
时间:2021-09-26 01:06:35



@ File:head.S
@ 功能:设置SDRAM,将程序复制到SDRAM,然后跳到SDRAM继续执行

.equ        MEM_CTL_BASE,       0x48000000
.equ        SDRAM_BASE,         0x30000000

.global _start
    bl  disable_watch_dog               @ 关闭WATCHDOG,否则CPU会不断重启
    bl  memsetup                        @ 设置存储控制器
    bl  copy_steppingstone_to_sdram     @ 复制代码到SDRAM中
    ldr pc, =on_sdram                   @ 跳到SDRAM中继续执行
    ldr sp, =0x34000000                 @ 设置堆栈
    bl  main
    b   halt_loop

    @ 往WATCHDOG寄存器写0即可
    mov r1,     #0x53000000
    mov r2,     #0x0
    str r2,     [r1]
    mov pc,     lr      @ 返回

    @ 将Steppingstone的4K数据全部复制到SDRAM中去
    @ Steppingstone起始地址为0x00000000,SDRAM中起始地址为0x30000000
    mov r1, #0
    ldr r2, =SDRAM_BASE
    mov r3, #4*1024
    ldr r4, [r1],#4     @ 从Steppingstone读取4字节的数据,并让源地址加4
    str r4, [r2],#4     @ 将此4字节的数据复制到SDRAM中,并让目地地址加4
    cmp r1, r3          @ 判断是否完成:源地址等于Steppingstone的未地址?
    bne 1b              @ 若没有复制完,继续
    mov pc,     lr      @ 返回

    @ 设置存储控制器以便使用SDRAM等外设

    mov r1,     #MEM_CTL_BASE       @ 存储控制器的13个寄存器的开始地址
    adrl    r2, mem_cfg_val         @ 这13个值的起始存储地址
    add r3,     r1, #52             @ 13*4 = 54
    ldr r4,     [r2], #4            @ 读取设置值,并让r2加4
    str r4,     [r1], #4            @ 将此值写入寄存器,并让r1加4
    cmp r1,     r3                  @ 判断是否设置完所有13个寄存器
    bne 1b                          @ 若没有写成,继续
    mov pc,     lr                  @ 返回

.align 4
    @ 存储控制器13个寄存器的设置值
    .long   0x22011110      @ BWSCON
    .long   0x00000700      @ BANKCON0
    .long   0x00000700      @ BANKCON1
    .long   0x00000700      @ BANKCON2
    .long   0x00000700      @ BANKCON3  
    .long   0x00000700      @ BANKCON4
    .long   0x00000700      @ BANKCON5
    .long   0x00018005      @ BANKCON6
    .long   0x00018005      @ BANKCON7
    .long   0x008C07A3      @ REFRESH
    .long   0x000000B1      @ BANKSIZE
    .long   0x00000030      @ MRSRB6
    .long   0x00000030      @ MRSRB7


sdram.bin : head.S leds.c arm-linux-gcc  -c -o head.o head.S arm-linux-gcc -c -o leds.o leds.c arm-linux-ld -Ttext 0x30000000 head.o leds.o -o sdram_elf arm-linux-objcopy -O binary -S sdram_elf sdram.bin arm-linux-objdump -D -m arm  sdram_elf > sdram.dis clean: rm -f   sdram.dis sdram.bin sdram_elf *.o


sdram_elf:     file format elf32-littlearm Disassembly of section .text: 30000000 <_start>: 30000000:    eb000005     bl    3000001c <disable_watch_dog>
30000004:    eb000010     bl    3000004c <memsetup>
30000008:    eb000007     bl    3000002c <copy_steppingstone_to_sdram> 3000000c: e59ff090 ldr pc, [pc, #144]    ; 300000a4 <mem_cfg_val+0x34>

30000010 <on_sdram>: 30000010:    e3a0d30d     mov    sp, #872415232    ; 0x34000000
30000014:    eb000033     bl    300000e8 <main>

