在Ruby on Rails中坚持购物车

时间:2022-04-01 23:35:11

Currently developing a shopping cart, the options for persisting the cart, as i see them are:


  1. Store the entire cart object in a sessions table.
  2. 将整个购物车对象存储在会话表中。

  3. Store the entire cart object in a cookie session.
  4. 将整个购物车对象存储在cookie会话中。

  5. Have a cart table, and store the cart id in a cookie session.
  6. 有一个购物车表,并将购物车ID存储在cookie会话中。

Have i missed any? which is the best to roll with please?



2 个解决方案



#3 is probably your best bet, because that gives you the most freedom/flexibility. Say someday you want users to be able to save their shopping carts between sessions. Or you want to keep shopping cart histories for your users. Or you decide to run some analytics on shopping cart data.


#2 is a bad solution because of the cookie size limits on browsers. You're setting yourself up for nasty bugs where large shopping carts get corrupted, particularly in older browsers.




Check out the Railscasts episodes #141-#146... Helped me a lot with shopping cart/checkout related stuff (though the episodes don't directly address your question, you will get to see a straightforward method of implementing a shopping cart).

查看Railscasts剧集#141-#146 ...通过购物车/结账相关的东西帮助了我很多(虽然剧集没有直接解决你的问题,你会看到一个实现购物车的简单方法) 。



#3 is probably your best bet, because that gives you the most freedom/flexibility. Say someday you want users to be able to save their shopping carts between sessions. Or you want to keep shopping cart histories for your users. Or you decide to run some analytics on shopping cart data.


#2 is a bad solution because of the cookie size limits on browsers. You're setting yourself up for nasty bugs where large shopping carts get corrupted, particularly in older browsers.




Check out the Railscasts episodes #141-#146... Helped me a lot with shopping cart/checkout related stuff (though the episodes don't directly address your question, you will get to see a straightforward method of implementing a shopping cart).

查看Railscasts剧集#141-#146 ...通过购物车/结账相关的东西帮助了我很多(虽然剧集没有直接解决你的问题,你会看到一个实现购物车的简单方法) 。