
时间:2022-10-03 23:01:45

The non-technical person who asks, "Can you just put the database in an Excel spreadsheet for me?" is so common it's almost a trope. (I could've sworn there was an xkcd about this, but I can't find it.) We regularly get customers asking for all their data in a CSV.


To say this person is non-technical is redundant, so I need to explain to them in a non-technical, friendly, non-condescending way that Excel is not designed to represent one-to-many relationships (without making them grok the idea of one-to-many).


If you have had personal experience with a particular strategy that has worked for you with non-technical people, I'd definitely like to hear it.


EDIT: It seems like most of the answers are leaning toward questioning the intent of the requestor. That, in itself, is a difficult thing to do nicely. Some of the answers are leaning toward just throwing data at a person and telling them to go away. That's not what I'm going for here. I'm looking to help this person, not make them go away. That's what I'm trying to get to here.


So, two part question: What do I tell a customer (i.e., someone whose needs I want to satisfy) who requests a CSV of their data for a.) backup, or b.) getting information out of the system.

所以,有两个问题:我该对客户说什么?,我想要满足的某人的需要)谁请求他们的数据的CSV a.)备份,或b.)从系统中获取信息。

Since there's no exact right answer here, substantiated answers are welcome.


9 个解决方案



Ask them to send you a blank spreadsheet with the column headings for what they want, and tell them you'll fill it in.


When the blank spreadsheet comes one of two things will be true:


  1. You will pretty easily be able to meet the requirements of the project (eg, no puzzling how to figure out which of 5 phone numbers is Phone1 and Phone2).


  2. You will have some questions (such as "I have anywhere from 0 to 25 phone numbers per person. How do you want me to choose which is Phone1 and which Phone2? And what do you want me to do with any extras?).


If the second is true, the client will either be able to provide you with answers or they will realize that there is a genuine problem representing the data they want in spreadsheet form and, hopefully, ask for your assistance in planning the next step forward.




Managers can afford to be vague when they want something, I suspect that rather than 'all the Salesforce stuff', he/she just wants a particular view from it. You need to clarify what the data is for and give them what they need rather than what they asked for.




There is nothing wrong with asking for relational data in a CSV format. You have your choice of just dumping each table into a text file separated by commas, or being a bit nicer and joining one-to-one data into a single CSV file. One to many relationships are obviously trickier.


I recommend talking to the guys and asking them what problem they want to solve by doing this. Obviously, they want to create some spreadsheets, but don't realize that by going the CSV route they won't be able to handle subsequent schema changes, etc. After talking with your "customer", you can probably agree on the correct path. And, that just might being creating a CSV file for a one-shot deal.


I've personally worked with some non-tech guys who were amazing with Excel.




If i have time, i usually ask them in details what they want. If i don't see any big problem, i do it. After all i don't want to second-guess them. As it says in this post


If you look at any activity, process, or discipline from far enough away it looks simple. Managers with no experience of development think what programmers do is simple and programmers with no experience of management think the same of what managers do.


So if you don't know why they may need it, try to give them what they want to the best of their explanation.




Give them one worksheet per table, all in the same workbook, exactly as it's stored. They'll figure out pretty quickly either why they need to stick with the reports or how to ask for the data they really need.




This is a relatively old question, so I feel it appropriate to add one more answer that reflects options that were not available when the question was asked. Here is an approach for exporting to Excel while fully expressing the relational nature of the data you are exporting:


  • Start by exporting relational data to Excel with each table your database corresponding to a sheet in your workbook, including column headers in the first row.
  • 首先,将关系数据导出到Excel中,每个表对应于工作簿中的一个表,包括第一行中的列标题。
  • Convert each of these sheets of data into named Tables in Excel (easiest way is just selecting Format as Table).
  • 将这些数据表转换为Excel中的指定表(最简单的方法就是选择格式为表)。
  • Use the Name Manager to edit your table names to be what you want to call them
  • 使用名称管理器将表名编辑为您想要调用的名称
  • For each named "Table", select Add to Data Model on the PowerPivot ribbon
  • 对于每个命名的“表”,在PowerPivot丝带上选择Add to Data模型
  • Select Manage on the PowerPivot ribbon and then select Diagram View to view the tables in the data model
  • 在PowerPivot功能区上选择Manage,然后选择Diagram视图来查看数据模型中的表
  • Connect the tables to establish their relationships similar to how you would in a SQL Server database diagram
  • 将表连接起来,以建立类似于SQL Server数据库图中的关系。
  • If you have compound keys, you can create calculated columns to act as surrogate keys, as the PowerPivot data model does not support keys using multiple columns
  • 如果有复合键,可以创建计算的列作为代理键,因为PowerPivot数据模型不支持使用多个列的键

At this point the relational model is fully represented in Excel and it is possible to create pivot tables or even dashboard style PowerView reports that leverage both the data and the relationships. While I agree with the accepted answer in terms of meeting customer expectations, this approach is one possible answer when the customer really does need the data exported with the relationships maintained.




it is almost certainly a specific report or listing that will solve what is being asked for.


either make one up from an overall summary perspective and show it, and then start the discussion of what it is they really wanted, or just start the discussion - which is harder since most non technical people can show you what they don't like on something that exists more easily than describe what they do like on a blank sheet of paper.




A simple drill down report, that is easy for you to create might be good. just like how Ruby on Rails create a simple CRUD app, similar tool should exist that is a few clicks and then you get a web based drill down report.

