
时间:2021-07-07 23:25:21

I'm having some trouble with the following:


void BuildList(cs460hwp hw)

    FILE* fp;
    fp = fopen("HW2input.dat", "r");
    if(fp == NULL)
        printf("Couldn't open the file.");
    int numStudents;
    int i;
    bool success;
    char* dueDate = malloc(9*sizeof(char));
    char* course = malloc(7*sizeof(char));
    char* wsuid = malloc(9*sizeof(char));
    char* subDate = malloc(9*sizeof(char));
    double points1 = 0;
    double points2 = 0;
    cs460hwp stuInsert = NULL;
    fscanf(fp, "%d", &numStudents);
    fscanf(fp, "%s", dueDate);
    for(i = 0; i < numStudents; i++)
        stuInsert = malloc(sizeof(cs460hwp));
        fscanf(fp, "%s %s %s %lf", course, wsuid, subDate, &points1);
        strcpy(stuInsert->course, course);
        strcpy(stuInsert->wsuid, wsuid);
        strcpy(stuInsert->subdate, subDate);
        stuInsert->points1 = points1;
        stuInsert->points2 = CalculatePoints(dueDate, subDate, points1);
        stuInsert->nextPtr = NULL;
        if(hw == NULL)
            hw = stuInsert;
            stuInsert->nextPtr = hw;
            hw = stuInsert;

struct hwpoints
    char course[7];
    char wsuid[9];
    char subdate[9];
    double points1;
    double points2;
    struct hwpoints *nextPtr;

typedef struct hwpoints *cs460hwp;

My goal here is to insert every entry to the top of the list. However, whenever I try to assign anything to nextPtr (such as in the else clause), it gets filled with garbage values. They're mostly truncated versions of old data, which leads me to believe they're being taken from the heap. I've been reading (a lot), but I'm having trouble finding advice on this particular problem.


nextPtr always becomes junk, and nextPtr->nextPtr causes a segfault. For every iteration of the loop. hw remains fine, but its pointer value never gets updated properly.

nextPtr总是变成垃圾,而nextPtr-> nextPtr会导致段错误。对于循环的每次迭代。 hw仍然很好,但其指针值永远不会正确更新。

Even when I've attempted to move the memory allocation for the struct into a function, I've had the same (or similar) issues.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?


2 个解决方案



Two problems.

1) As pb2q mentioned, you are passing a pointer to a struct and trying to assign what the arg points to. That's allowed by the compiler, but it doesn't do anything for you outside the function. It might be OK in your case if:


void main()
   cs460hwp hw = NULL;

Is the whole of your function. I don't know the assignment so you need to figure out if that's acceptable to you or not.


2) The much bigger problem:


stuInsert = malloc(sizeof(cs460hwp)); 

Did you check what sizeof(cs460hwp) comes out to be? it's 4. You're allocating enough memory for the size of a pointer, not the size of your structure. I'm pretty sure this is not what you want to do and this is what is killing you. Just for kicks, replace it with malloc(100) and see if your problem goes away. If so you just need to figure out what size you really want. ;)

你检查了sizeof(cs460hwp)的大小吗?它是4.你为指针的大小分配足够的内存,而不是你的结构的大小。我很确定这不是你想要做的,这就是杀了你的原因。只是为了踢,用malloc(100)替换它,看看你的问题是否消失了。如果是这样,你只需要弄清楚你真正想要的尺寸。 ;)



A problem with your BuildList function is that you're passing a pointer to a struct hwpoints, and you're trying to re-assign what the argument points to. Since function arguments in C are pass-by-value you're only changing the copy of the pointer that your function receives, and those changes won't be reflected in the caller.


You can use this pointer to modify the contents of the list: you can change e.g. hw->course or hw->nextPtr, you can move elements around in your list. But you can't change what the head, hw points to, so you can't insert elements at the beginning of the list.

