
时间:2022-11-26 23:41:32

I'm building a test tool to verify content in CloudKit, but I want to be able to select the container's environment.


On iOS, you can select either the "Development" or the "Production" environment when you export your app for ad hoc testing, but you don't have that option on OS X. It always points to the "Development" environment.

在iOS中,你可以选择“开发”或“生产”环境,当你导出你的应用程序进行临时测试时,但是你在OS x上没有这个选项,它总是指向“开发”环境。

Anyone knows, if there is a programmatically way to set or select what container environment you want to work with, either on OS X or iOS?

任何人都知道,如果有一种编程方式来设置或选择您希望在OS X或iOS上使用的容器环境?

3 个解决方案



In the entitlements file, add in the row of and you can switch the value of that back and forth between Development and Production.





UPDATE: this changed in later versions of CloudKit, please ignore this and see the accepted answer.


No, there is no way to do that.


While you can access the same container as your iOS app, you can only access the "Development" environment until you export your application as a Mac App to the App Store (which is probably not your goal for a test tool).

虽然可以访问与iOS应用程序相同的容器,但只能访问“开发”环境,直到将应用程序作为Mac应用程序导出到app Store(这可能不是测试工具的目标)。

The App Store application again would only be able to access the "Production" environment.

App Store应用程序再次只能访问“生产”环境。

There is no other API to access CloudKit containers in a specific environment.




I know this might be a bit late for those who posted but for others with the same problem, in the entitlement file change the Development to Production Then delete your app from your device so you get a clean build. When you run it, it should work. The key is to have a clean build.

我知道这对于那些发布的人来说可能有点晚了,但是对于其他有同样问题的人来说,在授权文件中改变 containers -environment从开发到生产,然后从你的设备中删除你的应用,这样你就得到了一个干净的构建。当你运行它时,它应该会工作。关键是要有一个干净的构建。



In the entitlements file, add in the row of and you can switch the value of that back and forth between Development and Production.





UPDATE: this changed in later versions of CloudKit, please ignore this and see the accepted answer.


No, there is no way to do that.


While you can access the same container as your iOS app, you can only access the "Development" environment until you export your application as a Mac App to the App Store (which is probably not your goal for a test tool).

虽然可以访问与iOS应用程序相同的容器,但只能访问“开发”环境,直到将应用程序作为Mac应用程序导出到app Store(这可能不是测试工具的目标)。

The App Store application again would only be able to access the "Production" environment.

App Store应用程序再次只能访问“生产”环境。

There is no other API to access CloudKit containers in a specific environment.




I know this might be a bit late for those who posted but for others with the same problem, in the entitlement file change the Development to Production Then delete your app from your device so you get a clean build. When you run it, it should work. The key is to have a clean build.

我知道这对于那些发布的人来说可能有点晚了,但是对于其他有同样问题的人来说,在授权文件中改变 containers -environment从开发到生产,然后从你的设备中删除你的应用,这样你就得到了一个干净的构建。当你运行它时,它应该会工作。关键是要有一个干净的构建。