如何使用Microsoft AD为内部PHP应用程序实现单点登录(SSO) ?

时间:2021-11-23 22:36:28

I'm vaguely aware that on a computer joined to a domain IE can be asked to send some extra headers that I could use to automatically sign on to an application. I've got apache running on a windows server with mod_php. I'd like to be able to avoid the user having to log in if necessary. I've found some links talking about Kerberos and Apache modules.


http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/09/11/kerberos.html?page=last https://metacpan.org/pod/Apache2::AuthenNTLM


Since I'm running on Windows it's proven to be non-trivial to get Perl or Apache modules installed. But doesn't PHP already have access to HTTP headers?


I found this but it doesn't do any authentication, it just shows that PHP can read the NTLM headers. http://siphon9.net/loune/2007/10/simple-lightweight-ntlm-in-php/


I'd like to be able to have my users just point to the application and have them automatically authenticated. Has anyone had any experience with this or gotten it to work at all?


UPDATE Since originally posting this question, we've changed setups to nginx and php-fcgi still running on windows. Apache2 and php-cgi on windows is probably one of the slowest setups you could configure on windows. It's looking like Apache might still be needed (it works with php-fcgi) but I would prefer a nginx solution.


I also still don't understand (and would love to be educated) why HTTP server plugins are necessary and we can't have a PHP, web server agnostic solution.


5 个解决方案



All you need is the mod_auth_sspi Apache module.

您所需要的是mod_auth_sspi Apache模块。

Sample configuration:


AuthType SSPI
SSPIAuthoritative On
SSPIDomain mydomain

# Set this if you want to allow access with clients that do not support NTLM, or via proxy from outside. Don't forget to require SSL in this case!
SSPIOfferBasic On

# Set this if you have only one domain and don't want the MYDOMAIN\ prefix on each user name
SSPIOmitDomain On

# AD user names are case-insensitive, so use this for normalization if your application's user names are case-sensitive
SSPIUsernameCase Lower
AuthName "Some text to prompt for domain credentials"
Require valid-user

And don't forget that you can also use Firefox for transparent SSO in a Windows domain: Simply go to about:config, search for network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris, and enter the host name or FQDN of your internal application (like myserver or myserver.corp.domain.com). You can have more than one entry, it's a comma-separated list.

不要忘记,你也可以在Windows域中使用Firefox来进行透明的SSO:只需进入about:config,搜索net .automatic-ntlm-auth。trusted-uris,并输入内部应用程序的主机名或FQDN(比如myserver或myserver.corp.domain.com)。可以有多个条目,它是一个逗号分隔的列表。



I'd be curious about a solution that uses OpenID as a backend (of sorts) for this... I wasn't seeing anything that would hook into ActiveDirectory directly when I googled (quickly). However, it could be pretty painless to implement over plain HTTP(S) (you'd be an OpenID provider that checked credentials against your local AD). In a best case scenario, you might be able to just add a couple classes to your app and be off and running -- no web server modules required. There is a lot of open source code out there for either side of this, so if nothing else, it's worth taking a look. If you exposed the backend to the users (i.e. gave them OpenID URLs), you'd have the added benefit of them being able to log in to more than just your internal sites using these credentials. (Example: Stack Overflow.)

我想知道一个使用OpenID作为后端(各种)的解决方案……当我(快速地)搜索时,我没有看到任何可以直接连接到ActiveDirectory的内容。但是,通过普通的HTTP(您将是一个根据本地广告检查凭据的OpenID提供者)实现证书可能非常简单。在最好的情况下,您可以向应用程序添加两个类,然后关闭并运行——不需要web服务器模块。这两方面都有大量的开放源代码,所以如果没有其他的,值得一看。如果您将后端暴露给用户(也就是给它们提供OpenID url),那么您将获得额外的好处,即它们能够使用这些凭证登录到更多的内部站点。(例如:堆栈溢出)。

As an aside, I'd be against making it so that Internet Explorer is required. I'm not sure if that is the goal from the way you wrote the question, but depending on your IT environment, I'd expect people who use Firefox or Safari (or Opera or ...) to be less than enthusiastic. (You're not developing against IE first, are you? That's been painful whenever I've done so.) This is not to say that you couldn't use this feature of IE, just that it shouldn't be the only option. The link you posted stated that NTLM worked with more than IE, but since I don't have any experience with it, it's hard to judge how well that would work.

顺便说一句,我反对让Internet Explorer成为必需的。我不确定这是否是你写问题的目的,但根据你的IT环境,我希望使用Firefox或Safari(或Opera或…)的人不那么热情。你不是先跟IE对着干吧?每次我这么做的时候都很痛苦。这并不是说你不能使用IE的这个特性,只是说它不应该是唯一的选择。你贴出来的链接说NTLM比IE用得多,但是因为我没有使用它的经验,所以很难判断它的效果。



I had a similar problem which I needed to solve for my organization.


I was looking into using adLDAP.


There is some documentation on the site for achieving seamless authentication with Active Directory too.

站点上也有一些文档可以实现使用Active Directory的无缝认证。



One option for you is to use CAS (central authentication service).


It has php client library.


How-to link to MS Active Directory: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CASUM/Active+Directory


You would require Apache maven 2 though.

