
时间:2021-05-31 22:43:42

I am upgrading an old Wise for Windows installation to a newer version of Wise Installation Studio, and the WiseCustomCall resource is now marked as <unspecified>. The .wsi compiles into a .msi without issue, but then fails during runtime, not being able to locate "location: WiseCustomCall, command: g0".

我正在将旧的Wise for Windows安装升级到较新版本的Wise Installation Studio,而WiseCustomCall资源现在标记为 。 .wsi无问题地编译成.msi,但在运行时失败,无法找到“location:WiseCustomCall,command:g0”。

Can anyone provide some information about WiseCustomCall? What specifically does it do?



1 个解决方案


I believe WiseCustomCall is the Wise Installation's handler for handling Custom Action In-Script Executions.

我相信WiseCustomCall是用于处理自定义动作脚本执行的Wise Installation的处理程序。

Can you confirm that you recieve error 172*? (what error are you recieving?)

你能否确认收到错误172 *? (你收到什么错误?)

To troubleshoot this error message:


Check the location of the custom action to ensure the file is available at the time of execution. A good location to place a custom action that can be run following the rest of the installation completing, is after InstallFinalize in the Execute Immediate sequence in MSI script. Create a log file by executing the .MSI using the following command line in the Start > Run prompt:


msiexec /i  <full path of MSI package> /l*v <path to log file>.

Occasionally, the WiseCustomCall action has disassociated itself to the custom action. Go to the Resources page in Installation Expert, locate the WiseCustomCall entry, and browse to the WiseDll.DLL.

有时,WiseCustomCall操作已将其自身与自定义操作取消关联。转到Installation Expert中的“资源”页面,找到WiseCustomCall条目,然后浏览到WiseDll.DLL。


I believe WiseCustomCall is the Wise Installation's handler for handling Custom Action In-Script Executions.

我相信WiseCustomCall是用于处理自定义动作脚本执行的Wise Installation的处理程序。

Can you confirm that you recieve error 172*? (what error are you recieving?)

你能否确认收到错误172 *? (你收到什么错误?)

To troubleshoot this error message:


Check the location of the custom action to ensure the file is available at the time of execution. A good location to place a custom action that can be run following the rest of the installation completing, is after InstallFinalize in the Execute Immediate sequence in MSI script. Create a log file by executing the .MSI using the following command line in the Start > Run prompt:


msiexec /i  <full path of MSI package> /l*v <path to log file>.

Occasionally, the WiseCustomCall action has disassociated itself to the custom action. Go to the Resources page in Installation Expert, locate the WiseCustomCall entry, and browse to the WiseDll.DLL.

有时,WiseCustomCall操作已将其自身与自定义操作取消关联。转到Installation Expert中的“资源”页面,找到WiseCustomCall条目,然后浏览到WiseDll.DLL。