内存中的SQL Server锁定页面

时间:2021-11-21 14:11:52

Does SQL Server 2012 x64 standard edition running on Windows 2008 R2 has LPIM (Lock pages in memory turn on by default -- out of the box)? If not does this should be needed to be turn on?

在Windows 2008 R2上运行的SQL Server 2012 x64标准版是否具有LPIM(内存中的锁定页面默认打开 - 开箱即用)?如果不是,那么是否需要开启?

1 个解决方案



Normally SQL Server is not allowed to lock pages. You have to grant rights "lock pages in memory" using the policy editor "gpedit.msc".

通常,SQL Server不允许锁定页面。您必须使用策略编辑器“gpedit.msc”授予“在内存中锁定页面”的权限。

If it has the rights, SQL Server 2012 will use it:

如果它具有权限,SQL Server 2012将使用它:

The SQL Server Lock Pages in Memory option is set to ON in 32-bit and 64-bit instances of SQL Server 2012 Standard edition and higher when the account with privileges to run sqlservr.exe has been granted the Windows "Locked Pages in Memory” (LPIM) user right

当具有运行sqlservr.exe权限的帐户被授予Windows“内存中的锁定页”时,SQL Server内存中的SQL Server锁定页面选项在SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition及更高版本的32位和64位实例中设置为ON (LPIM)用户权限



Normally SQL Server is not allowed to lock pages. You have to grant rights "lock pages in memory" using the policy editor "gpedit.msc".

通常,SQL Server不允许锁定页面。您必须使用策略编辑器“gpedit.msc”授予“在内存中锁定页面”的权限。

If it has the rights, SQL Server 2012 will use it:

如果它具有权限,SQL Server 2012将使用它:

The SQL Server Lock Pages in Memory option is set to ON in 32-bit and 64-bit instances of SQL Server 2012 Standard edition and higher when the account with privileges to run sqlservr.exe has been granted the Windows "Locked Pages in Memory” (LPIM) user right

当具有运行sqlservr.exe权限的帐户被授予Windows“内存中的锁定页”时,SQL Server内存中的SQL Server锁定页面选项在SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition及更高版本的32位和64位实例中设置为ON (LPIM)用户权限