将PHP变量传递给Javascript的最佳方法是什么? [重复]

时间:2022-01-12 00:10:26

This question already has an answer here:


I currently echo certain variables in hidden input fields and read them out with Javascript whenever I need them.


Me and a colleague are now thinking of generating an extra Javascript file with PHP which only contains all variables for Javascript. This way the variables already exist and there is no extra code in the HTML.


What are good ways to pass variables from PHP to Javascript? And how does our solution sound?


4 个解决方案



General Data Passing

A commonly used exchange format for JavaScript is JSON, using json_encode. A PHP file like this:


    $data = array("test" => "var", "intvalue" => 1);
    echo json_encode($data);

then returns a JavaScript object literal like this:


    "test" : "var",
    "intvalue" : 1

You can directly echo it into a JavaScript variable on your page, e.g.:


var data = <?php echo json_encode($data)?>;

...or request it via Ajax (e.g. using jQuery's getJSON).


Outputting to attributes on tags

If you just need to output a string to an attribute on a tag, use htmlspecialchars. Assuming a variable:


$nifty = "I'm the nifty attribute value with both \"double\" and 'single' quotes in it.";

...you can output it like this:


<div data-nifty-attr="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($nifty)?>">...</div>

...or if you use short tags:


<div data-nifty-attr="<?= htmlspecialchars($nifty)?>">...</div>



  $my_php_var = array(..... big, complex structure.....);
<script type="text/javascript">
  my_js_var = <?=json_encode ($my_php_var)?>;



I use to echo them all together at the head of the HTML. Seems clean enough for my needs :)




There are 3 ways you could do it:


  • Echo them directly into the javascript source: <?echo "var user = '$user';";?>. Works, but it's messy.
  • 将它们直接回显到javascript源: 。工作,但它很乱。

  • Pass them in via an ajax request. This is the closest you can come to native variable passing, but the downside is it takes an extra HTTP request.
  • 通过ajax请求传递它们。这是您可以接近原生变量传递的最接近的,但缺点是需要额外的HTTP请求。

  • What you're doing, which is passing them by generating hidden form fields and then reading them.
  • 你在做什么,通过生成隐藏的表单字段然后阅读它们来传递它们。



General Data Passing

A commonly used exchange format for JavaScript is JSON, using json_encode. A PHP file like this:


    $data = array("test" => "var", "intvalue" => 1);
    echo json_encode($data);

then returns a JavaScript object literal like this:


    "test" : "var",
    "intvalue" : 1

You can directly echo it into a JavaScript variable on your page, e.g.:


var data = <?php echo json_encode($data)?>;

...or request it via Ajax (e.g. using jQuery's getJSON).


Outputting to attributes on tags

If you just need to output a string to an attribute on a tag, use htmlspecialchars. Assuming a variable:


$nifty = "I'm the nifty attribute value with both \"double\" and 'single' quotes in it.";

...you can output it like this:


<div data-nifty-attr="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($nifty)?>">...</div>

...or if you use short tags:


<div data-nifty-attr="<?= htmlspecialchars($nifty)?>">...</div>



  $my_php_var = array(..... big, complex structure.....);
<script type="text/javascript">
  my_js_var = <?=json_encode ($my_php_var)?>;



I use to echo them all together at the head of the HTML. Seems clean enough for my needs :)




There are 3 ways you could do it:


  • Echo them directly into the javascript source: <?echo "var user = '$user';";?>. Works, but it's messy.
  • 将它们直接回显到javascript源: 。工作,但它很乱。

  • Pass them in via an ajax request. This is the closest you can come to native variable passing, but the downside is it takes an extra HTTP request.
  • 通过ajax请求传递它们。这是您可以接近原生变量传递的最接近的,但缺点是需要额外的HTTP请求。

  • What you're doing, which is passing them by generating hidden form fields and then reading them.
  • 你在做什么,通过生成隐藏的表单字段然后阅读它们来传递它们。