
时间:2022-02-09 03:06:02

The Main method is the entry point of a C# console application. Thus, for example, if I have to start some threads or services, I will do it within the Main method.


I do not see the Main method inside a WPF project, so what is the entry point of a WPF application? If I have to start some threads or services, where should write the code for starting them?


UPDATE: this answer summarizes the available solutions, but what are the pros and cons of each solution?


4 个解决方案



Your main entry point is an override of OnStartup in the code-behind of App.Xaml :


public partial class App : Application
    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        // here you take control

Other points of interest might be Application.OnActivate() and the Loaded and Initialized events of your MainWindow.


If I have to start some threads or services, where should write the code for starting them?


Depends on what those threads/services need and want.




For a WPF standalone application that is generated in Visual Studio using the New Project wizard, the entry point for the application is the Main function, defined in App.g.cs (generated code). In the default project, this is the public static void App.Main method.

对于在Visual Studio中使用New Project向导生成的WPF独立应用程序,应用程序的入口点是在App.g中定义的主函数。cs(生成的代码)。在默认项目中,这是公共静态void App.Main方法。


In general, a .NET application will use as its entry point (first function called) any method named Main that has public/static access modifiers–no matter what class Main is located in.

一般来说,. net应用程序将使用它的入口点(第一个函数调用)任何具有公共/静态访问修饰的方法Main—无论类Main位于何处。

If your application has more than one class with a public static Main method, you’ll need to specify the entry point in the project properties dialog. In the Startup object dropdown, select the class that contains the Main method that should be called on startup.




The Main for a WPF application is autogenerated and can be found in one of the .cs files that backs your App.xaml file. You can expand App.xaml -> App.xaml.cs -> App -> Main() in the solution explorer, which will get you to the App.g.i.cs source file, which contains your Main() function.

WPF应用程序的主要部分是自动生成的,可以在支持App.xaml文件的.cs文件中找到。您可以展开App.xaml -> App.xaml。cs -> App -> Main()在解决方案资源管理器中,它会将您带到App. gi。cs源文件,其中包含主()函数。

This file is auto-generated, so rather than editing the Main there, I would recommend creating a new .cs file in your project that contains the Main() function. You then have to change the properties of your project to specify the correct startup object. This is done on the Application tab in your project properties. Set it to the class that contains your custom Main function.


You probably want to copy the contains of the autogenerated Main into your new one, since you want your application to behave normally (show the main window, etc.).




Entry point is App.xaml.cs typically.


You want to avoid putting code there ideally. Instead try instantiating them in view models for MVVM. It's typically a tricky place to find stuff - as your question is testament to.


Another alternative, load them in a helper class and then instantiate that in the app.xaml file.




Your main entry point is an override of OnStartup in the code-behind of App.Xaml :


public partial class App : Application
    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        // here you take control

Other points of interest might be Application.OnActivate() and the Loaded and Initialized events of your MainWindow.


If I have to start some threads or services, where should write the code for starting them?


Depends on what those threads/services need and want.




For a WPF standalone application that is generated in Visual Studio using the New Project wizard, the entry point for the application is the Main function, defined in App.g.cs (generated code). In the default project, this is the public static void App.Main method.

对于在Visual Studio中使用New Project向导生成的WPF独立应用程序,应用程序的入口点是在App.g中定义的主函数。cs(生成的代码)。在默认项目中,这是公共静态void App.Main方法。


In general, a .NET application will use as its entry point (first function called) any method named Main that has public/static access modifiers–no matter what class Main is located in.

一般来说,. net应用程序将使用它的入口点(第一个函数调用)任何具有公共/静态访问修饰的方法Main—无论类Main位于何处。

If your application has more than one class with a public static Main method, you’ll need to specify the entry point in the project properties dialog. In the Startup object dropdown, select the class that contains the Main method that should be called on startup.




The Main for a WPF application is autogenerated and can be found in one of the .cs files that backs your App.xaml file. You can expand App.xaml -> App.xaml.cs -> App -> Main() in the solution explorer, which will get you to the App.g.i.cs source file, which contains your Main() function.

WPF应用程序的主要部分是自动生成的,可以在支持App.xaml文件的.cs文件中找到。您可以展开App.xaml -> App.xaml。cs -> App -> Main()在解决方案资源管理器中,它会将您带到App. gi。cs源文件,其中包含主()函数。

This file is auto-generated, so rather than editing the Main there, I would recommend creating a new .cs file in your project that contains the Main() function. You then have to change the properties of your project to specify the correct startup object. This is done on the Application tab in your project properties. Set it to the class that contains your custom Main function.


You probably want to copy the contains of the autogenerated Main into your new one, since you want your application to behave normally (show the main window, etc.).




Entry point is App.xaml.cs typically.


You want to avoid putting code there ideally. Instead try instantiating them in view models for MVVM. It's typically a tricky place to find stuff - as your question is testament to.


Another alternative, load them in a helper class and then instantiate that in the app.xaml file.
