如何在没有Adobe Air播放器的情况下运行adobe air应用程序?

时间:2022-04-05 22:55:11

i dowload some animation from http://www.3dfreeair.com . so how can i run without Adobe AIR ?. How can i install in linux os ?.

我从http://www.3dfreeair.com下载一些动画。那么如何在没有Adobe AIR的情况下运行?我怎样才能在linux操作系统中安装?

I am beginner so don't mistake me . i dont know anything about air . plz guys tech me about this .

我是初学者所以不要误会我。我对空气一无所知。 PLZ伙计们对此有所了解。

1 个解决方案


You can't run them without Adobe AIR...

没有Adobe AIR,你无法运行它们......

You need to install it from here: http://get.adobe.com/air/



You can't run them without Adobe AIR...

没有Adobe AIR,你无法运行它们......

You need to install it from here: http://get.adobe.com/air/
