
时间:2022-04-01 23:35:17
create table [User]
    UserId int primary key identity(1,1),
    FirstName nvarchar(256) not null,
    LastName nvarchar(256) not null,

create table Product
    ProductId int primary key identity(1,1),
    UnitPrice decimal(18,2) not null, //For catalog purposes.
    Name nvarchar(1000) not null,
    Description nvarchar(max) not null,
    Stock int not null

create table [Order]
    OrderId int primary key identity(1,1),
    UserId int foreign key references [User](UserId),
    ProductId int foreign key references Product(ProductId),
    UnitCost decimal(18,2) not null, //How much it actually cost when the person bought it.
    ItemCount int not null,
    Subtotal decimal(18,2) not null

create table OrderDetail
    OrderDetailId int primary key identity(1,1),

I'm stuck on the database design of the order system.


A user can choose n products to add to a order request. Any suggestions?


Following some advice given here, how would this feel? Any pitfalls?


create table [User]
    UserId int primary key identity(1,1),
    FirstName nvarchar(256) not null,
    LastName nvarchar(256) not null,

create table Product
    ProductId int primary key identity(1,1),
    UnitPrice decimal(18,2) not null,
    Name nvarchar(1000) not null,
    Description nvarchar(max) not null,
    Stock int not null

create table [Order]
    OrderId int primary key identity(1,1),
    UserId int foreign key references [User](UserId),
    DateOfOrder datetime not null

create table OrderDetail
    OrderDetailId int primary key identity(1,1),
    OrderId int foreign key references [Order](OrderId),    
    ProductId int foreign key references Product(ProductId),
    UnitCost decimal(18,2) not null,
    ItemCount int not null,
    Subtotal decimal(18,2) not null

1 个解决方案



Typically, you'd have the Order table with the top-level order information (who, when etc) and then an OrderItem (or OrderDetail) table which has a row for each product that forms part of the order including columns like:



Good candidate for a PK on this OrderItem/OrderDetail table would be on OrderId + ProductId.

此OrderItem / OrderDetail表上PK的良好候选者将在OrderId + ProductId上。

So where you have columns like ProductId, UnitCost, ItemCount etc in the Order table, those are in the wrong place and should be in the OrderItem/OrderDetail table.

因此,如果您在Order表中有ProductId,UnitCost,ItemCount等列,那些位于错误的位置,应该在OrderItem / OrderDetail表中。

Update: To set up a compound PK, you can do:


create table OrderDetail
    OrderId int foreign key references [Order](OrderId),    
    ProductId int foreign key references Product(ProductId),
    ...other columns...,
    CONSTRAINT PK_OrderDetail PRIMARY KEY(OrderId, ProductId)



Typically, you'd have the Order table with the top-level order information (who, when etc) and then an OrderItem (or OrderDetail) table which has a row for each product that forms part of the order including columns like:



Good candidate for a PK on this OrderItem/OrderDetail table would be on OrderId + ProductId.

此OrderItem / OrderDetail表上PK的良好候选者将在OrderId + ProductId上。

So where you have columns like ProductId, UnitCost, ItemCount etc in the Order table, those are in the wrong place and should be in the OrderItem/OrderDetail table.

因此,如果您在Order表中有ProductId,UnitCost,ItemCount等列,那些位于错误的位置,应该在OrderItem / OrderDetail表中。

Update: To set up a compound PK, you can do:


create table OrderDetail
    OrderId int foreign key references [Order](OrderId),    
    ProductId int foreign key references Product(ProductId),
    ...other columns...,
    CONSTRAINT PK_OrderDetail PRIMARY KEY(OrderId, ProductId)