您可以使用此指针修改列表的内容:您可以更改例如hw-> course或hw-> nextPtr,你可以在列表中移动元素。但你不能改变头部,hw指向的内容,因此你不能在列表的开头插入元素。

If you want to change your head pointer, as in these statements:


hw = stuInsert;
// ...
hw = stuInsert;

Then you'll need to pass a pointer to the pointer:


void BuildList(cs460hwp *hw)

And de-reference it as necessary in the body of the function.


I can't be sure that this is the cause of the output that you're observing, which may be due to other problems. But if, after some number of calls to BuildList, beginning with a head pointer equal to NULL, you're trying to print your list assuming that it has valid nodes, you could see garbage data.


Thanks to @Mike's answer, we see also that you're not allocating enough space for your list nodes:

感谢@ Mike的回答,我们也看到您没有为列表节点分配足够的空间:

stuInsert = malloc(sizeof(cs460hwp));

Will only allocate enough space for a pointer, since cs460hwp is typedef'd to be a pointer to struct hwpoints. You need to allocate enough space for the structure, not a pointer to it:

只会为指针分配足够的空间,因为cs460hwp是typedef'd指向struct hwpoints的指针。您需要为结构分配足够的空间,而不是指向它的指针:

stuInsert = malloc(sizeof(struct hwpoints));



Two problems.

1) As pb2q mentioned, you are passing a pointer to a struct and trying to assign what the arg points to. That's allowed by the compiler, but it doesn't do anything for you outside the function. It might be OK in your case if:


void main()
   cs460hwp hw = NULL;

Is the whole of your function. I don't know the assignment so you need to figure out if that's acceptable to you or not.


2) The much bigger problem:


stuInsert = malloc(sizeof(cs460hwp)); 

Did you check what sizeof(cs460hwp) comes out to be? it's 4. You're allocating enough memory for the size of a pointer, not the size of your structure. I'm pretty sure this is not what you want to do and this is what is killing you. Just for kicks, replace it with malloc(100) and see if your problem goes away. If so you just need to figure out what size you really want. ;)

你检查了sizeof(cs460hwp)的大小吗?它是4.你为指针的大小分配足够的内存,而不是你的结构的大小。我很确定这不是你想要做的,这就是杀了你的原因。只是为了踢,用malloc(100)替换它,看看你的问题是否消失了。如果是这样,你只需要弄清楚你真正想要的尺寸。 ;)



A problem with your BuildList function is that you're passing a pointer to a struct hwpoints, and you're trying to re-assign what the argument points to. Since function arguments in C are pass-by-value you're only changing the copy of the pointer that your function receives, and those changes won't be reflected in the caller.


You can use this pointer to modify the contents of the list: you can change e.g. hw->course or hw->nextPtr, you can move elements around in your list. But you can't change what the head, hw points to, so you can't insert elements at the beginning of the list.

您可以使用此指针修改列表的内容:您可以更改例如hw-> course或hw-> nextPtr,你可以在列表中移动元素。但你不能改变头部,hw指向的内容,因此你不能在列表的开头插入元素。

If you want to change your head pointer, as in these statements:


hw = stuInsert;
// ...
hw = stuInsert;

Then you'll need to pass a pointer to the pointer:


void BuildList(cs460hwp *hw)

And de-reference it as necessary in the body of the function.


I can't be sure that this is the cause of the output that you're observing, which may be due to other problems. But if, after some number of calls to BuildList, beginning with a head pointer equal to NULL, you're trying to print your list assuming that it has valid nodes, you could see garbage data.


Thanks to @Mike's answer, we see also that you're not allocating enough space for your list nodes:

感谢@ Mike的回答,我们也看到您没有为列表节点分配足够的空间:

stuInsert = malloc(sizeof(cs460hwp));

Will only allocate enough space for a pointer, since cs460hwp is typedef'd to be a pointer to struct hwpoints. You need to allocate enough space for the structure, not a pointer to it:

只会为指针分配足够的空间,因为cs460hwp是typedef'd指向struct hwpoints的指针。您需要为结构分配足够的空间,而不是指向它的指针:

stuInsert = malloc(sizeof(struct hwpoints));