
时间:2022-01-23 23:31:49

If you are writing a simple little loop, what should you name the counter?


Provide example loops!


28 个解决方案



I always use a meaningful name unless it's a single-level loop and the variable has no meaning other than "the number of times I've been through this loop", in which case I use i.


When using meaningful names:


  • the code is more understandable to colleagues reading your code,
  • 同事们读你的代码时,代码更容易理解,
  • it's easier to find bugs in the loop logic, and
  • 在循环逻辑中更容易找到bug。
  • text searches for the variable name to return relevant pieces of code operating on the same data are more reliable.
  • 对变量名进行文本搜索,以返回在相同数据上操作的相关代码片段更可靠。

Example - spot the bug

It can be tricky to find the bug in this nested loop using single letters:


int values[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS];

int sum_of_all_values()
    int i, j, total;

    total = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_COLS; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < MAX_ROWS; j++)
             total += values[i][j];
    return total;

whereas it is easier when using meaningful names:


int values[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS];

int sum_of_all_values()
    int row_num, col_num, total;

    total = 0;
    for (row_num = 0; row_num < MAX_COLS; row_num++)
        for (col_num = 0; col_num < MAX_ROWS; col_num++)
             total += values[row_num][col_num];
    return total;

Why row_num? - rejected alternatives

In response to some other answers and comments, these are some alternative suggestions to using row_num and col_num and why I choose not to use them:


  • r and c: This is slightly better than i and j. I would only consider using them if my organisation's standard were for single-letter variables to be integers, and also always to be the first letter of the equivalent descriptive name. The system would fall down if I had two variables in the function whose name began with "r", and readability would suffer even if other objects beginning with "r" appeared anywhere in the code.
  • r和c:这比i和j稍微好一点,如果我的组织的标准是单字母变量是整数,并且始终是等效描述性名称的第一个字母,我只考虑使用它们。如果我在函数中有两个变量,其名称以“r”开头,那么系统就会崩溃,即使在代码中出现“r”的其他对象出现时,可读性也会受到影响。
  • rr and cc: This looks weird to me, but I'm not used to a double-letter loop variable style. If it were the standard in my organisation then I imagine it would be slightly better than r and c.
  • rr和cc:这对我来说很奇怪,但我不习惯双字母循环变量的风格。如果它是我所在机构的标准,那么我想它会比r和c稍好一点。
  • row and col: At first glance this seems more succinct than row_num and col_num, and just as descriptive. However, I would expect bare nouns like "row" and "column" to refer to structures, objects or pointers to these. If row could mean either the row structure itself, or a row number, then confusion will result.
  • row和col:乍一看,这似乎比row_num和col_num更简洁,而且更像描述。但是,我希望像“行”和“列”这样的空名词是指这些东西的结构、对象或指针。如果行可以表示行结构本身,或者行号,那么就会产生混淆。
  • iRow and iCol: This conveys extra information, since i can mean it's a loop counter while Row and Col tell you what it's counting. However, I prefer to be able to read the code almost in English:
    • row_num < MAX_COLS reads as "the row number is less than the maximum (number of) columns";
    • row_num < MAX_COLS读取“行号小于最大(数量)列”;
    • iRow < MAX_COLS at best reads as "the integer loop counter for the row is less than the maximum (number of) columns".
    • iRow < MAX_COLS最好读为“行的整数循环计数器小于最大(数量)列”。
    • It may be a personal thing but I prefer the first reading.
    • 这可能是个人问题,但我更喜欢第一次阅读。
  • iRow和iCol:这传达了额外的信息,因为我可以表示它是一个循环计数器,而Row和Col告诉你它在计算什么。但是,我更喜欢用英语阅读代码:row_num < MAX_COLS读取的是“行号小于最大(数量)列”;iRow < MAX_COLS最好读为“行的整数循环计数器小于最大(数量)列”。这可能是个人问题,但我更喜欢第一次阅读。

An alternative to row_num I would accept is row_idx: the word "index" uniquely refers to an array position, unless the application's domain is in database engine design, financial markets or similar.


My example above is as small as I could make it, and as such some people might not see the point in naming the variables descriptively since they can hold the whole function in their head in one go. In real code, however, the functions would be larger, and the logic more complex, so decent names become more important to aid readability and to avoid bugs.


In summary, my aim with all variable naming (not just loops) is to be completely unambiguous. If anybody reads any portion of my code and can't work out what a variable is for immediately, then I have failed.




1) For normal old style small loops - i, j, k - If you need more than 3 level nested loops, this means that either the algorithm is very specific and complex, either you should consider refactoring the code.

1)对于普通的旧式小循环- i, j, k -如果你需要超过3层的嵌套循环,这意味着要么这个算法是非常具体和复杂的,要么你应该考虑重构代码。

Java Example:


for(int i = 0; i < ElementsList.size(); i++) {
  Element element = ElementsList.get(i);

2) For the new style java loops like for(Element element: ElementsList) it is better to use normal meanigful name


Java Example:


for(Element element: ElementsList) {

3) If it is possible with the language you use, convert the loop to use iterator


Java Iterator Example: click here




Examples: . . . In Java

Non-Iterative Loops:

Non-Nested Loops: . . . The Index is a value.


. . . using i, as you would in Algebra, is the most common practise . . .


for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++) {

    // LOOP_BODY

Nested Loops: . . . Differentiating Indices lends to comprehension.


. . . using a descriptive suffix . . .


for (int iRow = 0; iRow < ROWS; iRow++) {

    for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < COLUMNS; iColumn++) {

        // LOOP_BODY

foreach Loops: . . . An Object needs a name.


. . . using a descriptive name . . .


for (Object something : somethings) {

    // LOOP_BODY

Iterative Loops:

for Loops: . . . Iterators reference Objects. An Iterator it is neither; an Index, nor an Indice.


. . . iter abreviates an Iterators purpose . . .

。iter abreviates一个迭代器的目的…

for (Iterator iter = collection.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); /* N/A */) {

    Object object = iter.next();

    // LOOP_BODY

while Loops: . . . Limit the scope of the Iterator.


. . . commenting on the loops purpose . . .



    Iterator iter = collection.iterator();

    while (iter.hasNext()) {

        // LOOP_BODY

This last example reads badly without comments, thereby encouraging them. It's verbose perhaps, but useful in scope limiting loops in C.




Always try to name the variable something meaningful and in context.


If you cannot decide, then use "index", if only so that someone else (maybe you!) can more easily click on it for refactoring later.


Paul Stephenson See this answer for an example.




My experience is that most people use single letters, e.g.: i, j, k, ... or x, y, or r, c (for row/column) or w, h (for width/height) , etc.

我的经验是,大多数人都使用单字母,例如:i, j, k,…或x, y,或r, c(行/列)或w, h(宽度/高度)等。

But I learned a great alternative a long time ago, and have used it ever since: double letter variables.


// recommended style              ●    // "typical" single-letter style
for (ii=0; ii<10; ++ii) {         ●    for (i=0; i<10; ++i) {
    for (jj=0; jj<10; ++jj) {     ●        for (j=0; j<10; ++j) {
        mm[ii][jj] = ii * jj;     ●             m[i][j] = i * j;
    }                             ●        }
}                                 ●    }

In case the benefit isn't immediately obvious: searching through code for any single letter will find many things that aren't what you're looking for. The letter i occurs quite often in code where it isn't the variable you're looking for.




I use i, j, k (or r & c for row-column looping). If you need more than three loop variables in a method, the the method is probably too long and complex and your code would likely benefit from splitting the method up into more methods and naming them properly.

我用I、j、k(或r & c表示行列循环)。如果在方法中需要三个以上的循环变量,那么这个方法可能太长、太复杂,您的代码可能会受益于将方法拆分为更多的方法并正确命名它们。




if I have a nested loop then also j.


This convention is so common that if you manage to come across a variable i in a block of code that you can't see the start of you still instantly recognise it for what it is.




I use i, ii, iii, iv, v ... Never got higher than iii, though.

我用I, ii, iii, iv, v…不过,从来没有超过三岁。



I use single letters only when the loop counter is an index. I like the thinking behind the double letter, but it makes the code quite unreadable.




If the counter is to be used as an index to a container, I use i, j, k.

如果计数器被用作一个容器的索引,我使用I, j, k。

If it is to be used to iterate over a range (or perform a set number of iterations), I often use n. Though, if nesting is required I'll usually revert to i, j, k.

如果要在一个范围上迭代(或者执行一个集合的迭代次数),我经常使用n.但是,如果需要嵌套,我通常会回到I, j, k。

In languages which provide a foreach-style construct, I usually write like this:


foreach widget in widgets do

I think some people will tell me off for naming widget so similarly to widgets, but I find it quite readable.