一个简单的下钻报告,对您来说很容易创建,这可能是好的。就像Ruby on Rails如何创建一个简单的CRUD应用程序一样,类似的工具应该存在,只需单击几下,就会得到基于web的钻取报告。



You have no other choice but do it. I did a lot of implementations and every time customers asked for export/import from excel. In fact they will not take you seriously if the application does not provide this kind of functionality. They will go somewhere else. So all you need to do is accept the fact and sort it out.


Export to excel is tricky and unfortunately solutions provided by Microsoft (SSIS) give funny results and lack formatting options. However it is possible (All our applications work correctly with Excel)

导出到excel非常棘手,不幸的是,Microsoft (SSIS)提供的解决方案提供了有趣的结果,并且缺乏格式化选项。但是这是可能的(我们所有的应用程序都可以使用Excel)



Ask them to send you a blank spreadsheet with the column headings for what they want, and tell them you'll fill it in.


When the blank spreadsheet comes one of two things will be true:


  1. You will pretty easily be able to meet the requirements of the project (eg, no puzzling how to figure out which of 5 phone numbers is Phone1 and Phone2).


  2. You will have some questions (such as "I have anywhere from 0 to 25 phone numbers per person. How do you want me to choose which is Phone1 and which Phone2? And what do you want me to do with any extras?).


If the second is true, the client will either be able to provide you with answers or they will realize that there is a genuine problem representing the data they want in spreadsheet form and, hopefully, ask for your assistance in planning the next step forward.




Managers can afford to be vague when they want something, I suspect that rather than 'all the Salesforce stuff', he/she just wants a particular view from it. You need to clarify what the data is for and give them what they need rather than what they asked for.




There is nothing wrong with asking for relational data in a CSV format. You have your choice of just dumping each table into a text file separated by commas, or being a bit nicer and joining one-to-one data into a single CSV file. One to many relationships are obviously trickier.


I recommend talking to the guys and asking them what problem they want to solve by doing this. Obviously, they want to create some spreadsheets, but don't realize that by going the CSV route they won't be able to handle subsequent schema changes, etc. After talking with your "customer", you can probably agree on the correct path. And, that just might being creating a CSV file for a one-shot deal.


I've personally worked with some non-tech guys who were amazing with Excel.




If i have time, i usually ask them in details what they want. If i don't see any big problem, i do it. After all i don't want to second-guess them. As it says in this post


If you look at any activity, process, or discipline from far enough away it looks simple. Managers with no experience of development think what programmers do is simple and programmers with no experience of management think the same of what managers do.


So if you don't know why they may need it, try to give them what they want to the best of their explanation.




Give them one worksheet per table, all in the same workbook, exactly as it's stored. They'll figure out pretty quickly either why they need to stick with the reports or how to ask for the data they really need.




This is a relatively old question, so I feel it appropriate to add one more answer that reflects options that were not available when the question was asked. Here is an approach for exporting to Excel while fully expressing the relational nature of the data you are exporting:


  • Start by exporting relational data to Excel with each table your database corresponding to a sheet in your workbook, including column headers in the first row.
  • 首先,将关系数据导出到Excel中,每个表对应于工作簿中的一个表,包括第一行中的列标题。
  • Convert each of these sheets of data into named Tables in Excel (easiest way is just selecting Format as Table).
  • 将这些数据表转换为Excel中的指定表(最简单的方法就是选择格式为表)。
  • Use the Name Manager to edit your table names to be what you want to call them
  • 使用名称管理器将表名编辑为您想要调用的名称
  • For each named "Table", select Add to Data Model on the PowerPivot ribbon
  • 对于每个命名的“表”,在PowerPivot丝带上选择Add to Data模型
  • Select Manage on the PowerPivot ribbon and then select Diagram View to view the tables in the data model
  • 在PowerPivot功能区上选择Manage,然后选择Diagram视图来查看数据模型中的表
  • Connect the tables to establish their relationships similar to how you would in a SQL Server database diagram
  • 将表连接起来,以建立类似于SQL Server数据库图中的关系。
  • If you have compound keys, you can create calculated columns to act as surrogate keys, as the PowerPivot data model does not support keys using multiple columns
  • 如果有复合键,可以创建计算的列作为代理键,因为PowerPivot数据模型不支持使用多个列的键

At this point the relational model is fully represented in Excel and it is possible to create pivot tables or even dashboard style PowerView reports that leverage both the data and the relationships. While I agree with the accepted answer in terms of meeting customer expectations, this approach is one possible answer when the customer really does need the data exported with the relationships maintained.




it is almost certainly a specific report or listing that will solve what is being asked for.


either make one up from an overall summary perspective and show it, and then start the discussion of what it is they really wanted, or just start the discussion - which is harder since most non technical people can show you what they don't like on something that exists more easily than describe what they do like on a blank sheet of paper.




A simple drill down report, that is easy for you to create might be good. just like how Ruby on Rails create a simple CRUD app, similar tool should exist that is a few clicks and then you get a web based drill down report.

一个简单的下钻报告,对您来说很容易创建,这可能是好的。就像Ruby on Rails如何创建一个简单的CRUD应用程序一样,类似的工具应该存在,只需单击几下,就会得到基于web的钻取报告。



You have no other choice but do it. I did a lot of implementations and every time customers asked for export/import from excel. In fact they will not take you seriously if the application does not provide this kind of functionality. They will go somewhere else. So all you need to do is accept the fact and sort it out.


Export to excel is tricky and unfortunately solutions provided by Microsoft (SSIS) give funny results and lack formatting options. However it is possible (All our applications work correctly with Excel)

导出到excel非常棘手,不幸的是,Microsoft (SSIS)提供的解决方案提供了有趣的结果,并且缺乏格式化选项。但是这是可能的(我们所有的应用程序都可以使用Excel)