Rails开发Mac OS或Windows

时间:2021-05-25 23:34:09

I am currently starting Ruby on Rails development and currently use Windows (XP or 7), but I find lots of cases where gems don't seem to do what they should or its a pain to install and use them under Windows, like twitter-bootstrap seems fine for Mac OS but I had to work out that sass-bootstrap was better for Windows. It just goes on and on, like today I cannot seem to get launchy to do its thing when RSpec testing, although I know that my lack of experience doesn't help.

我目前正在开始使用Ruby on Rails开发,目前正在使用Windows(XP或7),但我发现很多情况下宝石似乎没有做到应该做的事情,或者在Windows下安装和使用它们很痛苦,比如twitter-对于Mac OS来说bootstrap看起来很好,但是我必须解决sass-bootstrap对于Windows更好的问题。它一直在继续,像今天一样,当RSpec测试时我似乎无法做到这一点,尽管我知道我缺乏经验并没有帮助。

So should I just get a Mac ? Would getting a Mac give me an easier life ? Most RoR developers seem to use them and most example tutorials seem to assume I do to.


Thanks for any advice


7 个解决方案



The simplest answer is you can do RoR development on any of the platforms easily.


Personally, I started doing development in Windows, then switched to VirtualBox on windows running Ubuntu. I now have a MacBook Pro and must say it's the happiest environment so far!

就个人而言,我开始在Windows中进行开发,然后在运行Ubuntu的Windows上切换到VirtualBox。我现在有一台MacBook Pro,必须说它是迄今为止最快乐的环境!

Windows - Reasonably straightforward to install rails, but seemed much slower that other enviroments. Lack of simple console with color highlighting was annoying

Windows - 合理地直接安装rails,但似乎比其他环境慢得多。缺乏带颜色突出显示的简单控制台很烦人

Ubuntu - Faster than under windows (even when virtualized!). If you don't know linux, it's a lot less fun, steep learning curve for command line stuff and lots of dependencies to resolve

Ubuntu - 比Windows下更快(即使虚拟化!)。如果你不了解linux,它就不那么有趣了,命令行东西的陡峭学习曲线和许多依赖性要解决

Mac - Best of both worlds, pretty UI for day to day stuff, awesome command line support, Ruby and RoR run super fast on MacBook Pro.

Mac - 两全其美,日常用户界面,强大的命令行支持,Ruby和RoR在MacBook Pro上运行速度超快。



I don't use a mac, I use linux, but I switched from Windows early in my experience with Rails. Using a mac is way better than using windows. The cheap option is to just dual-boot your windows machine with Ubuntu.


Just get off of windows.


See this for more details: Getting Ruby on Rails environment working and installing sqlite3

有关更多详细信息,请参阅此内容:使Ruby on Rails环境正常工作并安装sqlite3

Edit: VirtualBox is also an option for those whose processor supports it.




i would suggest to try out with any linux versions like Ubuntu, centos, fedora...

我建议尝试任何Linux版本,如Ubuntu,centos,fedora ......



I think you can use linux version - ubuntu 12.04 because there are some ruby gems that are not working on windows like rubyracer, less-rails.

我认为你可以使用linux版本 - ubuntu 12.04,因为有一些ruby gems不能在像rubyracer,less-rails这样的windows上运行。



Install VirtualBox and run an Ubuntu or Redhat virtual linux machine.




I develop in Rails under Windows at work and at home most of the time. There are a few instances where gems won't work or will require a little more work to get running properly. There are also instances where developing on Windows and deploying to Linux/*NIX environment can cause problems, usually involving Windows-specific gems in your Gemfile.lock which aren't compatible on Linux/*NIX.

我大多数时间都是在Windows下工作和在家里开发Rails。在某些情况下,宝石无法正常工作或需要更多工作才能正常运行。还有一些情况,在Windows上进行开发并部署到Linux / * NIX环境会导致问题,通常涉及Gemfile.lock中特定于Windows的宝石,这些宝石在Linux / * NIX上不兼容。

All-in-all, it's not too much trouble as long as you watch out for the gotchas.


I also use Mac OS X for Rails development and I like the development experience much more than I do on Windows. That being said, I certainly don't need a Mac to be able to develop in Rails effectively.

我也使用Mac OS X进行Rails开发,我比在Windows上更喜欢开发体验。话虽这么说,我当然不需要Mac能够有效地在Rails中开发。



I also started with Rails development and recently bought myself a MacBook Pro. A Mac has solutions for running Windows, in case you also still need to do development on the Microsoft technology stack. You can install Windows via Bootcamp, which is a built in solution. Or run Windows in a virtual instance with virtualization software like Parallels.