Like a previous poster, I also use ii, jj,.. mainly because in many fonts a single i looks very similar to 1.

像以前的海报一样,我也用了ii, jj。主要是因为在很多字体中,我看起来很像1。



Steve McConnell's Code Complete has, as usual, some excellent advice in this regard. The relevant pages (in the first edition anyway) are 340 and 341. Definitely advise anyone who's interested in improving their loop coding to give this a look. McConnell recommends meaningful loop counter names but people should read what he's got to say themselves rather than relying on my weak summary.




I use "counter" or "loop" as the variable name. Modern IDEs usually do the word completion , so longer variable names are not as tedious to use. Besides , to name the variable to its functionality makes it clear to the programmer who is going to maintain your code as to what your intentions were.




Perl standard

In Perl, the standard variable name for an inner loop is $_. The for, foreach, and while statements default to this variable, so you don't need to declare it. Usually, $_ may be read like the neuter generic pronoun "it". So a fairly standard loop might look like:

在Perl中,内部循环的标准变量名是$_。for, foreach,和while语句默认为这个变量,所以您不需要声明它。通常,$_可以像中性的代名词“it”一样读。一个相当标准的循环可能是这样的:

foreach (@item){

In English, that translates to:


For each item, increment it's item_count.


Even more common, however, is to not use a variable at all. Many Perl functions and operators default to $_:


for (@item){

In English:


For [each] item, print [it].


This also is the standard for counters. (But counters are used far less often in Perl than in other languages such as C). So to print the squares of integers from 1 to 100:


for (1..100){
    print "$_*$_\n";

Since only one loop can use the $_ variable, usually it's used in the inner-most loop. This usage matches the way English usually works:


For each car, look at each tire and check it's pressure.


In Perl:


foreach $car (@cars){
    for (@{$car->{tires}}){

As above, it's best to use longer, descriptive names in outer loops, since it can be hard to remember in a long block of code what a generic loop variable name really means.


Occasionally, it makes sense to use shorter, non-descriptive, generic names such as $i, $j, and $k, rather than $_ or a descriptive name. For instance, it's useful to match the variables use in a published algorithm, such as cross product.




The first rule is that the length of the variable name should match the scope of the variable. The second rule is that meaningful names make bugs more shallow. The third rule is that if you feel like adding comment to a variable name, you chose the wrong variable name. The final rule is do as your teammates do, so long as it does not counteract the prior rules.




@JustMike . . . A FEW C EXAMPLES: . . . to accompany the Java ones.


NON-NESTED loop: . . . limiting scope where possible



    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++) {

        // loop body

NESTED loop: . . . ditto



    int row, column;

    for (row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {

        for (column = 0; column < COLUMNS; column++) {

            // loop body

One good thing about this layout is it reads badly without comments, thereby encouraging them.
It's verbose perhaps, but personally this is how I do loops in C.

Also: I did use "index" and "idx" when I started, but this usually got changed to "i" by my peers.




Whatever you choose, use the same index consistently in your code wherever it has the same meaning. For example, to walk through an array, you can use i, jj, kappa, whatever, but always do it the same way everywhere:

无论您选择什么,都要在代码中始终如一地使用相同的索引。例如,你可以使用i, jj, kappa,无论什么,但总是这样做:

for (i = 0; i < count; i++) ...

The best practice is to make this part of the loop look the same throughout your code (including consistently using count as the limit), so that it becomes an idiom that you can skip over mentally in order to focus on the meat of the code, the body of the loop.


Similarly, if you're walking through an 2d array of pixels, for example, you might write


for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
  for (x = 0; x < width; x++)

Just do it the same way in every place that you write this type of loop.


You want your readers to be able to ignore the boring setup and see the brilliance of what you're doing in the actual loop.




I have long used the i/j/k naming scheme. But recently I've started to adapt a more consequent naming method.

我一直使用I /j/k命名方案。但最近,我开始采用一种更顺势的命名方法。

I allready named all my variables by its meaning, so why not name the loop variable in the same deterministic way.


As requested a few examples:


If you need to loop trough a item collection.


for (int currentItemIndex = 0; currentItemIndex < list.Length; currentItemIndex++)

But i try to avoid the normal for loops, because I tend to want the real item in the list and use that, not the actual position in the list. so instead of beginning the for block with a:


Item currentItem = list[currentItemIndex];

I try to use the foreach construct of the language. which transforms the.


for (int currentItemIndex = 0; currentItemIndex < list.Length; currentItemIndex++)
    Item currentItem = list[currentItemIndex];


foreach (Item currentItem in list)

Which makes it easier to read because only the real meaning of the code is expressed (process the items in the list) and not the way we want to process the items (keep an index of the current item en increase it until it reaches the length of the list and thereby meaning the end of the item collection).


