
时间:2021-01-09 02:46:25

I'm trying to use Assembly.Load() to load an assembly that is in the GAC. For example, say I want to list out all of the types that exist in PresentationCore.dll, how would I go about loading PresentationCore.dll?


When I try this:


Assembly a = Assembly.Load("PresentationCore.dll");

I get a FileNotFoundException. Another answer on SO suggested I used Assembly.LoadFrom() to accomplish this - I'm hesitant to do that because Assembly.LoadFrom() is deprecated, according to Visual Studio 2008 - plus, it doesn't seem to actually work.

我得到一个FileNotFoundException。关于SO的另一个答案建议我使用Assembly.LoadFrom()来完成这个 - 我很犹豫,因为根据Visual Studio 2008,不推荐使用Assembly.LoadFrom() - 而且它似乎并没有真正起作用。

Any ideas?

5 个解决方案


If the assembly is in the GAC you must load it via its fully qualified name.


For example, if I wanted to load mscorlib.dll I would do something like this:


Assembly a = Assembly.Load
    ("mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");

The easiest way to determine an assembly's fully qualified name is to load the assembly in Reflector and use the Name field from the lower display pane like this:




You need to pass the name of the assembly to Assembly.Load(), not the name of the DLL. If you open the DLL in Reflector, the name should be at the bottom of the window. In the case of PresentationCore.dll, the name should be something like PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35.

您需要将程序集的名称传递给Assembly.Load(),而不是DLL的名称。如果在Reflector中打开DLL,则名称应位于窗口的底部。在PresentationCore.dll的情况下,名称应该类似于PresentationCore,Version =,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35。


I recommend you take a look at How the Runtime Locates Assemblies in the MSDN library to get an idea of what happens when the CLR attempts to load an assembly.


For diagnosing specific issues, the Fusion Log Viewer tool is fantastic. Suzanne Cook, one of the Fusion developers has a guide on her blog which has helped me out in the past.

对于诊断特定问题,Fusion Log Viewer工具非常棒。 Fusion开发人员之一Suzanne Cook在她的博客上有一个指南,过去曾帮助过我。


The easiest way to get the string is to first add a reference to your project then do this:


string regStringMath = typeof(System.Math).Assembly;
Assembly assMath = Assembly.Load("System.Math", regStringMath);

string regStringPres = typeof(PresentationCore).Assembly;
Assembly assPres = Assembly.Load("PresentationCore", regStringPres);

This will ensure you get the right version that you added as a reference to your project.



Use GetAssemblyName (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.assemblyname.getassemblyname.aspx) to get the fully qualified assembly name of the dll, and pass this to Assembly.Load().



If the assembly is in the GAC you must load it via its fully qualified name.


For example, if I wanted to load mscorlib.dll I would do something like this:


Assembly a = Assembly.Load
    ("mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");

The easiest way to determine an assembly's fully qualified name is to load the assembly in Reflector and use the Name field from the lower display pane like this:




You need to pass the name of the assembly to Assembly.Load(), not the name of the DLL. If you open the DLL in Reflector, the name should be at the bottom of the window. In the case of PresentationCore.dll, the name should be something like PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35.

您需要将程序集的名称传递给Assembly.Load(),而不是DLL的名称。如果在Reflector中打开DLL,则名称应位于窗口的底部。在PresentationCore.dll的情况下,名称应该类似于PresentationCore,Version =,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35。


I recommend you take a look at How the Runtime Locates Assemblies in the MSDN library to get an idea of what happens when the CLR attempts to load an assembly.


For diagnosing specific issues, the Fusion Log Viewer tool is fantastic. Suzanne Cook, one of the Fusion developers has a guide on her blog which has helped me out in the past.

对于诊断特定问题,Fusion Log Viewer工具非常棒。 Fusion开发人员之一Suzanne Cook在她的博客上有一个指南,过去曾帮助过我。


The easiest way to get the string is to first add a reference to your project then do this:


string regStringMath = typeof(System.Math).Assembly;
Assembly assMath = Assembly.Load("System.Math", regStringMath);

string regStringPres = typeof(PresentationCore).Assembly;
Assembly assPres = Assembly.Load("PresentationCore", regStringPres);

This will ensure you get the right version that you added as a reference to your project.



Use GetAssemblyName (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.assemblyname.getassemblyname.aspx) to get the fully qualified assembly name of the dll, and pass this to Assembly.Load().