不过,您需要Apache maven 2。



For IIS/PHP FCGI, You need to send out an unauthorized header:

对于IIS/PHP FCGI,您需要发送一个未经授权的头文件:

function EnableAuthentication()
    $realm = "yoursite";
    header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$realm.'",qop="auth",nonce="'.uniqid().'",opaque="'.md5($realm).'"');
    header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); 

You can then get at the username with:


$winuser = $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"];

I then make sure the $winuser is in my database of allowed users.


Be SURE and test this under a non-privileged account. When I first installed this I tested it and it worked fine, but later when a standard non-server-admin user tried it this failed. Turns out some of the temporary directories need to have permissions changed for guest users. I can't recall the exact settings.




All you need is the mod_auth_sspi Apache module.

您所需要的是mod_auth_sspi Apache模块。

Sample configuration:


AuthType SSPI
SSPIAuthoritative On
SSPIDomain mydomain

# Set this if you want to allow access with clients that do not support NTLM, or via proxy from outside. Don't forget to require SSL in this case!
SSPIOfferBasic On

# Set this if you have only one domain and don't want the MYDOMAIN\ prefix on each user name
SSPIOmitDomain On

# AD user names are case-insensitive, so use this for normalization if your application's user names are case-sensitive
SSPIUsernameCase Lower
AuthName "Some text to prompt for domain credentials"
Require valid-user

And don't forget that you can also use Firefox for transparent SSO in a Windows domain: Simply go to about:config, search for network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris, and enter the host name or FQDN of your internal application (like myserver or myserver.corp.domain.com). You can have more than one entry, it's a comma-separated list.

不要忘记,你也可以在Windows域中使用Firefox来进行透明的SSO:只需进入about:config,搜索net .automatic-ntlm-auth。trusted-uris,并输入内部应用程序的主机名或FQDN(比如myserver或myserver.corp.domain.com)。可以有多个条目,它是一个逗号分隔的列表。



I'd be curious about a solution that uses OpenID as a backend (of sorts) for this... I wasn't seeing anything that would hook into ActiveDirectory directly when I googled (quickly). However, it could be pretty painless to implement over plain HTTP(S) (you'd be an OpenID provider that checked credentials against your local AD). In a best case scenario, you might be able to just add a couple classes to your app and be off and running -- no web server modules required. There is a lot of open source code out there for either side of this, so if nothing else, it's worth taking a look. If you exposed the backend to the users (i.e. gave them OpenID URLs), you'd have the added benefit of them being able to log in to more than just your internal sites using these credentials. (Example: Stack Overflow.)

我想知道一个使用OpenID作为后端(各种)的解决方案……当我(快速地)搜索时,我没有看到任何可以直接连接到ActiveDirectory的内容。但是,通过普通的HTTP(您将是一个根据本地广告检查凭据的OpenID提供者)实现证书可能非常简单。在最好的情况下,您可以向应用程序添加两个类,然后关闭并运行——不需要web服务器模块。这两方面都有大量的开放源代码,所以如果没有其他的,值得一看。如果您将后端暴露给用户(也就是给它们提供OpenID url),那么您将获得额外的好处,即它们能够使用这些凭证登录到更多的内部站点。(例如:堆栈溢出)。

As an aside, I'd be against making it so that Internet Explorer is required. I'm not sure if that is the goal from the way you wrote the question, but depending on your IT environment, I'd expect people who use Firefox or Safari (or Opera or ...) to be less than enthusiastic. (You're not developing against IE first, are you? That's been painful whenever I've done so.) This is not to say that you couldn't use this feature of IE, just that it shouldn't be the only option. The link you posted stated that NTLM worked with more than IE, but since I don't have any experience with it, it's hard to judge how well that would work.

顺便说一句,我反对让Internet Explorer成为必需的。我不确定这是否是你写问题的目的,但根据你的IT环境,我希望使用Firefox或Safari(或Opera或…)的人不那么热情。你不是先跟IE对着干吧?每次我这么做的时候都很痛苦。这并不是说你不能使用IE的这个特性,只是说它不应该是唯一的选择。你贴出来的链接说NTLM比IE用得多,但是因为我没有使用它的经验,所以很难判断它的效果。



I had a similar problem which I needed to solve for my organization.


I was looking into using adLDAP.


There is some documentation on the site for achieving seamless authentication with Active Directory too.

站点上也有一些文档可以实现使用Active Directory的无缝认证。



One option for you is to use CAS (central authentication service).


It has php client library.


How-to link to MS Active Directory: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CASUM/Active+Directory


You would require Apache maven 2 though.

不过,您需要Apache maven 2。



For IIS/PHP FCGI, You need to send out an unauthorized header:

对于IIS/PHP FCGI,您需要发送一个未经授权的头文件:

function EnableAuthentication()
    $realm = "yoursite";
    header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$realm.'",qop="auth",nonce="'.uniqid().'",opaque="'.md5($realm).'"');
    header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); 

You can then get at the username with:


$winuser = $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"];

I then make sure the $winuser is in my database of allowed users.


Be SURE and test this under a non-privileged account. When I first installed this I tested it and it worked fine, but later when a standard non-server-admin user tried it this failed. Turns out some of the temporary directories need to have permissions changed for guest users. I can't recall the exact settings.
