
时间:2021-03-16 22:50:23

I am spawning child tasks in Node the following way:


function createChildProc(prog, params0, cmdAndEnv) {
    var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
    return spawn(prog, params0, cmdAndEnv);

Where cmdAndEnv manually contain the environment variables created during the initial fire up of Node.


Instead of manually issuing all the environmental variables into the spawned child, is there a way to have node automatically inject the current environment variables into the child's environment?


1 个解决方案


The third argument is used to specify additional options. One of these options is env which contains the environment key-value pairs in an object.

第三个参数用于指定其他选项。其中一个选项是env,它包含对象中的环境键 - 值对。

return spawn(prog, params0, { env: cmdAndEnv });

See the documentation for more details.



The third argument is used to specify additional options. One of these options is env which contains the environment key-value pairs in an object.

第三个参数用于指定其他选项。其中一个选项是env,它包含对象中的环境键 - 值对。

return spawn(prog, params0, { env: cmdAndEnv });

See the documentation for more details.