The only time I still use one letter variables is when I'm looping trough dimensions. But then I will use x, y and sometimes z.

我唯一一次使用一个字母的变量是当我循环槽的尺寸。然后我用x, y,有时z。



i also use the double-letter convention. ii, jj, kk. you can grep those and not come up with a bunch of unwanted matches.


i think using those letters, even though they're doubled, is the best way to go. it's a familiar convention, even with the doubling.


there's a lot to say for sticking with conventions. it makes things a lot more readable.




I've started using perlisms in php.


if its a singular iteration, $_ is a good name for those who know its use.




My habit is to use 't' - close to 'r' so it follows easily aftewr typing 'for'




If it is a simple counter, I stick to using 'i' otherwise, have name that denotes the context. I tend to keep the variable length to 4. This is mainly from code reading point of view, writing is doesn't count as we have auto complete feature.




I've started to use context-relevant loop variable names mixed with hungarian.


When looping through rows, I'll use iRow. When looping through columns I'll use iCol. When looping through cars I'll use iCar. You get the idea.




for numerical computations, matlab, and the likes of it, dont use i, j

对于数值计算,matlab,等等,不用i, j。

these are reserved constants, but matlab wont complain.


My personal favs are


index first,second counter count




My favorite convention for looping over a matrix-like set is to use x+y as they are used in cartesian coordinates:


for x in width:
    for y in height:



I usually use:


for(lcObject = 0; lcObject < Collection.length(); lcObject++)
   //do stuff



For integers I use int index, unless it's nested then I use an Index suffix over what's being iterated like int groupIndex and int userIndex.

对于整数,我使用int索引,除非它是嵌套的,然后我使用一个索引后缀来遍历像int groupIndex和int userIndex这样的迭代。



In Python, I use i, j, and k if I'm only counting times through. I use x, y, and z if the iteration count is being used as an index. If I'm actually generating a series of arguments, however, I'll use a meaningful name.




I always use a meaningful name unless it's a single-level loop and the variable has no meaning other than "the number of times I've been through this loop", in which case I use i.


When using meaningful names:


  • the code is more understandable to colleagues reading your code,
  • 同事们读你的代码时,代码更容易理解,
  • it's easier to find bugs in the loop logic, and
  • 在循环逻辑中更容易找到bug。
  • text searches for the variable name to return relevant pieces of code operating on the same data are more reliable.
  • 对变量名进行文本搜索,以返回在相同数据上操作的相关代码片段更可靠。

Example - spot the bug

It can be tricky to find the bug in this nested loop using single letters:


int values[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS];

int sum_of_all_values()
    int i, j, total;

    total = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_COLS; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < MAX_ROWS; j++)
             total += values[i][j];
    return total;

whereas it is easier when using meaningful names:


int values[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS];

int sum_of_all_values()
    int row_num, col_num, total;

    total = 0;
    for (row_num = 0; row_num < MAX_COLS; row_num++)
        for (col_num = 0; col_num < MAX_ROWS; col_num++)
             total += values[row_num][col_num];
    return total;

Why row_num? - rejected alternatives

In response to some other answers and comments, these are some alternative suggestions to using row_num and col_num and why I choose not to use them:


  • r and c: This is slightly better than i and j. I would only consider using them if my organisation's standard were for single-letter variables to be integers, and also always to be the first letter of the equivalent descriptive name. The system would fall down if I had two variables in the function whose name began with "r", and readability would suffer even if other objects beginning with "r" appeared anywhere in the code.
  • r和c:这比i和j稍微好一点,如果我的组织的标准是单字母变量是整数,并且始终是等效描述性名称的第一个字母,我只考虑使用它们。如果我在函数中有两个变量,其名称以“r”开头,那么系统就会崩溃,即使在代码中出现“r”的其他对象出现时,可读性也会受到影响。
  • rr and cc: This looks weird to me, but I'm not used to a double-letter loop variable style. If it were the standard in my organisation then I imagine it would be slightly better than r and c.
  • rr和cc:这对我来说很奇怪,但我不习惯双字母循环变量的风格。如果它是我所在机构的标准,那么我想它会比r和c稍好一点。
  • row and col: At first glance this seems more succinct than row_num and col_num, and just as descriptive. However, I would expect bare nouns like "row" and "column" to refer to structures, objects or pointers to these. If row could mean either the row structure itself, or a row number, then confusion will result.
  • row和col:乍一看,这似乎比row_num和col_num更简洁,而且更像描述。但是,我希望像“行”和“列”这样的空名词是指这些东西的结构、对象或指针。如果行可以表示行结构本身,或者行号,那么就会产生混淆。
  • iRow and iCol: This conveys extra information, since i can mean it's a loop counter while Row and Col tell you what it's counting. However, I prefer to be able to read the code almost in English:
    • row_num < MAX_COLS reads as "the row number is less than the maximum (number of) columns";
    • row_num < MAX_COLS读取“行号小于最大(数量)列”;
    • iRow < MAX_COLS at best reads as "the integer loop counter for the row is less than the maximum (number of) columns".
    • iRow < MAX_COLS最好读为“行的整数循环计数器小于最大(数量)列”。
    • It may be a personal thing but I prefer the first reading.
    • 这可能是个人问题,但我更喜欢第一次阅读。
  • iRow和iCol:这传达了额外的信息,因为我可以表示它是一个循环计数器,而Row和Col告诉你它在计算什么。但是,我更喜欢用英语阅读代码:row_num < MAX_COLS读取的是“行号小于最大(数量)列”;iRow < MAX_COLS最好读为“行的整数循环计数器小于最大(数量)列”。这可能是个人问题,但我更喜欢第一次阅读。

An alternative to row_num I would accept is row_idx: the word "index" uniquely refers to an array position, unless the application's domain is in database engine design, financial markets or similar.


My example above is as small as I could make it, and as such some people might not see the point in naming the variables descriptively since they can hold the whole function in their head in one go. In real code, however, the functions would be larger, and the logic more complex, so decent names become more important to aid readability and to avoid bugs.


In summary, my aim with all variable naming (not just loops) is to be completely unambiguous. If anybody reads any portion of my code and can't work out what a variable is for immediately, then I have failed.




1) For normal old style small loops - i, j, k - If you need more than 3 level nested loops, this means that either the algorithm is very specific and complex, either you should consider refactoring the code.

1)对于普通的旧式小循环- i, j, k -如果你需要超过3层的嵌套循环,这意味着要么这个算法是非常具体和复杂的,要么你应该考虑重构代码。

Java Example:


for(int i = 0; i < ElementsList.size(); i++) {
  Element element = ElementsList.get(i);

2) For the new style java loops like for(Element element: ElementsList) it is better to use normal meanigful name


Java Example:


for(Element element: ElementsList) {

3) If it is possible with the language you use, convert the loop to use iterator


Java Iterator Example: click here




Examples: . . . In Java

Non-Iterative Loops:

Non-Nested Loops: . . . The Index is a value.


. . . using i, as you would in Algebra, is the most common practise . . .


for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++) {

    // LOOP_BODY

Nested Loops: . . . Differentiating Indices lends to comprehension.


. . . using a descriptive suffix . . .


for (int iRow = 0; iRow < ROWS; iRow++) {

    for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < COLUMNS; iColumn++) {

        // LOOP_BODY

foreach Loops: . . . An Object needs a name.


. . . using a descriptive name . . .


for (Object something : somethings) {

    // LOOP_BODY

Iterative Loops:

for Loops: . . . Iterators reference Objects. An Iterator it is neither; an Index, nor an Indice.


. . . iter abreviates an Iterators purpose . . .

。iter abreviates一个迭代器的目的…

for (Iterator iter = collection.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); /* N/A */) {

    Object object = iter.next();

    // LOOP_BODY

while Loops: . . . Limit the scope of the Iterator.


. . . commenting on the loops purpose . . .



    Iterator iter = collection.iterator();

    while (iter.hasNext()) {

        // LOOP_BODY

This last example reads badly without comments, thereby encouraging them. It's verbose perhaps, but useful in scope limiting loops in C.




Always try to name the variable something meaningful and in context.


If you cannot decide, then use "index", if only so that someone else (maybe you!) can more easily click on it for refactoring later.


Paul Stephenson See this answer for an example.




My experience is that most people use single letters, e.g.: i, j, k, ... or x, y, or r, c (for row/column) or w, h (for width/height) , etc.

我的经验是,大多数人都使用单字母,例如:i, j, k,…或x, y,或r, c(行/列)或w, h(宽度/高度)等。

But I learned a great alternative a long time ago, and have used it ever since: double letter variables.


// recommended style              ●    // "typical" single-letter style
for (ii=0; ii<10; ++ii) {         ●    for (i=0; i<10; ++i) {
    for (jj=0; jj<10; ++jj) {     ●        for (j=0; j<10; ++j) {
        mm[ii][jj] = ii * jj;     ●             m[i][j] = i * j;
    }                             ●        }
}                                 ●    }

In case the benefit isn't immediately obvious: searching through code for any single letter will find many things that aren't what you're looking for. The letter i occurs quite often in code where it isn't the variable you're looking for.




I use i, j, k (or r & c for row-column looping). If you need more than three loop variables in a method, the the method is probably too long and complex and your code would likely benefit from splitting the method up into more methods and naming them properly.

我用I、j、k(或r & c表示行列循环)。如果在方法中需要三个以上的循环变量,那么这个方法可能太长、太复杂,您的代码可能会受益于将方法拆分为更多的方法并正确命名它们。




if I have a nested loop then also j.


This convention is so common that if you manage to come across a variable i in a block of code that you can't see the start of you still instantly recognise it for what it is.




I use i, ii, iii, iv, v ... Never got higher than iii, though.

我用I, ii, iii, iv, v…不过,从来没有超过三岁。



I use single letters only when the loop counter is an index. I like the thinking behind the double letter, but it makes the code quite unreadable.




If the counter is to be used as an index to a container, I use i, j, k.

如果计数器被用作一个容器的索引,我使用I, j, k。

If it is to be used to iterate over a range (or perform a set number of iterations), I often use n. Though, if nesting is required I'll usually revert to i, j, k.

如果要在一个范围上迭代(或者执行一个集合的迭代次数),我经常使用n.但是,如果需要嵌套,我通常会回到I, j, k。

In languages which provide a foreach-style construct, I usually write like this:


foreach widget in widgets do

I think some people will tell me off for naming widget so similarly to widgets, but I find it quite readable.




Like a previous poster, I also use ii, jj,.. mainly because in many fonts a single i looks very similar to 1.

像以前的海报一样,我也用了ii, jj。主要是因为在很多字体中,我看起来很像1。



Steve McConnell's Code Complete has, as usual, some excellent advice in this regard. The relevant pages (in the first edition anyway) are 340 and 341. Definitely advise anyone who's interested in improving their loop coding to give this a look. McConnell recommends meaningful loop counter names but people should read what he's got to say themselves rather than relying on my weak summary.




I use "counter" or "loop" as the variable name. Modern IDEs usually do the word completion , so longer variable names are not as tedious to use. Besides , to name the variable to its functionality makes it clear to the programmer who is going to maintain your code as to what your intentions were.




Perl standard

In Perl, the standard variable name for an inner loop is $_. The for, foreach, and while statements default to this variable, so you don't need to declare it. Usually, $_ may be read like the neuter generic pronoun "it". So a fairly standard loop might look like:

在Perl中,内部循环的标准变量名是$_。for, foreach,和while语句默认为这个变量,所以您不需要声明它。通常,$_可以像中性的代名词“it”一样读。一个相当标准的循环可能是这样的:

foreach (@item){

In English, that translates to:


For each item, increment it's item_count.


Even more common, however, is to not use a variable at all. Many Perl functions and operators default to $_:


for (@item){

In English:


For [each] item, print [it].


This also is the standard for counters. (But counters are used far less often in Perl than in other languages such as C). So to print the squares of integers from 1 to 100:


for (1..100){
    print "$_*$_\n";

Since only one loop can use the $_ variable, usually it's used in the inner-most loop. This usage matches the way English usually works:


For each car, look at each tire and check it's pressure.


In Perl:


foreach $car (@cars){
    for (@{$car->{tires}}){

As above, it's best to use longer, descriptive names in outer loops, since it can be hard to remember in a long block of code what a generic loop variable name really means.


Occasionally, it makes sense to use shorter, non-descriptive, generic names such as $i, $j, and $k, rather than $_ or a descriptive name. For instance, it's useful to match the variables use in a published algorithm, such as cross product.




The first rule is that the length of the variable name should match the scope of the variable. The second rule is that meaningful names make bugs more shallow. The third rule is that if you feel like adding comment to a variable name, you chose the wrong variable name. The final rule is do as your teammates do, so long as it does not counteract the prior rules.




@JustMike . . . A FEW C EXAMPLES: . . . to accompany the Java ones.


NON-NESTED loop: . . . limiting scope where possible



    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++) {

        // loop body

NESTED loop: . . . ditto



    int row, column;

    for (row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {

        for (column = 0; column < COLUMNS; column++) {

            // loop body

One good thing about this layout is it reads badly without comments, thereby encouraging them.
It's verbose perhaps, but personally this is how I do loops in C.

Also: I did use "index" and "idx" when I started, but this usually got changed to "i" by my peers.




Whatever you choose, use the same index consistently in your code wherever it has the same meaning. For example, to walk through an array, you can use i, jj, kappa, whatever, but always do it the same way everywhere:

无论您选择什么,都要在代码中始终如一地使用相同的索引。例如,你可以使用i, jj, kappa,无论什么,但总是这样做:

for (i = 0; i < count; i++) ...

The best practice is to make this part of the loop look the same throughout your code (including consistently using count as the limit), so that it becomes an idiom that you can skip over mentally in order to focus on the meat of the code, the body of the loop.


Similarly, if you're walking through an 2d array of pixels, for example, you might write


for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
  for (x = 0; x < width; x++)

Just do it the same way in every place that you write this type of loop.


You want your readers to be able to ignore the boring setup and see the brilliance of what you're doing in the actual loop.




I have long used the i/j/k naming scheme. But recently I've started to adapt a more consequent naming method.

我一直使用I /j/k命名方案。但最近,我开始采用一种更顺势的命名方法。

I allready named all my variables by its meaning, so why not name the loop variable in the same deterministic way.


As requested a few examples:


If you need to loop trough a item collection.


for (int currentItemIndex = 0; currentItemIndex < list.Length; currentItemIndex++)

But i try to avoid the normal for loops, because I tend to want the real item in the list and use that, not the actual position in the list. so instead of beginning the for block with a:


Item currentItem = list[currentItemIndex];

I try to use the foreach construct of the language. which transforms the.


for (int currentItemIndex = 0; currentItemIndex < list.Length; currentItemIndex++)
    Item currentItem = list[currentItemIndex];


foreach (Item currentItem in list)

Which makes it easier to read because only the real meaning of the code is expressed (process the items in the list) and not the way we want to process the items (keep an index of the current item en increase it until it reaches the length of the list and thereby meaning the end of the item collection).


The only time I still use one letter variables is when I'm looping trough dimensions. But then I will use x, y and sometimes z.

我唯一一次使用一个字母的变量是当我循环槽的尺寸。然后我用x, y,有时z。



i also use the double-letter convention. ii, jj, kk. you can grep those and not come up with a bunch of unwanted matches.


i think using those letters, even though they're doubled, is the best way to go. it's a familiar convention, even with the doubling.


there's a lot to say for sticking with conventions. it makes things a lot more readable.




I've started using perlisms in php.


if its a singular iteration, $_ is a good name for those who know its use.




My habit is to use 't' - close to 'r' so it follows easily aftewr typing 'for'




If it is a simple counter, I stick to using 'i' otherwise, have name that denotes the context. I tend to keep the variable length to 4. This is mainly from code reading point of view, writing is doesn't count as we have auto complete feature.




I've started to use context-relevant loop variable names mixed with hungarian.


When looping through rows, I'll use iRow. When looping through columns I'll use iCol. When looping through cars I'll use iCar. You get the idea.




for numerical computations, matlab, and the likes of it, dont use i, j

对于数值计算,matlab,等等,不用i, j。

these are reserved constants, but matlab wont complain.


My personal favs are


index first,second counter count




My favorite convention for looping over a matrix-like set is to use x+y as they are used in cartesian coordinates:


for x in width:
    for y in height:



I usually use:


for(lcObject = 0; lcObject < Collection.length(); lcObject++)
   //do stuff



For integers I use int index, unless it's nested then I use an Index suffix over what's being iterated like int groupIndex and int userIndex.

对于整数,我使用int索引,除非它是嵌套的,然后我使用一个索引后缀来遍历像int groupIndex和int userIndex这样的迭代。



In Python, I use i, j, and k if I'm only counting times through. I use x, y, and z if the iteration count is being used as an index. If I'm actually generating a series of arguments, however, I'll use a meaningful name.
