为什么“python setup.py sdist”会在项目根目录中创建不需要的“PROJECT-egg.info”?

时间:2021-08-31 15:54:53

When I run


  python setup.py sdist

it creates an sdist in my ./dist directory. This includes a "PROJECT-egg.info" file in the zip inside my "dist" folder, which I don't use, but it doesn't hurt me, so I just ignore it.


My question is why does it also create a "PROJECT-egg.info" folder in my project root directory? Can I make it stop creating this? If not, can I just delete it immediately after creating the sdist?


I'm using the 'setup' function imported from setuptools. WindowsXP, Python2.7, Setuptools 0.6c11, Distribute 0.6.14.

我正在使用从setuptools导入的'setup'功能。 WindowsXP,Python2.7,Setuptools 0.6c11,分发0.6.14。

My setup config looks like:


{'author': 'Jonathan Hartley',
 'author_email': 'tartley@tartley.com',
 'classifiers': ['Development Status :: 1 - Planning',
                 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
                 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
                 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
                 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7'],
 'console': [{'script': 'demo.py'}],
 'data_files': [('Microsoft.VC90.CRT',
 'description': 'Utilities for games and OpenGL graphics, built around Pyglet.\n',
 'keywords': '',
 'license': 'BSD',
 'long_description': "blah blah blah",
 'name': 'pygpen',
 'options': {'py2exe': {'ascii': True,
                        'bundle_files': 1,
                        'dist_dir': 'dist/pygpen-0.1-windows',
                        'dll_excludes': [],
                        'excludes': ['_imaging_gif',
                        'optimize': 2}},
 'packages': ['pygpen'],
 'scripts': ['demo.py'],
 'url': 'http://code.google.com/p/edpath/',
 'version': '0.1',
 'zipfile': None}

3 个解决方案



This directory is created intentionally as part of the build process for a source distribution. A little gander at the developer guide for setuptools gives you a hint as to why:


But, be sure to ignore any part of the distutils documentation that deals with MANIFEST or how it's generated from MANIFEST.in; setuptools shields you from these issues and doesn't work the same way in any case. Unlike the distutils, setuptools regenerates the source distribution manifest file every time you build a source distribution, and it builds it inside the project's .egg-info directory, out of the way of your main project directory. You therefore need not worry about whether it is up-to-date or not.

但是,请务必忽略处理MANIFEST的distutils文档的任何部分或者如何从MANIFEST.in生成它; setuptools保护您免受这些问题的影响,并且在任何情况下都不会以相同的方式工作。与distutils不同,setuptools每次构建源代码分发时都会重新生成源代码分发清单文件,并在项目的.egg-info目录中构建它,不受主项目目录的影响。因此,您无需担心它是否是最新的。

You may safely delete the directory after your build has completed.


Bonus edit:


I customize the clean command within my setup.py on many of my Python projects to delete *.egg-info, dist, build, and *.pyc and other files. Here's an example of how it's done in setup.py:

我在我的许多Python项目中的setup.py中自定义了clean命令,以删除* .egg-info,dist,build和* .pyc以及其他文件。这是一个如何在setup.py中完成的示例:

import os
from setuptools import setup, Command

class CleanCommand(Command):
    """Custom clean command to tidy up the project root."""
    user_options = []
    def initialize_options(self):
    def finalize_options(self):
    def run(self):
        os.system('rm -vrf ./build ./dist ./*.pyc ./*.tgz ./*.egg-info')

# Further down when you call setup()
    # ... Other setup options
        'clean': CleanCommand,

To illustrate, after running python setup.py build on a dummy project called "poop" (Yes, I'm very mature), this happens:

为了说明,在一个名为“poop”的虚拟项目上运行python setup.py构建之后(是的,我很成熟),会发生这种情况:

$ python setup.py build
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
creating build/lib/poop
copying poop/__init__.py -> build/lib/poop

And now if we run python setup.py clean:

现在如果我们运行python setup.py clean:

$ python setup.py clean
running clean
removed `./build/lib/poop/__init__.py'
removed directory: `./build/lib/poop'
removed directory: `./build/lib'
removed directory: `./build'





The -egg.info folder isn't always a temporary artifact you can delete.


For example, if you use pip install -e YOURPACKAGE for an "editable" install (works via symlink like python setup.py develop so you don't have to re-install a package every time you edit it locally), the -egg.info folder is required at runtime when your package is imported in another source. If it doesn't exist, you will get a DistributionNotFound error.

例如,如果您使用pip install -e YOURPACKAGE进行“可编辑”安装(通过symlink工作,如python setup.py develop,这样您每次在本地编辑时都不必重新安装包),-egg在另一个源中导入包时,运行时需要.info文件夹。如果它不存在,您将收到DistributionNotFound错误。



Note that you can have the PROJECT.egg-info artifacts disappear completely from your sdist.


