Ruby on Rails窗口开发现在被认为是安全的吗?

时间:2021-05-25 23:34:15

A few years ago I tried RoR on windows and it was a pain. Even though RailsInstaller existed, lots of problems with packages, modules and stuff that just didn't work properly on Windows.


I'm considering starting with RoR again, and I may use it for a startup web project.


Should I safely develop in my Windows 7 PC or it's better to set up a Linux VM for that?

我应该在我的Windows 7 PC中安全地开发,还是最好为此设置一个Linux VM?

3 个解决方案



It is still a pain to run RoR on windows. I strongly disadvise its use.


Few reasons:


  1. Installing Ruby is still a pain
  2. 安装Ruby仍然很痛苦
  3. Installing Ruby on Rails is still a pain
  4. 安装Ruby on Rails仍然很痛苦
  5. Most of the Ruby gems are not compatible
  6. 大多数Ruby宝石都不兼容

I'm trying to keep objective, but there's this is the truth unfortunately.


I strongly advise you to use a VM running Linux Mint ;)

我强烈建议您使用运行Linux Mint的VM;)



I was in your place a few years back, installed an Ubuntu VM, and never looked back...

几年前我就在你的位置,安装了一个Ubuntu VM,从不回头......



I would strongly recommend you stick to GNU/Linux if you use Ruby on Rails. I worked on a project for seven years that was built on Ruby on Rails and supported Windows deployment. It was generally a painful experience unless there's a programmer on the team that routinely uses Windows to develop the project.

如果你使用Ruby on Rails,我强烈建议你坚持使用GNU / Linux。我在一个项目上工作了七年,它基于Ruby on Rails并支持Windows部署。这通常是一种痛苦的经历,除非团队中的程序员经常使用Windows来开发项目。

You will likely hit issues even before you reach fanaticism.


Products like RailsInstaller will get you up and running on Windows but some Ruby gems are only tested on GNU/Linux and/or OSX. Gems that are "pure" Ruby are generally okay but you'll hit problems if a gem compiles native code during installation that relies on the Gnu C compiler or that the gem does not include Windows binaries.

像RailsInstaller这样的产品可以让你在Windows上运行,但是一些Ruby gems只能在GNU / Linux和/或OSX上测试。 “纯”Ruby的宝石通常都没问题但如果gem在安装过程中编译本机代码依赖于Gnu C编译器或者gem不包含Windows二进制文件,那么你就会遇到问题。

If you were the only one to use the code then, yes, you could pick and choose the gems that work. However if the project is open source and you're accepting outside contributions, or you're going to employ programmers with Rails experience, they will probably will not know which gems work on Windows and which gems do not.


The problems are not necessarily limited to development. Those that deploy your project will find it hard to get help from forums or support channels for issues that turn out to be Windows-specific.




It is still a pain to run RoR on windows. I strongly disadvise its use.


Few reasons:


  1. Installing Ruby is still a pain
  2. 安装Ruby仍然很痛苦
  3. Installing Ruby on Rails is still a pain
  4. 安装Ruby on Rails仍然很痛苦
  5. Most of the Ruby gems are not compatible
  6. 大多数Ruby宝石都不兼容

I'm trying to keep objective, but there's this is the truth unfortunately.


I strongly advise you to use a VM running Linux Mint ;)

我强烈建议您使用运行Linux Mint的VM;)



I was in your place a few years back, installed an Ubuntu VM, and never looked back...

几年前我就在你的位置,安装了一个Ubuntu VM,从不回头......



I would strongly recommend you stick to GNU/Linux if you use Ruby on Rails. I worked on a project for seven years that was built on Ruby on Rails and supported Windows deployment. It was generally a painful experience unless there's a programmer on the team that routinely uses Windows to develop the project.

如果你使用Ruby on Rails,我强烈建议你坚持使用GNU / Linux。我在一个项目上工作了七年,它基于Ruby on Rails并支持Windows部署。这通常是一种痛苦的经历,除非团队中的程序员经常使用Windows来开发项目。

You will likely hit issues even before you reach fanaticism.


Products like RailsInstaller will get you up and running on Windows but some Ruby gems are only tested on GNU/Linux and/or OSX. Gems that are "pure" Ruby are generally okay but you'll hit problems if a gem compiles native code during installation that relies on the Gnu C compiler or that the gem does not include Windows binaries.

像RailsInstaller这样的产品可以让你在Windows上运行,但是一些Ruby gems只能在GNU / Linux和/或OSX上测试。 “纯”Ruby的宝石通常都没问题但如果gem在安装过程中编译本机代码依赖于Gnu C编译器或者gem不包含Windows二进制文件,那么你就会遇到问题。

If you were the only one to use the code then, yes, you could pick and choose the gems that work. However if the project is open source and you're accepting outside contributions, or you're going to employ programmers with Rails experience, they will probably will not know which gems work on Windows and which gems do not.


The problems are not necessarily limited to development. Those that deploy your project will find it hard to get help from forums or support channels for issues that turn out to be Windows-specific.