30000018 <halt_loop>: 30000018:    eafffffe     b    30000018 <halt_loop> 3000001c <disable_watch_dog>: 3000001c: e3a01453 mov r1, #1392508928    ; 0x53000000
30000020:    e3a02000     mov    r2, #0
30000024: e5812000 str r2, [r1] 30000028: e1a0f00e mov pc, lr 3000002c <copy_steppingstone_to_sdram>: 3000002c: e3a01000 mov r1, #0
30000030:    e3a02203     mov    r2, #805306368    ; 0x30000000
30000034:    e3a03a01     mov    r3, #4096    ; 0x1000
30000038:    e4914004     ldr    r4, [r1], #4 3000003c: e4824004 str r4, [r2], #4
30000040: e1510003 cmp r1, r3 30000044:    1afffffb     bne    30000038 <copy_steppingstone_to_sdram+0xc>
30000048: e1a0f00e mov pc, lr 3000004c <memsetup>: 3000004c: e3a01312 mov r1, #1207959552    ; 0x48000000
30000050:    e28f2018     add    r2, pc, #24
30000054: e1a00000 nop ; (mov r0, r0) 30000058:    e2813034     add    r3, r1, #52    ; 0x34 3000005c: e4924004 ldr r4, [r2], #4
30000060:    e4814004     str    r4, [r1], #4
30000064: e1510003 cmp r1, r3 30000068:    1afffffb     bne    3000005c <memsetup+0x10> 3000006c: e1a0f00e mov pc, lr 30000070 <mem_cfg_val>: 30000070:    22011110     andcs    r1, r1, #4
30000074:    00000700     andeq    r0, r0, r0, lsl #14
30000078:    00000700     andeq    r0, r0, r0, lsl #14 3000007c: 00000700     andeq    r0, r0, r0, lsl #14
30000080:    00000700     andeq    r0, r0, r0, lsl #14
30000084:    00000700     andeq    r0, r0, r0, lsl #14
30000088:    00000700     andeq    r0, r0, r0, lsl #14 3000008c: 00018005 andeq r8, r1, r5 30000090:    00018005 andeq r8, r1, r5 30000094:    008c07a3     addeq    r0, ip, r3, lsr #15
30000098:    000000b1     strheq    r0, [r0], -r1 3000009c: 00000030 andeq r0, r0, r0, lsr r0 300000a0: 00000030 andeq r0, r0, r0, lsr r0 300000a4: 30000010 andcc r0, r0, r0, lsl r0 300000a8: e1a00000 nop ; (mov r0, r0) 300000ac: e1a00000 nop ; (mov r0, r0) 300000b0 <wait>: 300000b0: e52db004 push {fp} ; (str fp, [sp, #-4]!) 300000b4: e28db000 add fp, sp, #0 300000b8: e24dd00c sub sp, sp, #12 300000bc: e50b0008 str r0, [fp, #-8] 300000c0: ea000002 b 300000d0 <wait+0x20> 300000c4: e51b3008 ldr r3, [fp, #-8] 300000c8: e2433001 sub r3, r3, #1 300000cc: e50b3008 str r3, [fp, #-8] 300000d0: e51b3008 ldr r3, [fp, #-8] 300000d4: e3530000 cmp r3, #0 300000d8: 1afffff9 bne 300000c4 <wait+0x14> 300000dc: e28bd000 add sp, fp, #0 300000e0: e8bd0800 pop {fp} 300000e4: e12fff1e bx lr 300000e8 <main>: 300000e8: e92d4800 push {fp, lr} 300000ec: e28db004 add fp, sp, #4 300000f0: e24dd008 sub sp, sp, #8 300000f4: e3a03000 mov r3, #0 300000f8: e50b3008 str r3, [fp, #-8] 300000fc: e59f304c ldr r3, [pc, #76]    ; 30000150 <main+0x68>
