
时间:2023-01-23 20:16:47

【 声明:版权所有,欢迎转载,请勿用于商业用途。  联系信箱:feixiaoxing @163.com】 

    和很多通用的操作系统相比, 实时操作系统有自己的一个特点,那就是实时调度。通用操作系统的线程优先级一般是可以变化的,而实时系统的线程优先级却是不变的。之所以这么设计,是为了保证高优先级的任务在第一时间获得调度,这样才能保证调度的实时性。因为实时系统是严格按照优先级搞定调度的,所以不管什么时候,我们只要寻找到最高优先级的任务即可。


void caculate_time_slice() {
RAW_TASK_OBJ *task_ptr;
LIST *head;


task_ptr = raw_task_active;
head = &raw_ready_queue.task_ready_list[task_ptr->priority];


if (is_list_empty(head)) {


/*there is only one task on this ready list, so do not need to caculate time slice*/
if (head->next->next == head) {



if (task_ptr->time_slice) {

/*if current active task has time_slice, just return*/
if (task_ptr->time_slice) {

/*Move current active task to the end of ready list for the same priority*/
move_to_ready_list_end(&raw_ready_queue, task_ptr);

/*restore the task time slice*/
task_ptr->time_slice = task_ptr->time_total;


RAW_U16  raw_sleep(RAW_U32  dly)  { 	RAW_U16 error_status; 	 	RAW_SR_ALLOC();  	#if (RAW_TASK_FUNCTION_CHECK > 0) 	 	if (raw_int_nesting) { 		 		return RAW_NOT_CALLED_BY_ISR; 	} 	#endif		 		 	RAW_CRITICAL_ENTER();  	if  (dly) {  		/*system is locked so task can not sleep just return immediately*/ 		if (raw_sched_lock) {    			RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();	 			return RAW_SCHED_DISABLE; 		}  		raw_task_active->task_state = RAW_DLY;  		tick_list_insert(raw_task_active, dly); 		            		remove_ready_list(&raw_ready_queue, raw_task_active); 	} 	 	else {	 		/*make current task to the end of ready list*/ 		 move_to_ready_list_end(&raw_ready_queue, raw_task_active); 	}  	RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();  	raw_sched();     	if (dly) { 		/*task is timeout after sleep*/ 		error_status = block_state_post_process(raw_task_active, 0); 	}  	else { 		 		error_status = RAW_SUCCESS;  	} 	 	return error_status; } 

void raw_sched() { 	RAW_SR_ALLOC();  	/*if it is in interrupt or system is locked, just return*/  	if (raw_int_nesting || raw_sched_lock) {               	    return;                                              	} 	 	RAW_CRITICAL_ENTER(); 	              	 	get_ready_task(&raw_ready_queue);  	/*if highest task is currently task, then no need to do switch and just return*/ 	if (high_ready_obj == raw_task_active) {                  	    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();                                      	    return; 	}    	CONTEXT_SWITCH();                                            	RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();  } 

 void get_ready_task(RAW_RUN_QUEUE *rq) { 	LIST *node ; 	RAW_S32 highest_pri =  rq->highest_priority; 	/*Highest task must be the first element on the list*/ 	node = rq->task_ready_list[highest_pri].next;  	high_ready_obj = list_entry(node, RAW_TASK_OBJ, task_list); 	 }

void add_ready_list(RAW_RUN_QUEUE *rq, RAW_TASK_OBJ *task_ptr) { 	/*if task priority is equal current task priority then add to the end*/ 	if (task_ptr->priority == raw_task_active->priority) { 		add_ready_list_end(rq, task_ptr); 	} 	/*if not add to the list front*/ 	else { 		add_ready_list_head(rq, task_ptr); 	} 	 }   void remove_ready_list(RAW_RUN_QUEUE *rq, RAW_TASK_OBJ *task_ptr) {  	RAW_S32 	i; 	RAW_S32	 priority = task_ptr->priority;  	list_delete(&task_ptr->task_list);  	/*if the ready list is not empty, we do not need to update the highest priority*/ 	if (!is_list_empty(&rq->task_ready_list[priority]) ) { 		return; 	}  	bit_clear(rq->task_bit_map, priority);  	/*If task priority not equal to the highest priority, then we do not need to update the highest priority*/ 	if (priority != rq->highest_priority) { 		return; 	} 	 	i =  bit_search_first_one(rq->task_bit_map, priority,  CONFIG_RAW_PRIO_MAX - priority); 	/*Update the next highest priority task*/ 	if (i >= 0) { 		rq->highest_priority = priority + i; 	}   	else { 		 		#if (CONFIG_RAW_ASSERT > 0) 		RAW_ASSERT(0); 		#endif  	} 	 } 

/*For 32 bit cpu*/ RAW_S32 bit_search_first_one(RAW_U32 *base, RAW_S32 offset,  RAW_S32 width) {     register RAW_U32 *cp, v;     register RAW_S32 position;      cp = base;     cp += offset >> 5; 		     if (offset & 31) { #if (CONFIG_RAW_LITTLE_ENDIAN > 0)         v = *cp & ~(((RAW_U32)1 << (offset & 31)) - 1); #else 		  v = *cp & (((RAW_U32)1 << (32 - (offset & 31))) - 1); #endif     }  		 	else {         v = *cp;     }      position = 0;     while (position < width) {         if (v) {            /* includes 1 --> search bit of 1 */             if (!position) position -= (offset & 31); 						 #if  (CONFIG_RAW_LITTLE_ENDIAN > 0)  			 if (!(v & 0xffff)) {                 v >>= 16;                 position += 16;             }             if (!(v & 0xff)) {                 v >>= 8;                 position += 8;             }             if (!(v & 0xf)) {                 v >>= 4;                 position += 4;             }             if (!(v & 0x3)) {                 v >>= 2;                 position += 2;             }             if (!(v & 0x1)) {                 ++position;             }              #else             			if (!(v & 0xffff0000)) { 				v <<= 16; 				position += 16; 			} 			 			if (!(v & 0xff000000)) { 				v <<= 8; 				position += 8; 			} 			 			if (!(v & 0xf0000000)) { 				v <<= 4; 				position += 4; 			} 			 			if (!(v & 0xc0000000)) { 				v <<= 2; 				position += 2; 			} 			 			if (!(v & 0x80000000)) { 				++position; 			} 						 #endif             if (position < width) { 							                 return position; 								             } else { 					                 return -1; 								             }         } else {              /* all bits are 0 --> 1 Word skip */             if (position) {                 position += 32;             } else {                 position = 32 - (offset & 31);             }             v = *++cp;         }     }      return -1; } 
