
时间:2021-11-23 22:36:34

To get an application installed on a new computer there seems to be two major approaches in current use:


  1. Separate installer: Create a separate installer package that creates all directories, files, registry entries required by your application (ie an MSI, InstallSheild etc) and then finally copies your application to the target computer.
  2. 单独的安装程序:创建一个单独的安装程序包,用于创建应用程序所需的所有目录,文件,注册表项(即MSI,InstallSheild等),然后最终将应用程序复制到目标计算机。

  3. Self installer: Include all required installation steps in a component that is part of your application. Then use this component to check and create required settings each time the main application executable is run. ie Just run the application to install.
  4. 自安装程序:在作为应用程序一部分的组件中包含所有必需的安装步骤。然后在每次运行主应用程序可执行文件时使用此组件检查并创建所需的设置。即只需运行应用程序即可安装。

I've used a few applications that corrupt their settings over time, and most had a separate installer. Therefore the only fix was to to re-install, sometimes with settings and even data being lost (very frustrating).


Also during software projects I've worked on, the separate installer approach often dictated spreading application specific knowledge across both the installer package and the actual application. Then, when code/functionality changes were made, both the installer and app needed to be updated. It always felt a bit too brittle and prone to human error.


So I'm currently leaning toward the self installer approach because of a simpler more robust installation/setup, ie just run the app. This self installing approach I feel would also lend itself a more robust application.


Integration with in application settings (options) would also be much more clean, in many cases the same component could perform both installation and settings management.


On the negative, however, performing these extra checks/steps each time the app starts might negatively impact startup times, and OS integration might be a bit more work then using a standard installer.


So which approach to people recommend and why?


(I'm most interested in installation of desktop rich client applications at present.)


4 个解决方案


There are pros and cons to both approaches:


  • Having an installer is the proper way to install necessary system components, like drivers, libraries, COM components and so on. Since many of these activities need elevated permissions the install may be performed by the administrator, while the application can be used by all users.


  • There may actually be requirements for a scriptable installation procedure in corporate environments.


  • Not having an installer opens the way to portable applications. If the program has everything in a directory, then this can simply be copied to a USB stick and be run on any system. This may of course not make sense for your particular kind of app, but that is for you to decide.


I'm not sure that the issue about corrupted settings is really important here. If settings are corrupted (why?) - how is the application to know what to do about it? OTOH the installer can of course also be written to not blindly overwrite any old settings. It all depends...

我不确定有关损坏设置的问题在这里非常重要。如果设置已损坏(为什么?) - 应用程序如何知道如何处理? OTOH当然也可以编写安装程序,不要盲目覆盖任何旧设置。这一切都取决于......

Edit: You write in your comment:


Even portable apps require certain configuration/settings, Isn't it better to have the main app check that settings are valid/exist on each startup, and only prompt the user when needed.


and again, it really depends on your needs. There are different types of configuration settings or preferences, and you have to decide individually:


  • Per-user configuration settings will be missing if the application is run for the first time by the current user. It can be helpful to show a message that it is missing, and how to create it. For example in FlameRobin (a database administration program for Firebird) we have a message that is shown when no registered servers and databases are found on program startup, and how to register them.


  • Per-user settings for UI behaviour will also be missing, but there are default values for them. The user will get the default behaviour of the application, and can later change things in the option dialog. Since it is best to minimize the number of such settings, and since the defaults should be what most users expect or what works best in the general case, there is also no need to bother the user at program startup.


  • Some configuration may be not per-user, but per-program. This is generally stored in a location where standard users have no write access, so checking for this and prompt the user to enter it is not really helpful. What could be done is to start an external program, asking the standard user for the account with sufficient privileges and its password.



Going with a separate installer is the "better" way from my point of view. Making an application self-installing does not only add additional workload to the application itself, it also "works around" any installer system of the underlying operating system (like MSI on windows).


And if the application corrupt its settings over time it's broken and need to be fixed. How should corrupt settings be handled by the self-installer? Just overwrite it with the defaults? Users will get annoyed by that too, so having them to run a separate installer and choosing a "repair" option makes this at least more transparent.



I would recommend a separate installer that can do the following:


  • Install a new installation
  • 安装新安装

  • Repair an existing installation
  • 修复现有安装

  • Remove an existing installation
  • 删除现有安装

The reason I recommend these options is because that is what I have come to expect for installers in Windows environments.


The reasons I recommend separating installation and application logic into two different applications area:


  • There may be conflicts between dependencies used used by the installer and application.
  • 安装程序和应用程序使用的依赖项之间可能存在冲突。

  • I want to be sure my team don't inadvertently use classes in the dependencies from the installer framework when developing the application.
  • 我想确保我的团队在开发应用程序时不会无意中使用安装程序框架中的依赖项中的类。


Thanks for your feedback. I'm starting to think something along these lines would be a good compromise approach:


  • Choose the self installer approach by creating an installer component (class library) that is referenced by the main application.
  • 通过创建主应用程序引用的安装程序组件(类库)来选择自安装程序方法。

  • This component is a core part of the application and is responsible for ensuring all configuration/settings exist and are valid.
  • 该组件是应用程序的核心部分,负责确保所有配置/设置都存在且有效。

  • The main app. executable, on each run, asks this component to check existance/validity of settings, and only prompt the user when required. This could be easily done in a user friendly manner by grouping all setting issues and presenting them in a single GUI (avoids a sequence of annoying dialogues).
  • 主应用程序。可执行文件在每次运行时要求此组件检查设置的存在/有效性,并仅在需要时提示用户。通过对所有设置问题进行分组并将它们呈现在单个GUI中(避免一系列恼人的对话),可以以用户友好的方式轻松完成。

  • For OS integration, the installer component (in the case of Windows) ensures an entry is added to the "Add Remove Programs" list for the application, as well as any other OS required conventions.
  • 对于OS集成,安装程序组件(在Windows的情况下)确保将条目添加到应用程序的“添加删除程序”列表,以及任何其他操作系统所需的约定。

  • Within the application the standard options/settings screen is also provided by the installer component. This avoids duplicating settings management code.
  • 在应用程序中,安装程序组件也提供标准选项/设置屏幕。这可以避免重复设置管理代码。

I've asked this question because I've met many non-technical users who ask why they cannot simply copy an application from one computer to another, they can do this with their data (eg photos, documents etc). It's an extremely valid question, in particular for GUI oriented desktop applications.