30000100:    e3a02c15     mov    r2, #5376    ; 0x1500
30000104: e5832000 str r2, [r3] 30000108:    ea000000     b    30000110 <main+0x28> 3000010c: e1a00000 nop ; (mov r0, r0) 30000110:    e59f003c     ldr    r0, [pc, #60]    ; 30000154 <main+0x6c>
30000114:    ebffffe5     bl    300000b0 <wait>
30000118:    e59f3038     ldr    r3, [pc, #56]    ; 30000158 <main+0x70> 3000011c: e51b2008 ldr r2, [fp, #-8] 30000120:    e1a02202     lsl    r2, r2, #4
30000124: e1e02002 mvn r2, r2 30000128: e5832000 str r2, [r3] 3000012c: e51b3008 ldr r3, [fp, #-8] 30000130:    e2833001     add    r3, r3, #1
30000134:    e50b3008     str    r3, [fp, #-8] 30000138:    e51b3008     ldr    r3, [fp, #-8] 3000013c: e3530008 cmp r3, #8
30000140:    1afffff1     bne    3000010c <main+0x24>
30000144:    e3a03000     mov    r3, #0
30000148:    e50b3008     str    r3, [fp, #-8] 3000014c: eaffffef b 30000110 <main+0x28>
30000150:    56000050     undefined instruction 0x56000050
30000154:    00007530 andeq r7, r0, r0, lsr r5 30000158:    56000054     undefined instruction 0x56000054 Disassembly of section .ARM.attributes: 00000000 <.ARM.attributes>: 0:    00002541     andeq    r2, r0, r1, asr #10
   4:    61656100     cmnvs    r5, r0, lsl #2
   8:    01006962     tsteq    r0, r2, ror #18 c: 0000001b andeq r0, r0, fp, lsl r0 10:    00543405     subseq    r3, r4, r5, lsl #8
  14:    01080206     tsteq    r8, r6, lsl #4
  18:    04120109     ldreq    r0, [r2], #-265    ; 0x109 1c: 01150114 tsteq r5, r4, lsl r1 20:    01180317 tsteq r8, r7, lsl r3 24:    Address 0x00000024 is out of bounds. Disassembly of section .comment: 00000000 <.comment>: 0:    3a434347     bcc    10d0d24 <SDRAM_BASE-0x2ef2f2dc>
   4:    74632820     strbtvc    r2, [r3], #-2080    ; 0x820
   8:    312d676e     teqcc    sp, lr, ror #14 c: 312e362e teqcc lr, lr, lsr #12
  10:    2e342029     cdpcs    0, 3, cr2, cr4, cr9, {1} 14:    00332e34     eorseq    r2, r3, r4, lsr lr



1 为什么反汇编文件中“应该运行”地址都是3打头的呢?

因为这是与链接脚本也就是makefile中的 -Ttext有关系


2 整个程序运行的顺序应该是这样的: 首先CPU自动从外接的nandflash中的前4K数据复制到SRAM中(假设从nandflash启动)。然后CPU跳转到SRAM中0地址运行。这一段代码完成的工作包括了关看门狗、时钟、初始化SDRAM、拷贝代码从SRAM到SDRAM(实际上很多时候是从NandFlash拷贝到SDRAM),最后跳转到SDRAM中执行。


3 什么时候跳到SDRAM中执行,怎么确定跳转的地址





其中的“ldr pc,  [pc, #144]”


而此时PC的值是多少呢,当然是0x00000014 + 8

(1)       为什么是0x00000014不是0x30000014呢,因为此时还在SRAM中运行而非SDRAM,虽然链接地址指定该条语句应该位于0x30000014但是真正运行的地址并不是由此链接而确定。

(2)       为什么 是加8




可以看到是30000010,换而言之,此时PC值 等于了0X3000010位于SDRAM中,那此地址上的内容是什么呢,别忘了,我们刚把些代码复制到了SDRAM中。此时的代码如上上图所示。


