java io读书笔记(4)字符数据

时间:2022-04-17 23:48:09





ASCII=American Standard Code for Information Interchange。7位字符集。


ISO 8859-1, Latin-1,8为字符集。


UTF-32 is the most naïve encoding. It simply represents each character as a single 4-byte (32-bit) int.

UTF-16 represents most characters as a 2-byte, unsigned short. However, certain less common Chinese characters, musical and mathematical symbols, and characters from dead languages such as Linear B are represented in four bytes each. The Java virtual machine uses UTF-16 internally. In fact, a Java char is not really a Unicode character. Rather it is a UTF-16 code point, and sometimes two Java chars are required to make up one Unicode character.

Finally, UTF-8 is a relatively efficient encoding (especially when most of your text is ASCII) that uses one byte for each of the ASCII characters, two bytes for each character in many other alphabets, and three-to-four bytes for characters from Asian languages. Java's .class files use UTF-8 internally to store string literals.

4) 其他编码