Separate installers are certainly "the way it's been done" on Windows for many years. For drivers/system components, obviously they are often a necessity. But for desktop GUI style applications I don't believe they are the best in terms of simplicity and realiability for the user/customer.



There are pros and cons to both approaches:


  • Having an installer is the proper way to install necessary system components, like drivers, libraries, COM components and so on. Since many of these activities need elevated permissions the install may be performed by the administrator, while the application can be used by all users.


  • There may actually be requirements for a scriptable installation procedure in corporate environments.


  • Not having an installer opens the way to portable applications. If the program has everything in a directory, then this can simply be copied to a USB stick and be run on any system. This may of course not make sense for your particular kind of app, but that is for you to decide.


I'm not sure that the issue about corrupted settings is really important here. If settings are corrupted (why?) - how is the application to know what to do about it? OTOH the installer can of course also be written to not blindly overwrite any old settings. It all depends...

我不确定有关损坏设置的问题在这里非常重要。如果设置已损坏(为什么?) - 应用程序如何知道如何处理? OTOH当然也可以编写安装程序,不要盲目覆盖任何旧设置。这一切都取决于......

Edit: You write in your comment:


Even portable apps require certain configuration/settings, Isn't it better to have the main app check that settings are valid/exist on each startup, and only prompt the user when needed.


and again, it really depends on your needs. There are different types of configuration settings or preferences, and you have to decide individually:


  • Per-user configuration settings will be missing if the application is run for the first time by the current user. It can be helpful to show a message that it is missing, and how to create it. For example in FlameRobin (a database administration program for Firebird) we have a message that is shown when no registered servers and databases are found on program startup, and how to register them.


  • Per-user settings for UI behaviour will also be missing, but there are default values for them. The user will get the default behaviour of the application, and can later change things in the option dialog. Since it is best to minimize the number of such settings, and since the defaults should be what most users expect or what works best in the general case, there is also no need to bother the user at program startup.


  • Some configuration may be not per-user, but per-program. This is generally stored in a location where standard users have no write access, so checking for this and prompt the user to enter it is not really helpful. What could be done is to start an external program, asking the standard user for the account with sufficient privileges and its password.



Going with a separate installer is the "better" way from my point of view. Making an application self-installing does not only add additional workload to the application itself, it also "works around" any installer system of the underlying operating system (like MSI on windows).


And if the application corrupt its settings over time it's broken and need to be fixed. How should corrupt settings be handled by the self-installer? Just overwrite it with the defaults? Users will get annoyed by that too, so having them to run a separate installer and choosing a "repair" option makes this at least more transparent.



I would recommend a separate installer that can do the following:


  • Install a new installation
  • 安装新安装

  • Repair an existing installation
  • 修复现有安装

  • Remove an existing installation
  • 删除现有安装

The reason I recommend these options is because that is what I have come to expect for installers in Windows environments.


The reasons I recommend separating installation and application logic into two different applications area:


  • There may be conflicts between dependencies used used by the installer and application.
  • 安装程序和应用程序使用的依赖项之间可能存在冲突。

  • I want to be sure my team don't inadvertently use classes in the dependencies from the installer framework when developing the application.
  • 我想确保我的团队在开发应用程序时不会无意中使用安装程序框架中的依赖项中的类。


Thanks for your feedback. I'm starting to think something along these lines would be a good compromise approach:


  • Choose the self installer approach by creating an installer component (class library) that is referenced by the main application.
  • 通过创建主应用程序引用的安装程序组件(类库)来选择自安装程序方法。

  • This component is a core part of the application and is responsible for ensuring all configuration/settings exist and are valid.
  • 该组件是应用程序的核心部分,负责确保所有配置/设置都存在且有效。

  • The main app. executable, on each run, asks this component to check existance/validity of settings, and only prompt the user when required. This could be easily done in a user friendly manner by grouping all setting issues and presenting them in a single GUI (avoids a sequence of annoying dialogues).
  • 主应用程序。可执行文件在每次运行时要求此组件检查设置的存在/有效性,并仅在需要时提示用户。通过对所有设置问题进行分组并将它们呈现在单个GUI中(避免一系列恼人的对话),可以以用户友好的方式轻松完成。

  • For OS integration, the installer component (in the case of Windows) ensures an entry is added to the "Add Remove Programs" list for the application, as well as any other OS required conventions.
  • 对于OS集成,安装程序组件(在Windows的情况下)确保将条目添加到应用程序的“添加删除程序”列表,以及任何其他操作系统所需的约定。

  • Within the application the standard options/settings screen is also provided by the installer component. This avoids duplicating settings management code.
  • 在应用程序中,安装程序组件也提供标准选项/设置屏幕。这可以避免重复设置管理代码。

I've asked this question because I've met many non-technical users who ask why they cannot simply copy an application from one computer to another, they can do this with their data (eg photos, documents etc). It's an extremely valid question, in particular for GUI oriented desktop applications.


Separate installers are certainly "the way it's been done" on Windows for many years. For drivers/system components, obviously they are often a necessity. But for desktop GUI style applications I don't believe they are the best in terms of simplicity and realiability for the user/customer.
