
时间:2021-09-26 00:24:33

I'm sorry if I'm asking the wrong thing in *, but I've come to my wits end dealing with Blackberry. Documentation, site organization, general levels of support have all come together to the point that I haven't been able to do a whole lot of actual work in this environment.


I currently have the Eclipse environment downloaded from the blackberry developer's area website. I can run the simulator and everything else without issue. What I'm trying to do now is to move from debugging on the simulator to debugging on the device itself. This is an important step for me, but I haven't found a satisfactory way to do it...


What I've found are some posts saying that I should package an ALX (of which I'm still not sure on how to do), and using the BDM to install it. This, however, means I won't be able to use the debugger...


If someone could direct me to a resource that will give me step by step instructions from coding to release of blackberry development, this would be awfully helpful.


Thanks so much!


3 个解决方案


Yes, please test your code on a device. Basic stuff works the same between both, but especially when you get into networking, media, etc. the devices are different.


You can debug on your device through Eclipse. I can't provide you with an end-to-end guide on SO, but here's the quick debug guide.


  1. Build (sign if necessary) and load your app onto the device. You can do this with the desktop manager, or with the command-line javaloader tool that comes with the JDE (look in the bin directory), or even OTA (over the air)
  2. 构建(必要时签名)并将您的应用程序加载到设备上。您可以使用桌面管理器,或使用JDE附带的命令行javaloader工具(查看bin目录),甚至是OTA(无线)

  3. After loading, make sure the Desktop Manager is NOT running (it'll interfere with on-device debugging)
  4. 加载后,确保桌面管理器未运行(它会干扰设备上的调试)

  5. From Eclipse, create a new debug configuration, in the Debug Configurations dialog click on BlackBerry Device, and then click on the new configuration icon. Default settings should be fine.
  6. 在Eclipse中,创建新的调试配置,在Debug Configurations对话框中单击BlackBerry Device,然后单击新配置图标。默认设置应该没问题。

  7. Make sure your device is plugged into your USB port and start your new debug configuration. You'll probably get a lot of prompts about things missing (because actual devices don't have debug info for any built-in stuff, generally) but click through those and you should be fine to debug.
  8. 确保您的设备已插入USB端口并启动新的调试配置。你可能会得到很多关于缺少的东西的提示(因为实际的设备通常没有任何内置东西的调试信息)但是点击这些就可以调试了。


This is something we struggled with a lot at my old company. I don't think it's possible to do with Eclipse, you have to use the BB JDE, creating the necessary project files against the same code base. I could be wrong on that one as we weren't using the RIM Eclipse plugin, just building it all with Ant.

这是我们在旧公司中经常遇到的事情。我不认为可以使用Eclipse,你必须使用BB JDE,针对相同的代码库创建必要的项目文件。我可能错了,因为我们没有使用RIM Eclipse插件,只是使用Ant构建它。

Personally I never managed to get passed "debugger attaching..." on the device, although I believe a colleague got it to connect but found it too slow to be usable (if you think how slow the emulator can be sometimes...). I know our ant build file had a target for building a version specifically for the JDE profiler, although that was only against the emulator.

就个人而言,我从来没有设法在设备上通过“调试器附加...”,虽然我相信一位同事得到了连接,但发现它太慢而无法使用(如果你认为模拟器有时会有多慢......) 。我知道我们的ant构建文件有一个专门为JDE探查器构建版本的目标,尽管那只是针对模拟器的。

In the end we resorted to using our own function debugging code that manually logged entries, exits, parameters and run times, sending the result to a special server.


Sorry if that doesn't help much, but that was our experience.



Never needed to debug on the device itself, I've always found that the apps i've written work on the device, same as on the handset.


As for generating an ALX, in eclipse right click on the project inside the Package Explorer and select "Generate ALX File".

至于生成ALX,在eclipse中右键单击Package Explorer中的项目并选择“Generate ALX File”。


Yes, please test your code on a device. Basic stuff works the same between both, but especially when you get into networking, media, etc. the devices are different.


You can debug on your device through Eclipse. I can't provide you with an end-to-end guide on SO, but here's the quick debug guide.


  1. Build (sign if necessary) and load your app onto the device. You can do this with the desktop manager, or with the command-line javaloader tool that comes with the JDE (look in the bin directory), or even OTA (over the air)
  2. 构建(必要时签名)并将您的应用程序加载到设备上。您可以使用桌面管理器,或使用JDE附带的命令行javaloader工具(查看bin目录),甚至是OTA(无线)

  3. After loading, make sure the Desktop Manager is NOT running (it'll interfere with on-device debugging)
  4. 加载后,确保桌面管理器未运行(它会干扰设备上的调试)

  5. From Eclipse, create a new debug configuration, in the Debug Configurations dialog click on BlackBerry Device, and then click on the new configuration icon. Default settings should be fine.
  6. 在Eclipse中,创建新的调试配置,在Debug Configurations对话框中单击BlackBerry Device,然后单击新配置图标。默认设置应该没问题。

  7. Make sure your device is plugged into your USB port and start your new debug configuration. You'll probably get a lot of prompts about things missing (because actual devices don't have debug info for any built-in stuff, generally) but click through those and you should be fine to debug.
  8. 确保您的设备已插入USB端口并启动新的调试配置。你可能会得到很多关于缺少的东西的提示(因为实际的设备通常没有任何内置东西的调试信息)但是点击这些就可以调试了。


This is something we struggled with a lot at my old company. I don't think it's possible to do with Eclipse, you have to use the BB JDE, creating the necessary project files against the same code base. I could be wrong on that one as we weren't using the RIM Eclipse plugin, just building it all with Ant.

这是我们在旧公司中经常遇到的事情。我不认为可以使用Eclipse,你必须使用BB JDE,针对相同的代码库创建必要的项目文件。我可能错了,因为我们没有使用RIM Eclipse插件,只是使用Ant构建它。

Personally I never managed to get passed "debugger attaching..." on the device, although I believe a colleague got it to connect but found it too slow to be usable (if you think how slow the emulator can be sometimes...). I know our ant build file had a target for building a version specifically for the JDE profiler, although that was only against the emulator.

就个人而言,我从来没有设法在设备上通过“调试器附加...”,虽然我相信一位同事得到了连接,但发现它太慢而无法使用(如果你认为模拟器有时会有多慢......) 。我知道我们的ant构建文件有一个专门为JDE探查器构建版本的目标,尽管那只是针对模拟器的。

In the end we resorted to using our own function debugging code that manually logged entries, exits, parameters and run times, sending the result to a special server.


Sorry if that doesn't help much, but that was our experience.



Never needed to debug on the device itself, I've always found that the apps i've written work on the device, same as on the handset.


As for generating an ALX, in eclipse right click on the project inside the Package Explorer and select "Generate ALX File".

至于生成ALX,在eclipse中右键单击Package Explorer中的项目并选择“Generate ALX File”。