我也开始使用Rails开发,最近给自己买了一台MacBook Pro。 Mac还提供运行Windows的解决方案,以防您仍需要在Microsoft技术堆栈上进行开发。您可以通过Bootcamp安装Windows,这是一个内置的解决方案。或者使用Parallels等虚拟化软件在虚拟实例中运行Windows。

hope this helps,





The simplest answer is you can do RoR development on any of the platforms easily.


Personally, I started doing development in Windows, then switched to VirtualBox on windows running Ubuntu. I now have a MacBook Pro and must say it's the happiest environment so far!

就个人而言,我开始在Windows中进行开发,然后在运行Ubuntu的Windows上切换到VirtualBox。我现在有一台MacBook Pro,必须说它是迄今为止最快乐的环境!

Windows - Reasonably straightforward to install rails, but seemed much slower that other enviroments. Lack of simple console with color highlighting was annoying

Windows - 合理地直接安装rails,但似乎比其他环境慢得多。缺乏带颜色突出显示的简单控制台很烦人

Ubuntu - Faster than under windows (even when virtualized!). If you don't know linux, it's a lot less fun, steep learning curve for command line stuff and lots of dependencies to resolve

Ubuntu - 比Windows下更快(即使虚拟化!)。如果你不了解linux,它就不那么有趣了,命令行东西的陡峭学习曲线和许多依赖性要解决

Mac - Best of both worlds, pretty UI for day to day stuff, awesome command line support, Ruby and RoR run super fast on MacBook Pro.

Mac - 两全其美,日常用户界面,强大的命令行支持,Ruby和RoR在MacBook Pro上运行速度超快。



I don't use a mac, I use linux, but I switched from Windows early in my experience with Rails. Using a mac is way better than using windows. The cheap option is to just dual-boot your windows machine with Ubuntu.


Just get off of windows.


See this for more details: Getting Ruby on Rails environment working and installing sqlite3

有关更多详细信息,请参阅此内容:使Ruby on Rails环境正常工作并安装sqlite3

Edit: VirtualBox is also an option for those whose processor supports it.




i would suggest to try out with any linux versions like Ubuntu, centos, fedora...

我建议尝试任何Linux版本,如Ubuntu,centos,fedora ......



I think you can use linux version - ubuntu 12.04 because there are some ruby gems that are not working on windows like rubyracer, less-rails.

我认为你可以使用linux版本 - ubuntu 12.04,因为有一些ruby gems不能在像rubyracer,less-rails这样的windows上运行。



Install VirtualBox and run an Ubuntu or Redhat virtual linux machine.




I develop in Rails under Windows at work and at home most of the time. There are a few instances where gems won't work or will require a little more work to get running properly. There are also instances where developing on Windows and deploying to Linux/*NIX environment can cause problems, usually involving Windows-specific gems in your Gemfile.lock which aren't compatible on Linux/*NIX.

我大多数时间都是在Windows下工作和在家里开发Rails。在某些情况下,宝石无法正常工作或需要更多工作才能正常运行。还有一些情况,在Windows上进行开发并部署到Linux / * NIX环境会导致问题,通常涉及Gemfile.lock中特定于Windows的宝石,这些宝石在Linux / * NIX上不兼容。

All-in-all, it's not too much trouble as long as you watch out for the gotchas.


I also use Mac OS X for Rails development and I like the development experience much more than I do on Windows. That being said, I certainly don't need a Mac to be able to develop in Rails effectively.

我也使用Mac OS X进行Rails开发,我比在Windows上更喜欢开发体验。话虽这么说,我当然不需要Mac能够有效地在Rails中开发。



I also started with Rails development and recently bought myself a MacBook Pro. A Mac has solutions for running Windows, in case you also still need to do development on the Microsoft technology stack. You can install Windows via Bootcamp, which is a built in solution. Or run Windows in a virtual instance with virtualization software like Parallels.

我也开始使用Rails开发,最近给自己买了一台MacBook Pro。 Mac还提供运行Windows的解决方案,以防您仍需要在Microsoft技术堆栈上进行开发。您可以通过Bootcamp安装Windows,这是一个内置的解决方案。或者使用Parallels等虚拟化软件在虚拟实例中运行Windows。

hope this helps,

