doing #include "a.h" in your b.c file, rather than in your b.h file, is that whenever a.h changes, not only b.c but also any other file that includes b.h will have be recompiled.

做#的一个好处包括“a”。在你的b h”。c文件,而不是你的b。h文件,当a。h变化,不只是b。也可以是任何包含b的文件。h将被重新编译。

Also, you're kind of unnecessary exposing implementation details of B to anyone using b.h. The idea is that b.h should not contain additional info that is of no interest to someone using class B (not because it's secret, but because people don't care and you don't want to bother them with it).


There's no need to force anyone including b.h, to indirectly include a dozen of other .h files as well (because they're #included in b.h), just because you happen to use that stuff in b.c. Avoid clutter.


So if possible, it's best to #include "a.h" in b.c !

所以如果可能的话,最好将#包含“a”。在b h”。c !

But this is not always possible. If you're just using A inside b.c, and there are no references to A in b.h, then it's OK. Also, if b.h only contains pointers to A (i.e. as members, function arguments or return values) but no 'type dependent' references, you could also put just this in b.h:

但这并不总是可能的。如果你用的是A里面的b。c, b中没有提到A。h,然后没关系。同样,如果b。h只包含指向A的指针(如成员、函数参数或返回值),但没有“类型依赖”引用,您也可以在b.h中放入这个。

class A;

And still keep #include "a.h" in your b.c. But if there are more references or dependencies on a.h, that anyone including b.h really couldn't do without, then #include "a.h" should go in b.h




There is No difference in including a header file in .h or .c file.
The contents of the included file are just copy pasted in to the file in which you include it.




If you put the include directive in your header file, other files that include that header file will also get the included header.




#include "dependency.h"



#include "foo.h"

In this case, bar.h has both foo.h and dependency.h.

在这种情况下,酒吧。h foo。h和dependency.h。



#include "a.h" expands to the contents of a.h.

# include "。h扩展到a.h的内容。

If #include "a.h" is placed in b.h, then a.h will be copied into b.h during compilation.

如果# include "。h在b中。h,然后。h会被复制到b中。在编译过程中h。

If #include "a.h" is placed in b.c, then a.h will be copied into b.c during compilation instead.

如果# include "。h在b中。c,那么。h会被复制到b中。c在编译。



.h files put at top of .c or .h files before compile


but .c files compile separately then link to getter to make executable file




You can include .c files - but by convention you do not.


.h files are for declarations - i.e. the .c file is the definition and the this .h file is going to do this. It is like the .h file is the contents of the cook book, and the .c file is the actual recipes.
