在Xcode 4.5中,如何设置translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraint

时间:2021-02-14 22:57:55

I need to set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to NO. By default it is set to YES (to assist with the majority of apps that are transitioning from struts and springs to the new Auto Layout).


Is there somewhere in Xcode where the default can be changed from YES to NO?


Or do I have to manually set it for every view?


4 个解决方案



This is a great question - and one I've tried to find an answer to myself. Sadly, it looks like there is no "quick fix". Currently, Apple considers Constraint-based layout Opt-in - even naming a section of the UIView Class Reference:


Opting in to Constraint-Based Layout


But that Opt-in is not global. I presume this is because not everything looks good if you just turn Springs & Struts into Constraints. Some UI elements break, or you would get a ton of unsatisfiable constraints errors.


I can think of one possible solution - I have not tried it myself, but you could make a category on UIView that sets all UIView objects to return NO for - (BOOL)translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints. While I do not know what this would break, it would globally set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to NO.

我可以想出一个可能的解决方案——我自己还没有尝试过,但是你可以在UIView上创建一个类别,它设置所有的UIView对象返回NO (BOOL) translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraint。虽然我不知道它会中断什么,但它会在全局上设置翻译自适应maskintoconstraints(不)。

Here is a good introduction to Categories if you want to learn more about them!




I'm late to this question, but the mentioned option is still missing in Xcode 5 & 6, so the question is still meaningful.

我回答这个问题有点晚了,但是Xcode 5和6中仍然没有提到这个选项,所以这个问题仍然是有意义的。

Actually, we can always set a value to any property of a view/control/object by adding a User Defined Runtime Atribute in Storyboard (Interface Builder) like the following screenshot.


And it also works for translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints. So the question could be solved.


在Xcode 4.5中,如何设置translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraint



When u have to change the size or position of your subview. Use (BOOL)translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints method before you set the frame of your subview.


[self.benchmarkButton removeFromSuperview];
[self.benchmarkButton setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES];
[self.benchmarkButton setFrame:CGRectMake(20, self.benchmarkButton.frame.origin.y+40, 260, 30)];
[self.benchmarksView addSubview:self.benchmarkButton];

Thats way your subview will not fight from constraints as it is default (AutoLayout) in Xcode 4.3 and later. Thanks

这样,您的子视图就不会与约束对抗,因为它是Xcode 4.3和以后默认的(AutoLayout)。谢谢



According to the documentation, this property is automatically set to NO if the view is added through Interface Builder.

根据文档,如果通过Interface Builder添加视图,则此属性将自动设置为NO。


https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIView_Class/ / / apple_ref / occ instp / UIView / translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints



This is a great question - and one I've tried to find an answer to myself. Sadly, it looks like there is no "quick fix". Currently, Apple considers Constraint-based layout Opt-in - even naming a section of the UIView Class Reference:


Opting in to Constraint-Based Layout


But that Opt-in is not global. I presume this is because not everything looks good if you just turn Springs & Struts into Constraints. Some UI elements break, or you would get a ton of unsatisfiable constraints errors.


I can think of one possible solution - I have not tried it myself, but you could make a category on UIView that sets all UIView objects to return NO for - (BOOL)translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints. While I do not know what this would break, it would globally set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to NO.

我可以想出一个可能的解决方案——我自己还没有尝试过,但是你可以在UIView上创建一个类别,它设置所有的UIView对象返回NO (BOOL) translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraint。虽然我不知道它会中断什么,但它会在全局上设置翻译自适应maskintoconstraints(不)。

Here is a good introduction to Categories if you want to learn more about them!




I'm late to this question, but the mentioned option is still missing in Xcode 5 & 6, so the question is still meaningful.

我回答这个问题有点晚了,但是Xcode 5和6中仍然没有提到这个选项,所以这个问题仍然是有意义的。

Actually, we can always set a value to any property of a view/control/object by adding a User Defined Runtime Atribute in Storyboard (Interface Builder) like the following screenshot.


And it also works for translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints. So the question could be solved.


在Xcode 4.5中,如何设置translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraint



When u have to change the size or position of your subview. Use (BOOL)translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints method before you set the frame of your subview.


[self.benchmarkButton removeFromSuperview];
[self.benchmarkButton setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES];
[self.benchmarkButton setFrame:CGRectMake(20, self.benchmarkButton.frame.origin.y+40, 260, 30)];
[self.benchmarksView addSubview:self.benchmarkButton];

Thats way your subview will not fight from constraints as it is default (AutoLayout) in Xcode 4.3 and later. Thanks

这样,您的子视图就不会与约束对抗,因为它是Xcode 4.3和以后默认的(AutoLayout)。谢谢



According to the documentation, this property is automatically set to NO if the view is added through Interface Builder.

根据文档,如果通过Interface Builder添加视图,则此属性将自动设置为NO。


https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIView_Class/ / / apple_ref / occ instp / UIView / translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints