I am trying to make a setup for my program by using InstallShield 2013 LE and I am running it from within VS 2012. I have already downloaded and installed .NET 4.5 as one of the prerequisites under Specify Application Data -> Redistributables.
我正在尝试使用InstallShield 2013 LE为我的程序进行设置,并且我在VS 2012中运行它。我已经下载并安装了.NET 4.5作为指定应用程序数据 - >可再发行组件下的先决条件之一。
My application has reports that I made by installing CRforVS_redist_install_64bit_13_0_8 from the site http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-7824.
The reports and program run well. I know that I need to include the crystal reports runtime as part of my setup for deployment to other computers. Under Specify Application Data -> Redistributables, I see Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008. How do I add the right runtime version that I need to my program?
报告和程序运行良好。我知道我需要将水晶报告运行时包含在我的设置中,以便部署到其他计算机。在“指定应用程序数据 - >可再发行组件”下,我看到了Visual Studio 2008的Crystal Reports Basic。如何在程序中添加正确的运行时版本?
Also for some reason, I am unable to download even the 2008 version shown.
1 个解决方案
InstallShield Limited edition lacks the prereq editor found in Professional and above. You can download an eval and throw it on a VM and use it there. Correct the PRQ file and copy it back to your ISLE machine along with needed content.
InstallShield Limited版缺少Professional及以上版本中的prereq编辑器。您可以下载eval并将其扔到VM上并在那里使用它。更正PRQ文件并将其与所需内容一起复制回ISLE机器。
Here's a basic tutorial on how to author PRQs:
Using InstallShield 12 to Install .NET Framework 3.0
使用InstallShield 12安装.NET Framework 3.0
InstallShield Limited edition lacks the prereq editor found in Professional and above. You can download an eval and throw it on a VM and use it there. Correct the PRQ file and copy it back to your ISLE machine along with needed content.
InstallShield Limited版缺少Professional及以上版本中的prereq编辑器。您可以下载eval并将其扔到VM上并在那里使用它。更正PRQ文件并将其与所需内容一起复制回ISLE机器。
Here's a basic tutorial on how to author PRQs:
Using InstallShield 12 to Install .NET Framework 3.0
使用InstallShield 12安装.NET Framework 3.0