
时间:2021-07-30 22:56:15

[This question has been resolved in the chat room, by Spacedman, but I'm posting it for others' benefit in the future.]


I have a function, myFunc, which creates localFunc inside of it. (NB: this is not in a package, but in the global environment.) I'd like to know where localFunc exists in the search path, as I'd like to analyze it via mvbutils::foodweb.

我有一个函数myFunc,它在其中创建localFunc。(NB:这不是一个包,而是在全球环境中。)我想知道localFunc在搜索路径中的位置,因为我想通过mvbutils: foodweb分析它。

Here is an example:


myFunc <- function(){
    localFunc <- function(x){

    vecPrune <- c("localFunc",ls("package:data.table"))
    ix <- match("data.table",search())
    tmpWeb <- foodweb(where = c(1,ix), prune = vecPrune, plotting = FALSE)

However, a call to myFunc() does not seem to indicate that localFunc calls data.table(). This is incorrect - what gives?


(NB: The where argument specifies the search path.)

(NB: where参数指定搜索路径。)

Update 1: As Tommy and Spacedman point out, the trick is to specify environment(). The call to foodweb() refers to where = c(1, ix). The index 1 is a mistake. That arose from thinking that .GlobalEnv, which is often (always?) the first item in the search() vector, is the right place to search. That is erroneous. Instead, one should refer to environment(), and the correct call is below. (NB: ix specifies the location of data.table() in the search() output.)

更新1:正如Tommy和Spacedman指出的,诀窍是指定environment()。对foodweb()的调用指的是= c(1, ix)。索引1是错误的。这源于这样一种想法:. globalenv通常是search()向量中的第一项,是搜索的正确位置。这是错误的。相反,应该引用environment(),正确的调用如下。(NB: ix指定搜索()输出中的data.table()的位置。)

tmpWeb <- foodweb(where = c(environment(),ix), prune = vecPrune, plotting = FALSE)

This appears in the answer to this question, in a function called checkScriptDependencies, which wraps the code from an R script file into a local function, which is then analyzed by foodweb. This is a limited example of how to use environment(), and Tommy has given a good explanation of how to use it and similar functions in this context.


1 个解决方案



To get the current environment, just call environment().


In general, sys.frame returns any of the environments currently on the call stack, and sys.nframe returns the current depth of the call stack. sys.frames returns a list of all environments on the call stack.


environment(f) returns the closure environment for a function f (where it will look for functions and global variables).


parent.env(e) returns the parent environment where it will look if a symbol is not found in e.


f <- function() {
  function() list(curEnv=environment(), parent=parent.env(environment()), 
          grandParent=parent.env(parent.env(environment())), callStack=sys.frames(), 
g <- function(f, n=2) if (n>2) g(f, n-1) else f()

floc <- f() # generate a local function
g(floc, 3) # call it

This will call the local function floc with a stack depth of 3. It returns a list with the current environment, it's parent (the local environment in f), and it's grand parent (where f was defined, so globalenv). It also returns the list of stack frames (environments). These are the environments for the recursive calls in g (except the last one which is the current environment of floc).




To get the current environment, just call environment().


In general, sys.frame returns any of the environments currently on the call stack, and sys.nframe returns the current depth of the call stack. sys.frames returns a list of all environments on the call stack.


environment(f) returns the closure environment for a function f (where it will look for functions and global variables).


parent.env(e) returns the parent environment where it will look if a symbol is not found in e.


f <- function() {
  function() list(curEnv=environment(), parent=parent.env(environment()), 
          grandParent=parent.env(parent.env(environment())), callStack=sys.frames(), 
g <- function(f, n=2) if (n>2) g(f, n-1) else f()

floc <- f() # generate a local function
g(floc, 3) # call it

This will call the local function floc with a stack depth of 3. It returns a list with the current environment, it's parent (the local environment in f), and it's grand parent (where f was defined, so globalenv). It also returns the list of stack frames (environments). These are the environments for the recursive calls in g (except the last one which is the current environment of floc).
