
时间:2021-01-09 02:47:20

I have an interactive web application powered by jQuery where users can manipulate visual objects on the screen. When done, the "state" of JavaScript objects should be sent to PHP to store into database. I'd prefer to use GET for this, but solution that uses POST to submit the data is also viable.


I'm currently thinking to serialize all JS objects using something like base64 encoding and just use something like:


var str = encode_objects();
document.location = 'result.php?result='+str;

However, something tells me there has to be some, more elegant, way than writing my own base64 encoding function in JavaScript. Isn't there something already built into JavaScript that can do the job?


Update: decoding in PHP is not the problem. I know how to decode base64, JSON, whatever in PHP. The problem is how to encode data on JavaScript side.


AJAX is out of the question. It has to be a clean GET or POST with page reload.


6 个解决方案


json_decode() should serve you well here.


If you simply append a string containing the JSON representation of your javascript object to your HTTP request, you can json_decode() it in PHP and have a PHP object ready to go.


Edit: I should mention that this page has a link to a Javascript JSON stringifier, which will convert your JS objects into the necessary JSON.

编辑:我应该提到这个页面有一个链接到Javascript JSON字符串,它将您的JS对象转换为必要的JSON。


first of all, if you're updating the objects state, it should be a POST. try to keep all your GET idempotent.


second, even if you don't want to do any AJAX, JSON is still your friend. the easiest way would be to serialize your objects into JSON and send the resulting string in the POST dataload. there are many ways to decode JSON in PHP, and you're all set.

第二,即使你不想做任何AJAX,JSON仍然是你的朋友。最简单的方法是将对象序列化为JSON,并在POST dataload中发送结果字符串。有许多方法可以解码PHP中的JSON,你们都已经完成了设置。


You can use this serialize function, and then unserialize it on the PHP end.



GET or POST will probably depend on the size of your data : there is a limit on the amout of data you can pass through GET (something like 2000 bytes ; more, depending on the browser).


There is also an other thing to take into account : if you are modifying data, you should use POST ; not GET, which is used to... get... data.


About the format, I would really not go for anything like a custom function doing any kind of stuff like base64 : I would definitly go for JSON, which is a native Javascript notation.


You can for instance have a look at :


There are many JS libraries that can generate JSON (probably every JS Framework can ; and there are standlone libraries like this one) ; and since PHP 5.2 there are functions in PHP to encode/decode it (see json_encode and json_decode)

有许多JS库可以生成JSON(可能每个JS Framework都可以;并且有像这样的standlone库);从PHP 5.2开始,PHP中有函数对其进行编码/解码(参见json_encode和json_decode)


If it's just a simple flat array you don't need to do anything fancy, as PHP has a built in feature to parse array syntax from GET/POST variable names. Rough example below.

如果它只是一个简单的平面数组,你不需要做任何花哨的事情,因为PHP有​​一个内置的功能来解析GET / POST变量名的数组语法。下面的粗略示例。

Javascript side:

// Do the parameter-building however you want, I picked the short/messy way
var arrayvalues = [1, 2, 'a'];
var querystring = "var[]=" + arrayvalues.join("&var[]=");
querystring += "&var[something]=abcdef";
// querystring is now "var[]=1&var[]=2&var[]=a&var[something]=abcdef"

PHP side:

// Remember to validate the data properly!
if ( is_array($_POST['var']) ) {
    echo $_POST['var']['something'];
    array_map('do_something_interesting', $_POST['var']);


I've used Jquery/JSON.

我使用过Jquery / JSON。

var jsonArray = $.toJSON(jsArray);

Then sent it via JQuery/Ajax

然后通过JQuery / Ajax发送它


json_decode() should serve you well here.


If you simply append a string containing the JSON representation of your javascript object to your HTTP request, you can json_decode() it in PHP and have a PHP object ready to go.


Edit: I should mention that this page has a link to a Javascript JSON stringifier, which will convert your JS objects into the necessary JSON.

编辑:我应该提到这个页面有一个链接到Javascript JSON字符串,它将您的JS对象转换为必要的JSON。


first of all, if you're updating the objects state, it should be a POST. try to keep all your GET idempotent.


second, even if you don't want to do any AJAX, JSON is still your friend. the easiest way would be to serialize your objects into JSON and send the resulting string in the POST dataload. there are many ways to decode JSON in PHP, and you're all set.

第二,即使你不想做任何AJAX,JSON仍然是你的朋友。最简单的方法是将对象序列化为JSON,并在POST dataload中发送结果字符串。有许多方法可以解码PHP中的JSON,你们都已经完成了设置。


You can use this serialize function, and then unserialize it on the PHP end.



GET or POST will probably depend on the size of your data : there is a limit on the amout of data you can pass through GET (something like 2000 bytes ; more, depending on the browser).


There is also an other thing to take into account : if you are modifying data, you should use POST ; not GET, which is used to... get... data.


About the format, I would really not go for anything like a custom function doing any kind of stuff like base64 : I would definitly go for JSON, which is a native Javascript notation.


You can for instance have a look at :


There are many JS libraries that can generate JSON (probably every JS Framework can ; and there are standlone libraries like this one) ; and since PHP 5.2 there are functions in PHP to encode/decode it (see json_encode and json_decode)

有许多JS库可以生成JSON(可能每个JS Framework都可以;并且有像这样的standlone库);从PHP 5.2开始,PHP中有函数对其进行编码/解码(参见json_encode和json_decode)


If it's just a simple flat array you don't need to do anything fancy, as PHP has a built in feature to parse array syntax from GET/POST variable names. Rough example below.

如果它只是一个简单的平面数组,你不需要做任何花哨的事情,因为PHP有​​一个内置的功能来解析GET / POST变量名的数组语法。下面的粗略示例。

Javascript side:

// Do the parameter-building however you want, I picked the short/messy way
var arrayvalues = [1, 2, 'a'];
var querystring = "var[]=" + arrayvalues.join("&var[]=");
querystring += "&var[something]=abcdef";
// querystring is now "var[]=1&var[]=2&var[]=a&var[something]=abcdef"

PHP side:

// Remember to validate the data properly!
if ( is_array($_POST['var']) ) {
    echo $_POST['var']['something'];
    array_map('do_something_interesting', $_POST['var']);


I've used Jquery/JSON.

我使用过Jquery / JSON。

var jsonArray = $.toJSON(jsArray);

Then sent it via JQuery/Ajax

然后通过JQuery / Ajax发送它