poj 3977 Subset(折半枚举+二进制枚举+二分)

时间:2021-09-11 13:25:01
Time Limit: 30000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 5721   Accepted: 1083


Given a list of N integers with absolute values no larger than 1015, find a non empty subset of these numbers which minimizes the absolute value of the sum of its elements. In case there are multiple subsets, choose the one with fewer elements.


The input contains multiple data sets, the first line of each data set contains N <= 35, the number of elements, the next line contains N numbers no larger than 1015 in absolute value and separated by a single space. The input is terminated with N = 0


For each data set in the input print two integers, the minimum absolute sum and the number of elements in the optimal subset.

Sample Input

20 100 -100

Sample Output

10 1
0 2





poj的long long abs要自己写

using namespace std;
struct Z
long long int x;
int y;
bool operator < (const Z& b)const
if (x != b.x)
return x < b.x;
return y<b.y; }
}a[], b[]; long long int c[]; long long int abs1(long long int x)
if (x<)
return -x;
return x;
} int main()
int n;
int i,j;
while (cin >> n && n)
for (i = ; i < ; i++)
a[i].x = a[i].y = b[i].x = b[i].y = ;
long long sum = 1e17;
int ans = ;
for (i = ; i < n; i++)
cin >> c[i];
int n1 = n / ;
for (i = ; i < ( << n1); i++)//二进制枚举一半,共2的n1次方种
for (j = ; j < n1; j++)
if (i >> j& && (i != || j != ))//这一半中的所有情况列出来
a[i - ].x+= c[j];
a[i - ].y++;//记录这个数含有几个元素
int n2 = n - n1;
for (i = ; i < ( << n2); i++)//同理初始化
for (j = ; j < n2; j++)
if (i >> j & && (i != || j != ))
b[i - ].x += c[j + n1];
b[i - ].y++;
for (i = ; i < ( << n1) - ; i++)//?
if (abs1(a[i].x) < sum)
sum = abs1(a[i].x);
ans = a[i].y;
else if (abs1(a[i].x) == sum && a[i].y < ans)
sum = abs1(a[i].x);
} for (i = ; i<( << n1) - ; i++)//前半部分变为相反数
a[i].x = -a[i].x;
for (i = ; i<( << n2) - ; i++) //另一半检查
if (abs1(b[i].x)<sum)
sum = abs1(b[i].x);
ans = b[i].y;
else if (abs1(b[i].x) == sum && b[i].y<ans)
ans = b[i].y;
sum = abs1(b[i].x);
} sort(a, a + ( << n1) - );
sort(b, b + ( << n2) - ); for (i = ; i < ( << n1)-; i++)//两半合起来检查
int t = lower_bound(b, b + ( << n2) - , a[i])- b;//t是序号
if (t > )//查看该序号周围的数
if (abs1(b[t - ].x - a[i].x) < sum)//和可以更小
sum = abs1(b[t - ].x - a[i].x);//更新最小绝对值和
ans = b[t - ].y + a[i].y;//更新元素个数
else if (abs1(b[t - ].x - a[i].x) == sum && b[t - ].y + a[i].y < ans)//元素个数可以更小
sum = abs1(b[t - ].x - a[i].x);
ans = b[t - ].y + a[i].y;
if (t < ( << n2) - )
if (abs1(b[t].x - a[i].x) < sum)
sum = abs1(b[t].x - a[i].x);
ans = b[t].y + a[i].y;
else if (abs1(b[t].x - a[i].x) == sum && b[t].y + a[i].y<ans)
sum = abs1(b[t].x - a[i].x);
ans = b[t].y + a[i].y;
cout << sum << " " << ans << endl;
return ;