
时间:2022-01-12 00:10:14

I need to read daily netcdf files every month and give each a name ended with the date


for(monthd in 31){
    days<-formatC(monthd, width=2, flag="0")

In the end I should have raster objectives named as sm01 sm02 . . . sm31

最后我应该有名为sm01 sm02的栅格目标。 。 。 SM31

for January. There must be a simple way to do it, I'm just very fresh in coding.


2 个解决方案



You want to take a mean of a set of raster files. Package raster has built-in object types for handling situations such as this. It is much more efficient to create a rasterStack and use calc to find the mean:


days<-formatC(1:31, width=2, flag="0")
files <- list( paste("2004" , "01" , days , "1.nc" , sep="" ) )

## First 3 filenames:
# [1] "200401011.nc" "200401021.nc" "200401031.nc"

sms <- stack( files )
smMean <- calc( sms , mean , na.rm = TRUE )

Edit based on OP comment

You cannot pass a list of filenames directly to raster. From the manual, it states:


x: filename (character), Extent, Raster*, SpatialPixels*, SpatialGrid*, object, 'image', matrix, im, or missing.

x:文件名(字符),范围,栅格*,SpatialPixels *,SpatialGrid *,对象,“图像”,矩阵,im或缺失。

Therefore if you must have individual raster objects (and I strongly advise against it in this case) then you could use your loop as originally planned, or you could use:


smRaster <- lapply( files , raster , varname = "sm" )

This will return one list object, each element of which is a raster object. This is probably not that useful to you, but you can then access each one using smRaster[[1]] , smRaster[[2]] etc.

这将返回一个列表对象,其中每个元素都是一个栅格对象。这可能对您没有用,但您可以使用smRaster [[1]],smRaster [[2]]等访问每一个。

But use a raster stack if your files have the same extent and resolution!

Reading the files in using stack is likely to be more efficient and help you write more readable, shorter code. You can operate on all the rasters at once using convenient syntax, e.g. if I wanted to make a new raster that showed the sum of all the other rasters:


## First we use our files list to make the rasterStack
smStack <- stack( files , varname = "sm" )

## 'sum' returns a new rasterLayer, each cell is the sum of the corresponding cells in the stack
smSum <- sum( smStack , na.rm = TRUE )

## 'mean' does the same!!
smMean <- mean( smStack , na.rm = TRUE )

## What if we want the mean of only the first 7 days of rasters?
smMean <- mean( smStack[[1:7]] , na.rm = TRUE )

## To see how many rasters in the stack...
nlayers( smStack )

## To make a new object of just the first 7 rasters in the stack
subset( smStack , 1:7 )

## Is roughly equivalent to using the `[[` operator like this to get the first 7 layers in a new object
newRaster <- smStack[[1:7]]

## If you want to access an individual layer..
smStack[[ layernumber/or layername here ]]

## And to get the names:
names( smStack)

I would really strongly advise using a stack if you rasters cover the same spatial extent and resolution. It is more efficient, both for R and for your coding to just use a stack! I hope I have convinced you! :-)

如果你的光栅覆盖相同的空间范围和分辨率,我真的强烈建议使用堆栈。对于R和编码来说它只是使用堆栈更高效!我希望我已经说服你了! :-)



First thing: your for loop is off, you only iterate over one value, 31. You need to change it to:


for (monthd in 1 : 31) { …

Next, to create a variable based on a string, use assign:


assign(paste('sm', monthd, sep = ''), someValue)

Finally, remove the last line of your loop – it’s syntactically wrong and it achieves nothing, once corrected.

最后,删除循环的最后一行 - 它在语法上是错误的,一旦纠正就没有任何结果。

However, I strongly advise against using assign here. What you want isn’t lots of individual variables, you simply want a vector. You can simply create it like this:


sm <- vector(length = 31)
# or
sm <- 1 : 31
# or, same as previous
sm <- seq(1, 31)
# or
sm <- rep(someValue, 31)



You want to take a mean of a set of raster files. Package raster has built-in object types for handling situations such as this. It is much more efficient to create a rasterStack and use calc to find the mean:


days<-formatC(1:31, width=2, flag="0")
files <- list( paste("2004" , "01" , days , "1.nc" , sep="" ) )

## First 3 filenames:
# [1] "200401011.nc" "200401021.nc" "200401031.nc"

sms <- stack( files )
smMean <- calc( sms , mean , na.rm = TRUE )

Edit based on OP comment

You cannot pass a list of filenames directly to raster. From the manual, it states:


x: filename (character), Extent, Raster*, SpatialPixels*, SpatialGrid*, object, 'image', matrix, im, or missing.

x:文件名(字符),范围,栅格*,SpatialPixels *,SpatialGrid *,对象,“图像”,矩阵,im或缺失。

Therefore if you must have individual raster objects (and I strongly advise against it in this case) then you could use your loop as originally planned, or you could use:


smRaster <- lapply( files , raster , varname = "sm" )

This will return one list object, each element of which is a raster object. This is probably not that useful to you, but you can then access each one using smRaster[[1]] , smRaster[[2]] etc.

这将返回一个列表对象,其中每个元素都是一个栅格对象。这可能对您没有用,但您可以使用smRaster [[1]],smRaster [[2]]等访问每一个。

But use a raster stack if your files have the same extent and resolution!

Reading the files in using stack is likely to be more efficient and help you write more readable, shorter code. You can operate on all the rasters at once using convenient syntax, e.g. if I wanted to make a new raster that showed the sum of all the other rasters:


## First we use our files list to make the rasterStack
smStack <- stack( files , varname = "sm" )

## 'sum' returns a new rasterLayer, each cell is the sum of the corresponding cells in the stack
smSum <- sum( smStack , na.rm = TRUE )

## 'mean' does the same!!
smMean <- mean( smStack , na.rm = TRUE )

## What if we want the mean of only the first 7 days of rasters?
smMean <- mean( smStack[[1:7]] , na.rm = TRUE )

## To see how many rasters in the stack...
nlayers( smStack )

## To make a new object of just the first 7 rasters in the stack
subset( smStack , 1:7 )

## Is roughly equivalent to using the `[[` operator like this to get the first 7 layers in a new object
newRaster <- smStack[[1:7]]

## If you want to access an individual layer..
smStack[[ layernumber/or layername here ]]

## And to get the names:
names( smStack)

I would really strongly advise using a stack if you rasters cover the same spatial extent and resolution. It is more efficient, both for R and for your coding to just use a stack! I hope I have convinced you! :-)

如果你的光栅覆盖相同的空间范围和分辨率,我真的强烈建议使用堆栈。对于R和编码来说它只是使用堆栈更高效!我希望我已经说服你了! :-)



First thing: your for loop is off, you only iterate over one value, 31. You need to change it to:


for (monthd in 1 : 31) { …

Next, to create a variable based on a string, use assign:


assign(paste('sm', monthd, sep = ''), someValue)

Finally, remove the last line of your loop – it’s syntactically wrong and it achieves nothing, once corrected.

最后,删除循环的最后一行 - 它在语法上是错误的,一旦纠正就没有任何结果。

However, I strongly advise against using assign here. What you want isn’t lots of individual variables, you simply want a vector. You can simply create it like this:


sm <- vector(length = 31)
# or
sm <- 1 : 31
# or, same as previous
sm <- seq(1, 31)
# or
sm <- rep(someValue, 31)