从字符串中提取文本 - Excel VBA

时间:2022-05-10 02:47:23

I am trying to generate X,Y,Z strings from a text file to input into a CAD program like AutoCAD or Inventor. I would like to do this in Excel using VBA.


The text file contains strings like this:



and I would like to extract X, Y, and Z coordinates from that. To be clear, this text has been pasted into Excel and Column A contains each line. Line 1 would come out as "X.5384" in one column and "Z.05" in another.


I know enough VBA to remove the XYZ from the strings but I cannot figure out how to pull a specific portion out. There is no guarantee that they will be in XYZ order or another letter will not be in the middle of them.


I have read a bit about the Regex.Split and with enough time I could probably get it to split the entire string out but I would like to just pull X, Y, and Z coordinates out and ignore the rest if possible.


2 个解决方案



First put this little User Defined Function in a standard module:


Public Function GetData(r As Range, CH As String) As String
   Dim v As String, i As Long, j As Long, L As Long, CHm As String

   v = r.Text
   L = Len(v)
   GetData = ""
   i = InStr(1, v, CH)
   If i = 0 Then Exit Function
   GetData = CH

   For j = i + 1 To L
      CHm = Mid(v, j, 1)
      If CHm = "-" Or CHm = "." Or CHm Like "[0-9]" Then
         GetData = GetData & CHm
         Exit Function
      End If
   Next j
End Function

Then in B1 enter: =getdata(A1,"X") and copy down.
In C1 enter: =getdata(A1,"Y") and copy down.
In D1 enter: =getdata(A1,"Z") and copy down.

然后在B1输入:= getdata(A1,“X”)并复制下来。在C1中输入:= getdata(A1,“Y”)并复制下来。在D1中输入:= getdata(A1,“Z”)并复制下来。

从字符串中提取文本 -  Excel VBA



For an alternate solution that does not use VBA, use row 1 as a header row and put in the letters you're looking for, as shown in this image:


从字符串中提取文本 -  Excel VBA

In cell B2 is this formula and then copy over and down:


=IF(COUNTIF($A2,"*"&B$1&"*")=0,"",MID($A2,SEARCH(B$1,$A2),MATCH(FALSE,INDEX(ISNUMBER(--(MID($A2&" ",SEARCH(B$1,$A2)+1,ROW($1:$10))&0)),),0)))



First put this little User Defined Function in a standard module:


Public Function GetData(r As Range, CH As String) As String
   Dim v As String, i As Long, j As Long, L As Long, CHm As String

   v = r.Text
   L = Len(v)
   GetData = ""
   i = InStr(1, v, CH)
   If i = 0 Then Exit Function
   GetData = CH

   For j = i + 1 To L
      CHm = Mid(v, j, 1)
      If CHm = "-" Or CHm = "." Or CHm Like "[0-9]" Then
         GetData = GetData & CHm
         Exit Function
      End If
   Next j
End Function

Then in B1 enter: =getdata(A1,"X") and copy down.
In C1 enter: =getdata(A1,"Y") and copy down.
In D1 enter: =getdata(A1,"Z") and copy down.

然后在B1输入:= getdata(A1,“X”)并复制下来。在C1中输入:= getdata(A1,“Y”)并复制下来。在D1中输入:= getdata(A1,“Z”)并复制下来。

从字符串中提取文本 -  Excel VBA



For an alternate solution that does not use VBA, use row 1 as a header row and put in the letters you're looking for, as shown in this image:


从字符串中提取文本 -  Excel VBA

In cell B2 is this formula and then copy over and down:


=IF(COUNTIF($A2,"*"&B$1&"*")=0,"",MID($A2,SEARCH(B$1,$A2),MATCH(FALSE,INDEX(ISNUMBER(--(MID($A2&" ",SEARCH(B$1,$A2)+1,ROW($1:$10))&0)),),0)))