
时间:2021-11-04 02:46:09

Can I configure a .NET application in a way (settings in Visual Studio) that it references a "local" assembly (not in GAC) instead of an assembly within the GAC, although both assemblies have the same name and the same version?

我是否可以在某种方式(Visual Studio中的设置)中配置.NET应用程序,它引用“本地”程序集(而不是GAC)而不是GAC中的程序集,尽管两个程序集具有相同的名称和相同的版本?

4 个解决方案



If both assemblies are strong-named (signed), the CLR will always load from the GAC.


Here are the steps the runtime uses to resolve assembly references (from How the Runtime Locates Assemblies):


  1. Determines the correct assembly version by examining applicable configuration files, including the application configuration file, publisher policy file, and machine configuration file. If the configuration file is located on a remote machine, the runtime must locate and download the application configuration file first.


  2. Checks whether the assembly name has been bound to before and, if so, uses the previously loaded assembly. If a previous request to load the assembly failed, the request fails immediately without attempting to load the assembly.


  3. Checks the global assembly cache. If the assembly is found there, the runtime uses this assembly.


  4. Probes for the assembly (... some material omitted ...)


As stated later in that same article:


There is no version checking for assemblies without strong names, nor does the runtime check in the global assembly cache for assemblies without strong names.


So if you can afford to remove signing from the local assembly, the application will use it instead of the one in the GAC.


For more detail than you could probably ever want about the runtime-binding mechanisms, see Suzanne Cook's blog.

有关运行时绑定机制的详细信息,请参阅Suzanne Cook的博客。

This blog entry from Scott Hanselman also provides a great overview of the binding process.

Scott Hanselman的博客文章也提供了绑定过程的精彩概述。



Did you see this answer?
Forcing the ASP.NET Application to load the assembly from bin not from GAC


It sounds like you are trying to do the same thing.




If you can change the version number of the local dll, you can use a dll version redirect using the oldVersion attribute. You can use a strong name for the local assembly: Please look this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7wd6ex19.aspx


Also you should consider that it is possible to modify the version number of a compiled assembly like it is described here: Change Assembly Version in a compiled .NET assembly




To successfully deploy your .NET Framework application, you must understand how the common language runtime locates and binds to the assemblies that make up your application. By default, the runtime attempts to bind with the exact version of an assembly that the application was built with. This default behavior can be overridden by configuration file settings.

要成功部署.NET Framework应用程序,您必须了解公共语言运行库如何定位和绑定到组成应用程序的程序集。默认情况下,运行时尝试使用构建应用程序的程序集的确切版本进行绑定。配置文件设置可以覆盖此默认行为。

You can view binding information in the log file using the Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe), which is included in the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).






If both assemblies are strong-named (signed), the CLR will always load from the GAC.


Here are the steps the runtime uses to resolve assembly references (from How the Runtime Locates Assemblies):


  1. Determines the correct assembly version by examining applicable configuration files, including the application configuration file, publisher policy file, and machine configuration file. If the configuration file is located on a remote machine, the runtime must locate and download the application configuration file first.


  2. Checks whether the assembly name has been bound to before and, if so, uses the previously loaded assembly. If a previous request to load the assembly failed, the request fails immediately without attempting to load the assembly.


  3. Checks the global assembly cache. If the assembly is found there, the runtime uses this assembly.


  4. Probes for the assembly (... some material omitted ...)


As stated later in that same article:


There is no version checking for assemblies without strong names, nor does the runtime check in the global assembly cache for assemblies without strong names.


So if you can afford to remove signing from the local assembly, the application will use it instead of the one in the GAC.


For more detail than you could probably ever want about the runtime-binding mechanisms, see Suzanne Cook's blog.

有关运行时绑定机制的详细信息,请参阅Suzanne Cook的博客。

This blog entry from Scott Hanselman also provides a great overview of the binding process.

Scott Hanselman的博客文章也提供了绑定过程的精彩概述。



Did you see this answer?
Forcing the ASP.NET Application to load the assembly from bin not from GAC


It sounds like you are trying to do the same thing.




If you can change the version number of the local dll, you can use a dll version redirect using the oldVersion attribute. You can use a strong name for the local assembly: Please look this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7wd6ex19.aspx


Also you should consider that it is possible to modify the version number of a compiled assembly like it is described here: Change Assembly Version in a compiled .NET assembly




To successfully deploy your .NET Framework application, you must understand how the common language runtime locates and binds to the assemblies that make up your application. By default, the runtime attempts to bind with the exact version of an assembly that the application was built with. This default behavior can be overridden by configuration file settings.

要成功部署.NET Framework应用程序,您必须了解公共语言运行库如何定位和绑定到组成应用程序的程序集。默认情况下,运行时尝试使用构建应用程序的程序集的确切版本进行绑定。配置文件设置可以覆盖此默认行为。

You can view binding information in the log file using the Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe), which is included in the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).


