
时间:2021-12-15 02:58:24

I am starting to create an iPhone application that will interact with a public API.


My question is, which will be faster and/or easier to work with: XML or JSON?


5 个解决方案



According to Sam Soffes, TouchJSON outperforms XML property lists:

根据Sam Soffes的说法,TouchJSON优于XML属性列表:

When I was preparing for my talk I decided to do some benchmarks to show how much more awesome plists were than JSON. The plist version was about 8 times faster than my JSON Framework version. I was pretty happy with that result. My friend, Jake, said he was using TouchJSON to parse JSON in his apps, so I figured I’d go ahead and benchmark that one too. I was expecting JSON Framework to beat it because the interface to the JSON Framework is a lot simpler than the interface to TouchJSON.

当我准备我的演讲时,我决定做一些基准测试,以显示比JSON更令人敬畏的plist。 plist版本比我的JSON Framework版本快8倍。我很满意这个结果。我的朋友Jake说他正在使用TouchJSON在他的应用程序中解析JSON,所以我想我会继续进行基准测试。我期待JSON Framework能够击败它,因为JSON Framework的接口比TouchJSON的接口要简单得多。

What I found was very surprising. TouchJSON actually beat plists. It was slightly faster in every test I ran. This is awesome because plists have a much larger file size. They are usually about twice as big as JSON files due to all of the extra markup.

我发现的是非常令人惊讶的。 TouchJSON实际上击败了plists。我跑的每次测试都略快一点。这很棒,因为plists的文件大小要大得多。由于所有额外的标记,它们通常是JSON文件的两倍大。

However, that is a single data point.




In terms of built-in APIs, to my knowledge, there's no native support for JSON, so XML would be the only choice if you didn't want to use external libraries.


That said, JSON tends to be much easier to work with because it synthesizes directly into Cocoa objects(i.e. NSDictionary, NSArray, NSString, NSNumber), so I would say JSON is much easier to work with if you're willing to use an external library, and you have good server-side support for JSON. I've had good luck with the json-framework library, so my advice is to give that a try.


Another bonus of JSON is that it typically(almost always) will produce smaller file transfer sizes over the network because of its formatting. While saving a few kb might be overlooked, it is a major win on a mobile device with limited bandwidth while on a cell network.




Can't tell with so little information. It depends on the quality and capabilities of the libraries on either end that deal with that data form.


But you already know that JSON will be more compact, because it doesn't have to deal with closing tags (variables and open tags seem a wash to me). Fewer bytes on the wire for JSON.

但是你已经知道JSON会更紧凑,因为它不需要处理结束标记(变量和开放标记对我来说似乎是一种冲击)。 JSON的线路上的字节数更少。



JSON is quite a lot terser which saves bandwidth and makes processing more efficient, so i'd choose that.




I would also use JSON, with TouchJSON (as suggested earlier). The payload is smaller and the parsing is faster in my own tests. Oh, and by the way, don't use NSXMLParser, it's really slow. Use libxml2 or TouchXML instead. Check out this article about a direct experience with JSON on the iPhone:


Another possible approach is to generate XML or binary Property Lists, and then deserializing that into native objects. Your server-side application might generate the plist format for you using plistlib on Python or plist for Ruby.




According to Sam Soffes, TouchJSON outperforms XML property lists:

根据Sam Soffes的说法,TouchJSON优于XML属性列表:

When I was preparing for my talk I decided to do some benchmarks to show how much more awesome plists were than JSON. The plist version was about 8 times faster than my JSON Framework version. I was pretty happy with that result. My friend, Jake, said he was using TouchJSON to parse JSON in his apps, so I figured I’d go ahead and benchmark that one too. I was expecting JSON Framework to beat it because the interface to the JSON Framework is a lot simpler than the interface to TouchJSON.

当我准备我的演讲时,我决定做一些基准测试,以显示比JSON更令人敬畏的plist。 plist版本比我的JSON Framework版本快8倍。我很满意这个结果。我的朋友Jake说他正在使用TouchJSON在他的应用程序中解析JSON,所以我想我会继续进行基准测试。我期待JSON Framework能够击败它,因为JSON Framework的接口比TouchJSON的接口要简单得多。

What I found was very surprising. TouchJSON actually beat plists. It was slightly faster in every test I ran. This is awesome because plists have a much larger file size. They are usually about twice as big as JSON files due to all of the extra markup.

我发现的是非常令人惊讶的。 TouchJSON实际上击败了plists。我跑的每次测试都略快一点。这很棒,因为plists的文件大小要大得多。由于所有额外的标记,它们通常是JSON文件的两倍大。

However, that is a single data point.




In terms of built-in APIs, to my knowledge, there's no native support for JSON, so XML would be the only choice if you didn't want to use external libraries.


That said, JSON tends to be much easier to work with because it synthesizes directly into Cocoa objects(i.e. NSDictionary, NSArray, NSString, NSNumber), so I would say JSON is much easier to work with if you're willing to use an external library, and you have good server-side support for JSON. I've had good luck with the json-framework library, so my advice is to give that a try.


Another bonus of JSON is that it typically(almost always) will produce smaller file transfer sizes over the network because of its formatting. While saving a few kb might be overlooked, it is a major win on a mobile device with limited bandwidth while on a cell network.




Can't tell with so little information. It depends on the quality and capabilities of the libraries on either end that deal with that data form.


But you already know that JSON will be more compact, because it doesn't have to deal with closing tags (variables and open tags seem a wash to me). Fewer bytes on the wire for JSON.

但是你已经知道JSON会更紧凑,因为它不需要处理结束标记(变量和开放标记对我来说似乎是一种冲击)。 JSON的线路上的字节数更少。



JSON is quite a lot terser which saves bandwidth and makes processing more efficient, so i'd choose that.




I would also use JSON, with TouchJSON (as suggested earlier). The payload is smaller and the parsing is faster in my own tests. Oh, and by the way, don't use NSXMLParser, it's really slow. Use libxml2 or TouchXML instead. Check out this article about a direct experience with JSON on the iPhone:


Another possible approach is to generate XML or binary Property Lists, and then deserializing that into native objects. Your server-side application might generate the plist format for you using plistlib on Python or plist for Ruby.
