AVR -中断向量和全局变量

时间:2022-12-02 03:00:56

I am using an ATmega32 to interrupt every 32ms to do some arbitrary stuff, which isn't really important for now.
I'm using the timer overflow of timer0 to interrupt, which works predictably and perfectly.


My problem is I have a global variable:


volatile int isSampling;

不稳定的int isSampling;

That isn't being written to in the interrupt vector. I read that the integer needed to be volatile to remove the possibility of compiler optimizations, but I declared it as volatile and its still not working.


#include <AVR/IO.h>
#include <util/delay.h> 
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

char studentID[12]            = {'S',1,2,3,4,5,6,7,'A','B','C','D'};

char buffer[72]; //Max bitlength = 6. * studentID length
char repcount[72];
int pointer;

volatile int isSampling;

void setup(void);
void startup(void);
void loadValue(unsigned char loadedValue);
void processValue(unsigned char processedValue, short bitLength);
void sendDot(void);
void sendDash(void);

int main(){


        if (isSampling == 1){
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 12; i++){
                //Flash lights after letter sent.
                PORTB = 0xF0;

void setup(void){
    DDRB = 0xFF;
    TCCR0 = TCCR0 | 0x05;                   
    TCNT0 = 0;
    pointer = 0; 
    isSampling = 1;

    //Every 32ms this interrupt vector is called.
    isSampling = 0;

void startup(void){
    //Play LED startup pattern
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        PORTB = 0b11110011; //Bit 5 is constantly sampled. 4 is output
        PORTB = PORTB & 0x00;

void loadValue(unsigned char loadedValue){
    switch (loadedValue){
        case   1: processValue(0b01111000, 5);
        case   2: processValue(0b00111000, 5);
        case   3: processValue(0b00011000, 5);
        case   4: processValue(0b00001000, 5);
        case   5: processValue(0b00000000, 5);
        case   6: processValue(0b10000000, 5);
        case   7: processValue(0b11000000, 5);
        case   8: processValue(0b11100000, 5);
        case   9: processValue(0b11110000, 5);
        case   0: processValue(0b11111000, 5);
        case 'A': processValue(0b01000000, 2);
        case 'B': processValue(0b10000000, 4);
        case 'C': processValue(0b10100000, 4);
        case 'D': processValue(0b10000000, 3);
        case 'E': processValue(0b00000000, 1);
        case 'F': processValue(0b00100000, 4);
        case 'G': processValue(0b11000000, 3);
        case 'H': processValue(0b00000000, 4);
        case 'I': processValue(0b00000000, 2);
        case 'J': processValue(0b01110000, 4);
        case 'K': processValue(0b10100000, 3);
        case 'L': processValue(0b01000000, 4);
        case 'M': processValue(0b11000000, 2);
        case 'N': processValue(0b10000000, 2);
        case 'O': processValue(0b11100000, 3);
        case 'P': processValue(0b01100000, 4);
        case 'Q': processValue(0b11010000, 4);
        case 'R': processValue(0b01000000, 3);
        case 'S': processValue(0b00000000, 3);
        case 'T': processValue(0b10000000, 1);
        case 'U': processValue(0b00100000, 3);
        case 'V': processValue(0b00010000, 4);
        case 'W': processValue(0b01100000, 3);
        case 'X': processValue(0b10010000, 4);
        case 'Y': processValue(0b10110000, 4);
        case 'Z': processValue(0b11000000, 4);
        case '.': processValue(0b01010100, 6);
        case ',': processValue(0b11001100, 6);
        case '?': processValue(0b00110000, 6);
        case '!': processValue(0b00110000, 5);
        case ':': processValue(0b11100000, 6);
        case '=': processValue(0b10001000, 5);

void processValue(unsigned char processedValue, short bitLength){
    unsigned char result;
    int i;
    //Enter Loop at the length of bits in numerical morse code
    for (i = 0; i < bitLength; i++){
        result = processedValue & 0x80;
        processedValue = processedValue << 1;
        if (result) sendDash();
        if (!result) sendDot();

void sendDot(void){
    //Send Dot
    PORTB = 0x05;
    PORTB = 0x00;

void sendDash(void){
    //Send Dash
    PORTB = 0x06;
    PORTB = 0x00;

Okay I have found the offending code that is causing the problem, but I am unsure why its causing it. When I remove loadValue(studentID[i]) from the main while loop, the code works as predicted. But when I put it back, it breaks again.


3 个解决方案



The _delay_ms(500) lines are causing the problem as stated by Oli Charlesworth. The _delay_ms() function can cause unpredictable behavior if set to high (above 250ms).

正如Oli Charlesworth所述,_delay_ms(500)行导致了问题。如果将_delay_ms()函数设置为高(大于250ms),则会导致不可预测的行为。



Not sure if it explains the problem, but are you intentionally not having a break after each switch case value?




the problem occurred on the definition of char array


char studentID[12]            = {'S',1,2,3,4,5,6,7,'A','B','C','D'};

the number 1,2,...,7 should like below


char studentID[12]            = {'S','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','A','B','C','D'};



The _delay_ms(500) lines are causing the problem as stated by Oli Charlesworth. The _delay_ms() function can cause unpredictable behavior if set to high (above 250ms).

正如Oli Charlesworth所述,_delay_ms(500)行导致了问题。如果将_delay_ms()函数设置为高(大于250ms),则会导致不可预测的行为。



Not sure if it explains the problem, but are you intentionally not having a break after each switch case value?




the problem occurred on the definition of char array


char studentID[12]            = {'S',1,2,3,4,5,6,7,'A','B','C','D'};

the number 1,2,...,7 should like below


char studentID[12]            = {'S','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','A','B','C','D'};