如何设置Cscope-> database->设置init目录

时间:2020-12-04 00:22:17

I am using xcode with emacs. But everytime I start emacs, I need to go to menu 'CScope' -> Cscope->database -> set init Directory and it pick the root directory of my source.

我正在使用带有emacs的xcode。但每次我启动emacs时,我都需要进入菜单'CScope' - > Cscope-> database - > set init Directory,然后选择我的源的根目录。

And then I click 'CScope' -> Cscope->database -> set init Directory->create list and index'

然后我点击'CScope' - > Cscope->数据库 - >设置init目录 - >创建列表和索引'

Is there anyway I can configure that in .emacs so that I don't need to do that every time i start emacs?


Thank you.

2 个解决方案


If you're using this cscope mode it looks like you could do M-x customize-variable RET cscope-last-directory RET, set the variable to your favorite directory, and save the value. If not, you'll have to be more specific about how you are using cscope with Emacs.

如果您正在使用此cscope模式,看起来您可以执行M-x自定义变量RET cscope-last-directory RET,将变量设置为您喜欢的目录,并保存该值。如果没有,您必须更具体地说明如何将cscope与Emacs一起使用。


refer to "Using Cscope on large projects(example: the Linux kernel)"


  1. use find command build cscope.files


    find /path/to/project -name ".h" -or -name ".c" > /path/to/cscope/initdir

    find / path / to / project -name“.h”-or -name“.c”> / path / to / cscope / initdir

  2. edit .emacs

    (setq cscope-initial-directory "/path/to/cscope/initdir")

    (setq cscope-in​​itial-directory“/ path / to / cscope / initdir”)

PS: I use xcscope.el



If you're using this cscope mode it looks like you could do M-x customize-variable RET cscope-last-directory RET, set the variable to your favorite directory, and save the value. If not, you'll have to be more specific about how you are using cscope with Emacs.

如果您正在使用此cscope模式,看起来您可以执行M-x自定义变量RET cscope-last-directory RET,将变量设置为您喜欢的目录,并保存该值。如果没有,您必须更具体地说明如何将cscope与Emacs一起使用。


refer to "Using Cscope on large projects(example: the Linux kernel)"


  1. use find command build cscope.files


    find /path/to/project -name ".h" -or -name ".c" > /path/to/cscope/initdir

    find / path / to / project -name“.h”-or -name“.c”> / path / to / cscope / initdir

  2. edit .emacs

    (setq cscope-initial-directory "/path/to/cscope/initdir")

    (setq cscope-in​​itial-directory“/ path / to / cscope / initdir”)

PS: I use xcscope.el