The command setup.py egg_info will use the source root as the egg base by default, resulting in the PROJECT.egg-info directory being packaged into the sdist.

setup.py egg_info命令默认使用源根作为egg base,导致PROJECT.egg-info目录被打包到sdist中。

You can configure the egg base by passing the option --egg-base. This will create the PROJECT.egg-info directory somewhere else, leaving it out of your source distribution completely. You might also use a setup.cfg to set that property.

您可以通过传递选项--egg-base来配置egg base。这将在其他地方创建PROJECT.egg-info目录,使其完全脱离源代码分发。您也可以使用setup.cfg来设置该属性。

The following command to create a sdist without a PROJECT.egg-info works for me:


python setup.py egg_info --egg-base /tmp sdist

Or in a setup.cfg:


egg_base = /tmp



This directory is created intentionally as part of the build process for a source distribution. A little gander at the developer guide for setuptools gives you a hint as to why:


But, be sure to ignore any part of the distutils documentation that deals with MANIFEST or how it's generated from MANIFEST.in; setuptools shields you from these issues and doesn't work the same way in any case. Unlike the distutils, setuptools regenerates the source distribution manifest file every time you build a source distribution, and it builds it inside the project's .egg-info directory, out of the way of your main project directory. You therefore need not worry about whether it is up-to-date or not.

但是,请务必忽略处理MANIFEST的distutils文档的任何部分或者如何从MANIFEST.in生成它; setuptools保护您免受这些问题的影响,并且在任何情况下都不会以相同的方式工作。与distutils不同,setuptools每次构建源代码分发时都会重新生成源代码分发清单文件,并在项目的.egg-info目录中构建它,不受主项目目录的影响。因此,您无需担心它是否是最新的。

You may safely delete the directory after your build has completed.


Bonus edit:


I customize the clean command within my setup.py on many of my Python projects to delete *.egg-info, dist, build, and *.pyc and other files. Here's an example of how it's done in setup.py:

我在我的许多Python项目中的setup.py中自定义了clean命令,以删除* .egg-info,dist,build和* .pyc以及其他文件。这是一个如何在setup.py中完成的示例:

import os
from setuptools import setup, Command

class CleanCommand(Command):
    """Custom clean command to tidy up the project root."""
    user_options = []
    def initialize_options(self):
    def finalize_options(self):
    def run(self):
        os.system('rm -vrf ./build ./dist ./*.pyc ./*.tgz ./*.egg-info')

# Further down when you call setup()
    # ... Other setup options
        'clean': CleanCommand,

To illustrate, after running python setup.py build on a dummy project called "poop" (Yes, I'm very mature), this happens:

为了说明,在一个名为“poop”的虚拟项目上运行python setup.py构建之后(是的,我很成熟),会发生这种情况:

$ python setup.py build
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
creating build/lib/poop
copying poop/__init__.py -> build/lib/poop

And now if we run python setup.py clean:

现在如果我们运行python setup.py clean:

$ python setup.py clean
running clean
removed `./build/lib/poop/__init__.py'
removed directory: `./build/lib/poop'
removed directory: `./build/lib'
removed directory: `./build'





The -egg.info folder isn't always a temporary artifact you can delete.


For example, if you use pip install -e YOURPACKAGE for an "editable" install (works via symlink like python setup.py develop so you don't have to re-install a package every time you edit it locally), the -egg.info folder is required at runtime when your package is imported in another source. If it doesn't exist, you will get a DistributionNotFound error.

例如,如果您使用pip install -e YOURPACKAGE进行“可编辑”安装(通过symlink工作,如python setup.py develop,这样您每次在本地编辑时都不必重新安装包),-egg在另一个源中导入包时,运行时需要.info文件夹。如果它不存在,您将收到DistributionNotFound错误。



Note that you can have the PROJECT.egg-info artifacts disappear completely from your sdist.


The command setup.py egg_info will use the source root as the egg base by default, resulting in the PROJECT.egg-info directory being packaged into the sdist.

setup.py egg_info命令默认使用源根作为egg base,导致PROJECT.egg-info目录被打包到sdist中。

You can configure the egg base by passing the option --egg-base. This will create the PROJECT.egg-info directory somewhere else, leaving it out of your source distribution completely. You might also use a setup.cfg to set that property.

您可以通过传递选项--egg-base来配置egg base。这将在其他地方创建PROJECT.egg-info目录,使其完全脱离源代码分发。您也可以使用setup.cfg来设置该属性。

The following command to create a sdist without a PROJECT.egg-info works for me:


python setup.py egg_info --egg-base /tmp sdist

Or in a setup.cfg:


egg_base = /tmp