
时间:2022-08-09 00:09:48

I have a remote directory on 'xyz.com/myimages/'. This directory has many files in it.


I would like to use my Node.js app to retrieve this list of file names from that URL (xyz.com/myimages/). I have verified that Apache is configured to permit directory indexing for this path.


How can I retrieve the file names form the URL using Node.JS?


2 个解决方案


If you have an SSH access you can do this like this:


var exec = require('child_process').exec;

exec("ssh login@xyz.com 'ls /path/to/myimages'",
  function (error, stdout, stderr) {
    console.log('remote files: ' + stdout);


IMHO , Better way is to use library like https://github.com/mscdex/ssh2 . It can provide a more programatic handle to operations on the machine than exec .



If you have an SSH access you can do this like this:


var exec = require('child_process').exec;

exec("ssh login@xyz.com 'ls /path/to/myimages'",
  function (error, stdout, stderr) {
    console.log('remote files: ' + stdout);


IMHO , Better way is to use library like https://github.com/mscdex/ssh2 . It can provide a more programatic handle to operations on the machine than exec .
