
时间:2022-06-01 19:05:43

I am sending email through nodemailer it goes into inbox of gmail if i run from local server but goes into spam of gmail if i run script from microsoft azure server. following is my script

我通过nodemailer发送电子邮件,如果我从本地服务器运行,它进入Gmail的收件箱,但如果我从microsoft azure服务器运行脚本,则进入gmail的垃圾邮件。以下是我的脚本

var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
var EmailTemplates = require('swig-email-templates');
var smtpConfig =  {
        service: 'smtp.office365.com',
        host: 'smtp.office365.com',
        port: 587,
        starttls: {
            enable: true
        secureConnection: true,
        auth: {
            user: 'xxxxx@yyyy.com',
            pass: 'zzzzzz'

var templates = new EmailTemplates();  
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpConfig);   

var context = {
  link : 'www.google.co.in'

templates.render('activate_email.html', context, function(err, html,text, subject) {    

    from: '"Product Name????" <no-reply@xxxxx.com>', // sender address
    to: 'xxxx@gmail.com',
      subject: 'Account activation',
      html: html,

2 个解决方案



The truth is there is no simple one line solutions for your problem :) There are numerous reasons why this can happen, and here are some of them:


  • Your host is marked as a spam - this happens if you have not verified your e-mail or you are sending too much e-mails from the same host. Shared hosting is commonly marked as such, and therefore mail server will regularly mark them as a spam

    您的主机被标记为垃圾邮件 - 如果您未验证电子邮件或从同一主机发送过多电子邮件,则会发生这种情况。共享主机通常标记为这样,因此邮件服务器会定期将它们标记为垃圾邮件

  • Your from field is different than the one you're allowed to use - as I see you're using smtp, there are strict rules for the mail you can send. Of course you can always send e-mail from mark@facebook.com, but since your SMTP's host is not facebook.com, your e-mail will pretty sure marked as spam

    你的字段与你允许使用的字段不同 - 因为我看到你使用的是smtp,你可以发送的邮件有严格的规则。当然你可以随时发送来自mark@facebook.com的电子邮件,但由于你的SMTP主机不是facebook.com,你的电子邮件肯定会被标记为垃圾邮件

  • You can sign your e-mail in many various mails, assuring the servers that this e-mail is send from you and it has proper signature. Check online for the ways to do so.


  • While developing you have sent numerous alike e-mails - sending the very same "test" e-mail is a common reason for your e-mails to get blacklisted

    在开发过程中,您发送了大量类似的电子邮件 - 发送相同的“测试”电子邮件是您的电子邮件被列入黑名单的常见原因

Unfortunately as I said there is no one real reason, there could be many of them. I hope this helps at least a little :)




Please get rid of the ???? and try sending it again. I read in a article once that email clients don't like those icons because a lot of spammers are using them.


Try sending it to multiple gmail accounts. Other than that there's nothing wrong with the code. If you're on a shared hosting or local host it could also go into the junk folder. In that case you would have to look into sending the emails from a different IP, preferred in the same country as where you will send the emails to.


But first try to remove that icon!


PS. I would make this answer as a comment but I can't due to low rep.




The truth is there is no simple one line solutions for your problem :) There are numerous reasons why this can happen, and here are some of them:


  • Your host is marked as a spam - this happens if you have not verified your e-mail or you are sending too much e-mails from the same host. Shared hosting is commonly marked as such, and therefore mail server will regularly mark them as a spam

    您的主机被标记为垃圾邮件 - 如果您未验证电子邮件或从同一主机发送过多电子邮件,则会发生这种情况。共享主机通常标记为这样,因此邮件服务器会定期将它们标记为垃圾邮件

  • Your from field is different than the one you're allowed to use - as I see you're using smtp, there are strict rules for the mail you can send. Of course you can always send e-mail from mark@facebook.com, but since your SMTP's host is not facebook.com, your e-mail will pretty sure marked as spam

    你的字段与你允许使用的字段不同 - 因为我看到你使用的是smtp,你可以发送的邮件有严格的规则。当然你可以随时发送来自mark@facebook.com的电子邮件,但由于你的SMTP主机不是facebook.com,你的电子邮件肯定会被标记为垃圾邮件

  • You can sign your e-mail in many various mails, assuring the servers that this e-mail is send from you and it has proper signature. Check online for the ways to do so.


  • While developing you have sent numerous alike e-mails - sending the very same "test" e-mail is a common reason for your e-mails to get blacklisted

    在开发过程中,您发送了大量类似的电子邮件 - 发送相同的“测试”电子邮件是您的电子邮件被列入黑名单的常见原因

Unfortunately as I said there is no one real reason, there could be many of them. I hope this helps at least a little :)




Please get rid of the ???? and try sending it again. I read in a article once that email clients don't like those icons because a lot of spammers are using them.


Try sending it to multiple gmail accounts. Other than that there's nothing wrong with the code. If you're on a shared hosting or local host it could also go into the junk folder. In that case you would have to look into sending the emails from a different IP, preferred in the same country as where you will send the emails to.


But first try to remove that icon!


PS. I would make this answer as a comment but I can't due to low rep.
