
时间:2021-04-05 12:53:57

Can you guys show me how to get this ERD in 5th normal form? We did a class assignment yesterday where we had a real client come in and explain to us his need my group came up with this model I am trying to take it a step further and see if I can get it to 5th normal form so that I can understand it better as next week we will be doing another group ERD that will have to be in 5nf the thing is I don't know where to start and the book is not getting through to me. can you guys help me.Erd Model http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/2118/capturekk.jpg

你能告诉我如何以第5范式获得这个ERD吗?昨天我们做了一个班级任务,我们有一个真正的客户进来并向我们解释他的需要我的小组想出了这个模型我试图更进一步,看看我能不能把它变成第5范式以便我可以更好地理解它,因为下周我们将做另一组ERD,必须在5nf,事情是我不知道从哪里开始,这本书没有通过我。你能帮助我吗.Erd Model http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/2118/capturekk.jpg

New information "Fake Clients Needs"


The client has 2 departments "Lab 1, Lab 2" that order medical items from him, like gloves and pi pets etc.. the departments have grown and he wants to keep track of what is in inventory what the vendors are selling who has the best price and what cost center it came from.


The way he explained it the item is ordered is that an individual goes to him and asks for supplies he then writes down what lab the person is from the persons name and what cost center to bill. but he also wants to track what has been purchased by date and what is in stock and what has to be bought. He also gave an example that some users want items from a specific vendor that might not have the best prices and he also receives some catalogs in the mails with prices too that he wants to track.


I apologize if its jumbled but this is all from memory.


2 个解决方案



I'm going to stick my neck out and say your current schema doesn't really have any eligibility for 5NF. Taking a quote from wikipedia, it says most 4NF tables already conform to 5NF:


Usage Only in rare situations does a 4NF table not conform to 5NF. These are situations in which a complex real-world constraint governing the valid combinations of attribute values in the 4NF table is not implicit in the structure of that table. If such a table is not normalized to 5NF, the burden of maintaining the logical consistency of the data within the table must be carried partly by the application responsible for insertions, deletions, and updates to it; and there is a heightened risk that the data within the table will become inconsistent. In contrast, the 5NF design excludes the possibility of such inconsistencies.



Perhaps the purpose is not to make your database 5NF, but to understand it's structure compared to 5NF and make an argument for why it might already be in 5NF.


Update: reading some form of consensus from the comments, it seems your design may already be in 5NF, whether it was by design or by accident from a previous normalization pass.




Disclaimer: Without knowing your business logic I could be completely wrong with some of the following suggestions.


Ok a few things I saw in your database schema.


  1. Your cost center table looks to be both a lookup and association table. So if you have a set amount of cost centers lets say 5 for instance but a 1000 users then this table will have 5000 records which all store the cost center name (this is assuming that the cost center assignment is not unique to each user). You might want to split off the user association to a separate table which has it's own PK and FKs of costcenterId and userId.
  2. 您的成本中心表看起来既是查找表,也是关联表。因此,如果您有一定数量的成本中心,例如5个但是1000个用户,则此表将有5000条记录,这些记录都存储成本中心名称(假设成本中心分配对每个用户而言并非唯一)。您可能希望将用户关联拆分为单独的表,该表具有自己的PK以及costcenterId和userId的FK。

  3. You inventory table, which I assume stores amount of stock on hand for an item, should only need an onhand quantities not sure what the description is for. If the description isn't unique to each item inventory you might want to split that off into it's own lookup table and reference it in the inventory table.
  4. 您的库存表,我假设存储库存的库存量,应该只需要一个不确定描述的数量。如果描述对于每个项目清单不是唯一的,您可能希望将其拆分为自己的查找表并在清单表中引用它。

  5. You are storing "lineQuantity" in the vendor table. What is this column for. It sounds like it relates to a specific order in some way (quantity of item purchased?) If so you will want to split it off into it's own table and associate it with the order not the vendor. without knowing exactly what lineQuantity is though this suggestion could be completely wrong.
  6. 您在供应商表中存储“lineQuantity”。这个专栏是什么?这听起来像是以某种方式与特定订单相关(购买的商品数量?)如果是这样,您将需要将其拆分为自己的表并将其与订单而非供应商相关联。虽然这个建议可能完全错误,但却不知道究竟是什么lineQuantity。

  7. Last suggestion not sure if this matters for your class. You are defining all your datatypes to be CHAR(10) you might want to change these to be the actual datatypes you would use for the database.
  8. 最后的建议不确定这对你的班级是否重要。您将所有数据类型定义为CHAR(10),您可能希望将这些数据类型更改为将用于数据库的实际数据类型。



I'm going to stick my neck out and say your current schema doesn't really have any eligibility for 5NF. Taking a quote from wikipedia, it says most 4NF tables already conform to 5NF:


Usage Only in rare situations does a 4NF table not conform to 5NF. These are situations in which a complex real-world constraint governing the valid combinations of attribute values in the 4NF table is not implicit in the structure of that table. If such a table is not normalized to 5NF, the burden of maintaining the logical consistency of the data within the table must be carried partly by the application responsible for insertions, deletions, and updates to it; and there is a heightened risk that the data within the table will become inconsistent. In contrast, the 5NF design excludes the possibility of such inconsistencies.



Perhaps the purpose is not to make your database 5NF, but to understand it's structure compared to 5NF and make an argument for why it might already be in 5NF.


Update: reading some form of consensus from the comments, it seems your design may already be in 5NF, whether it was by design or by accident from a previous normalization pass.




Disclaimer: Without knowing your business logic I could be completely wrong with some of the following suggestions.


Ok a few things I saw in your database schema.


  1. Your cost center table looks to be both a lookup and association table. So if you have a set amount of cost centers lets say 5 for instance but a 1000 users then this table will have 5000 records which all store the cost center name (this is assuming that the cost center assignment is not unique to each user). You might want to split off the user association to a separate table which has it's own PK and FKs of costcenterId and userId.
  2. 您的成本中心表看起来既是查找表,也是关联表。因此,如果您有一定数量的成本中心,例如5个但是1000个用户,则此表将有5000条记录,这些记录都存储成本中心名称(假设成本中心分配对每个用户而言并非唯一)。您可能希望将用户关联拆分为单独的表,该表具有自己的PK以及costcenterId和userId的FK。

  3. You inventory table, which I assume stores amount of stock on hand for an item, should only need an onhand quantities not sure what the description is for. If the description isn't unique to each item inventory you might want to split that off into it's own lookup table and reference it in the inventory table.
  4. 您的库存表,我假设存储库存的库存量,应该只需要一个不确定描述的数量。如果描述对于每个项目清单不是唯一的,您可能希望将其拆分为自己的查找表并在清单表中引用它。

  5. You are storing "lineQuantity" in the vendor table. What is this column for. It sounds like it relates to a specific order in some way (quantity of item purchased?) If so you will want to split it off into it's own table and associate it with the order not the vendor. without knowing exactly what lineQuantity is though this suggestion could be completely wrong.
  6. 您在供应商表中存储“lineQuantity”。这个专栏是什么?这听起来像是以某种方式与特定订单相关(购买的商品数量?)如果是这样,您将需要将其拆分为自己的表并将其与订单而非供应商相关联。虽然这个建议可能完全错误,但却不知道究竟是什么lineQuantity。

  7. Last suggestion not sure if this matters for your class. You are defining all your datatypes to be CHAR(10) you might want to change these to be the actual datatypes you would use for the database.
  8. 最后的建议不确定这对你的班级是否重要。您将所有数据类型定义为CHAR(10),您可能希望将这些数据类型更改为将用于数据库的实际数据类型。